Module:SimpleDebug explained

--2020-06-16 fix error when vtos(nil), then it showed two nil--2020-06-08 if a variable is a function now is displayed as function (before "function")--2020-06-06 fix error which occasionally happens when a value

nillocal p =

p.s = = p.dec = -1p.maxlines = p.enabled = truep.nowiki = falsep.nohtml = falsep._plaintext = falsep.counter = false

local LinCount = 0local vep = '  •  'local function MessRaised (n) return '\n\nIt has been reached to '..n..', you can change this limit with "maxlines.num".'end local function arrow return ' => 'end

function p.breakline LinCount = LinCount + 1 p.s = p.s..'\n\n' if p.counter then p.s = p.s..LinCount..vep end if (LinCount > p.maxlines.num) and p.maxlines.doerror then = p.s..MessRaised(p.maxlines.num) error (p.s,0) end end --breakline

local function CheckWhereName (wn, what) if wn

nil then return '"'..what..'"

nil' elseif (type(wn)

"table") then return 'Table as "'..what..'"!' else return wn end end --CheckWhereName

function p._plain (text) --Modified from "Module:Plain text" if not text then return end text = mw.text.killMarkers(text) :gsub(' ', ' ') --replace nbsp spaces with regular spaces :gsub('
', ', ') --replace br with commas :gsub('

(.-)', '%1') --remove spans while keeping text inside :gsub('(.-)', '%1') --remove bold while keeping text inside :gsub('(.-)', '%1') --remove italic while keeping text inside :gsub('(.-)', '%1') --remove bold while keeping text inside :gsub('(.-)', '%1') --remove bold while keeping text inside :gsub('<.->.-<.->', ) --strip out remaining tags and the text inside :gsub('<.->', ) --remove any other tag markup :gsub('%[%[%s*[Ff]ile%s*:.-%]%]', ) --strip out files :gsub('%[%[%s*[Ii]mage%s*:.-%]%]', ) --strip out use of image: :gsub('%[%[%s*[Cc]ategory%s*:.-%]%]', ) --strip out categories :gsub('%[%[[^%]]-|', ) --strip out piped link text :gsub('[%[%]]', ) --then strip out remaining [and ] :gsub("", "") --strip out bold italic markup :gsub("?", "") --not stripping out ' gives correct output for bolded text in quotes :gsub('----', ) --remove ---- lines :gsub("^%s+", "") --strip leading :gsub("%s+$", "") --and trailing spaces :gsub("%s+", " ") --strip redundant spaces return textend --plain

function p._plain_len (text) return mw.ustring.len (p._plain(text))end function p.plain (frame) return p._plain (frame.args[1])end

function p.plain_len (frame) return p._plain_len (frame.args[1])end

local function totext (text) if p._plaintext then return p._plain (text) else return text end end --totext

local function NumToStr (N) if (p.dec

-1) or (N

math.floor(N)) then return tostring(N) else return tostring (math.floor ((N*10^p.dec)+0.5) / (10^p.dec)) end end --NumToStr

local iniTab1Line = truefunction p.containsTab (avar) local result = false for k,v in pairs(avar) do if type(v)

'table' then result = true break end end return resultend --containsTab

local var local function DumTab (tbl, indent) if not indent then indent = 1 end local toprint = " " return toprintend --DumTab

function var (avar) local EndStr = if avar

nil then EndStr = 'nil' elseif type(avar)

'table' then if #avar > 0 then p.s = p.s..'\r\n' end if then local wds = ' ' else EndStr = DumTab (avar) end elseif type(avar)

'number' then EndStr = NumToStr (avar) elseif type(avar)

'boolean' then if avar

true then EndStr = 'true' else EndStr = 'false' end elseif type(avar)

'function' then EndStr = 'function' else avar = totext (tostring(avar)) if p.nohtml then avar = string.gsub (avar, "<", "⪡") avar = string.gsub (avar, ">", "⪢") end EndStr = '"'..avar..'"' end return EndStrend --var

function p.w (where) if p.enabled then return CheckWhereName (where, 'w') end end --w

local function varx (avar) iniTab1Line = if and (type(avar)

'table') then = not p.containsTab(avar) end local ss = var(avar) = iniTab1Line return ssend --varx

function p.v (...) if p.enabled then local str = if #arg

0 then str = 'nil' else local c = 0 for k, i in ipairs(arg) do c = k end --error (c) for i = 1, #arg do if str ~= then str = str..vep end str = str..varx(arg[i]) end end return str end end --v

function p.wv (where, ...) if p.enabled then return CheckWhereName(where,'w')..arrow..p.v(unpack(arg)) end end --wv

function p.nv (...) if p.enabled then if math.mod(#arg,2) ~= 0 then EndStr = 'Any parameter has not a name or variable' else local s = local IsName = true function Concat(wds) if s ~= then if IsName then s = s..vep else s = s..': ' end end s = s..wds end for i = 1, #arg do if IsName then Concat (CheckWhereName(arg[i],'n')) IsName = false else Concat (varx(arg[i])) IsName = true end end EndStr = s end return EndStr end end --nv

function p.wnv (where, ...) if p.enabled then return CheckWhereName(where,'w')..arrow..p.nv (unpack(arg)) end end


local function EnabAndBl if p.enabled then if LinCount < p.maxlines.num then p.breakline return true else p.s = p.s..MessRaised(p.maxlines.num) error (p.s) return false end else return false endend --EnabAndBl

function p.wtos (where) if EnabAndBl then p.s = p.s..p.w (where) end end --wtos

function p.vtos (...) if EnabAndBl then local end_nil_count = arg["n"] - #arg p.s = p.s..p.v (unpack(arg)) if #arg

0 then end_nil_count = end_nil_count-1 end for i = 1, end_nil_count do p.s = p.s..vep..'nil' end end end --vtos

function p.wvtos (where, ...) if EnabAndBl then p.s = p.s..p.wv (where,unpack(arg)) end end --wvtos

function p.nvtos (...) if EnabAndBl then local end_nil_count = arg["n"] - #arg if end_nil_count > 0 then for i = 1, arg["n"] do if math.mod(i,2) ~= 0 then p.s = p.s..arg[i]..': ' else p.s = p.s..p.v(arg[i]) if i < arg["n"] then p.s = p.s..vep end end end else p.s = p.s..p.nv (unpack(arg)) end end end --nvtos

function p.wnvtos (where, ...) if EnabAndBl then local end_nil_count = arg["n"] - #arg if end_nil_count > 0 then p.s = p.s..where..arrow for i = 1, arg["n"] do if math.mod(i,2) ~= 0 then p.s = p.s..arg[i]..': ' else p.s = p.s..p.v(arg[i]) if i < arg["n"] then p.s = p.s..vep end end end else p.s = p.s..p.wnv (where, unpack(arg)) end end end --wnvtos

return p