local INDEX_MODULE = 'Module:Signpost/index'local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguagelocal libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')local checkType = libraryUtil.checkTypelocal checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article class--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local Article = Article.__index = Article
Article.rowMethods =
function Article.new(data) local self = setmetatable(Article) self.data = data self.matchedTags = return selfend
function Article:getSortKey return self.data.sortKeyend
function Article:getPage return self.data.pageend
function Article:getDate return self.data.dateend
function Article:getTitle return self.data.titleend
function Article:getSubpage return self.data.subpageend
function Article:getAuthors return self.data.authorsend
function Article:getFragment local fragment = self:getMatchedTags[1] if fragment then return mw.uri.anchorEncode(fragment) endend
function Article:getFullPage local page = self:getPage local fragment = self:getFragment if fragment then return page .. '#' .. fragment else return page endend
function Article:addMatchedTag(tag) table.insert(self.matchedTags, tag)end
function Article:getMatchedTags table.sort(self.matchedTags) return self.matchedTagsend
function Article:hasAllTags(t) local tags = self.data.tags for i, testTag in ipairs(t) do local hasTag = false for j, tag in ipairs(tags) do if tag
function Article:makeRowArgs local methods = self.rowMethods local args = setmetatable return argsend
function Article:renderTemplate(template, frame) frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame local args = for key, method in pairs(self.rowMethods) do args[key] = self[method](self) end return frame:expandTemplateend
function Article:renderFormat(format) local args = self:makeRowArgs(articleObj) local ret = format:gsub('(%$)', function (match, key) return args[key] or match end) return retend
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List class--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local List = List.__index = List
function List.new(options) checkType('List.new', 1, options, 'table') checkTypeForNamedArg('List.new', 'args', options.args, 'table', true) local self = setmetatable(List) self.index = options.index or mw.loadData(INDEX_MODULE) self.frame = options.frame or mw.getCurrentFrame local args = options.args or
-- Set output formats if not options.suppressFormatErrors and args.rowtemplate and args.rowformat then error("you cannot use both the 'rowtemplate' and the 'rowformat' arguments", 2) elseif not options.suppressFormatErrors and not args.rowtemplate and not args.rowformat then error("you must use either the 'rowtemplate' or the 'rowformat' argument", 2) else self.rowtemplate = args.rowtemplate self.rowformat = args.rowformat end if args.rowseparator
-- Static methods
function List.normalizeDate(date) if not date then return nil end return lang:formatDate('Y-m-d', date)end
-- Normal methods
function List:parseTagString(s) local ret =
-- Remove whitespace and punctuation for i, tag in ipairs(mw.text.split(s, ',')) do tag = mw.ustring.gsub(tag, '[%s%p]', ) if tag ~= then tag = mw.ustring.lower(tag) table.insert(ret, tag) end end
-- Resolve aliases for i, tag in ipairs(ret) do ret[i] = self.index.aliases[tag] or tag end -- Remove duplicates local function removeDuplicates(t) local vals, ret =, for i, val in ipairs(t) do vals[val] = true end for val in pairs(vals) do table.insert(ret, val) end table.sort(ret) return ret end ret = removeDuplicates(ret)
return retend
function List:getPageArticle(page) local data = self.index.pages[page] if data then return Article.new(data) endend
function List:getDateArticles(date) date = self.normalizeDate(date) local dates = self.index.dates[date] local ret = if dates then for i, data in ipairs(dates) do ret[i] = Article.new(data) end end return retend
function List:getTagArticles(s, tagMatch) if not s then return nil end local tagIndex = self.index.tags local ret, pages =, local tags = self:parseTagString(s) for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do local dataArray = tagIndex[tag] if dataArray then for i, data in ipairs(dataArray) do local obj = Article.new(data) -- Make sure we only have one object per page. if pages[obj:getPage] then obj = pages[obj:getPage] else pages[obj:getPage] = obj end -- Record which tag we matched. obj:addMatchedTag(tag) end end end for page, obj in pairs(pages) do if not tagMatch or tagMatch
'all' and obj:hasAllTags(tags) then table.insert(ret, obj) end end return retend
function List:getAllArticles local ret = for i, data in ipairs(self.index.list) do ret[i] = Article.new(data) end return retend
function List:getArticleCount return #self.articlesend
function List:filterArticlesByDate(startDate, endDate) startDate = self.normalizeDate(startDate) or '2005-01-01' endDate = self.normalizeDate(endDate) or lang:formatDate('Y-m-d') local ret = for i, article in ipairs(self.articles) do local date = article:getDate if startDate <= date and date <= endDate then table.insert(ret, article) end end self.articles = retend
function List:filterArticlesByAuthor(targetAuthor) if not targetAuthor then return end local ret = for i, article in ipairs(self.articles) do for j, author in ipairs(article:getAuthors) do if author
function List:sortArticles(direction, field) local accessor if not field or field
'page' then accessor = function (article) return article:getPage end elseif field
'ascending' then sortFunc = function (a, b) return accessor(a) < accessor(b) end elseif direction
function List:limitArticleCount(start, limit) local ret = for i, article in ipairs(self.articles) do if limit and #ret >= limit then break end if not start or i > start then table.insert(ret, article) end end self.articles = retend
function List:renderRow(articleObj) if self.rowtemplate then return articleObj:renderTemplate(self.rowtemplate, self.frame) elseif self.rowformat then return articleObj:renderFormat(self.rowformat) else error('neither rowtemplate nor rowformat were specified') endend
function List:__tostring local ret = for i, obj in ipairs(self.articles) do table.insert(ret, self:renderRow(obj)) end if #ret < 1 then return self.noarticles or '
' .. 'No articles found for the arguments specified' else return table.concat(ret, self.rowseparator) endend---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exports--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local p =
local function makeInvokeFunc(func) return function (frame, index) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame,) return func(args, index) endend
function p._exportClasses return end
function p._count(args, index) local list = List.new return list:getArticleCountend
p.count = makeInvokeFunc(p._count)
function p._main(args, index) return tostring(List.new)end
p.main = makeInvokeFunc(p._main)
return p