Module:Section link/doc explained

This module creates links to sections, nicely formatted with the "ยง" symbol instead of the default "#".


From wikitext

From wikitext, this module should be used via the template . Please see the template page for documentation.

From Lua

First, load the module:

local mSectionLink = require('Module:Section link')

You can then make section links via the _main function.

mSectionLink._main(page, sections, options, title)


All parameters are optional.


Lua codeWikitext codeResult
<nowiki>{{section link|Paris}}</nowiki>
<nowiki>{{section link|Paris|Architecture}}</nowiki>| |-| | <nowiki>{{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture}}</nowiki>
<nowiki>{{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture|Sport}}</nowiki>| |-| | <nowiki>{{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture|Sport|nopage=yes}}</nowiki>| |}

See also

  • The character used is