Module:Sports series/styles.css explained

/* Base styles for sports series table */.sports-series

/* Collapsible style */

/* Centering style */

/* Nowrap the entire table when |nowrap=y */.sports-series[data-nowrap="y"]

/* Nowrap the column headers when |nowrap= is not set */.sports-series[data-nowrap="n"] th

/* Align the team1 column header and rows to the right */.sports-series tr:not(.title-row) th:first-child,.sports-series tr:not(.heading-row) td:first-child

/* Align the team2 column header and rows to the left */.sports-series th:nth-child(3),.sports-series td:nth-child(3)

/* Auto apply nowrap to the aggregate/leg score cells when |nowrap= is not set */.sports-series[data-nowrap="n"] td:nth-child(2),.sports-series[data-nowrap="n"] td:nth-child(n+4)

/* Allow wrapping for specific cells with too much text */.sports-series td:nth-child(2).allow-wrap,.sports-series td:nth-child(n+4).allow-wrap

/* Background colors for specifc cell styles */.sports-series .winner .sports-series .draw .sports-series .fbr-home-win .sports-series .fbr-away-win .sports-series .heading-row .sports-series .solid-cell

/* Styling for small score text */.sports-series-small

/* Styling for the table footer/notes */.sports-series-notes

/* Styling for hidden refs when |note_list=n */.sports-series-hidden