Module:Sandbox/trappist the monk/langx tfd list compare explained

require ('strict');


local new_search_list_t =

----------------------------< M A I N _ L I S T _ T >--------------------------------------------------------

initial tfd list plus First Addendum and Second Addendum

local tfd_list_t =

----------------------------< M A I N >----------------------------------------------------------------------

local function main local in_new_search_but_not_listed_t = ; local listed_but_not_in_new_search_t = ; for current, _ in pairs (new_search_list_t) do if not tfd_list_t[current] then table.insert (in_new_search_but_not_listed_t, current); end end for known, _ in pairs (tfd_list_t) do if not new_search_list_t[known] then table.insert (listed_but_not_in_new_search_t, known); end end table.sort (in_new_search_but_not_listed_t); table.sort (listed_but_not_in_new_search_t); return 'listed_but_not_in_new_search: ' .. mw.dumpObject (listed_but_not_in_new_search_t) .. '\n\n' .. 'in_new_search_but_not_listed: ' .. mw.dumpObject (in_new_search_but_not_listed_t);end

----------------------------< E X P O R T S >----------------------------------------------------------------
