Module:Sandbox/trappist the monk/airports convert explained


local function main local master = mw.loadData ("Module:Sandbox/trappist_the_monk/airports_convert/data")local _master = master._master

local out = ;local result = ;local cc_list =; for _, airport in ipairs (_master) do -- for each airport table in _master if not out[airport[1]] then -- if out does not have a table for the continent out[airport[1]] = ; -- make one end if not out[airport[1]][airport[2]] then -- if the continent table does not have a table for the country out[airport[1]][airport[2]] = -- make one end table.insert (out[airport[1]][airport[2]],); end

table.insert (result, '

master = {<br />')								-- open master table
	table.insert (cc_list, '<pre>master = {<br />')								-- open master table
	for continent_key, continent_table in pairs (out) do						-- for each continent table in out{}
		table.insert (result, table.concat ({'&#9;[\'', continent_key, '\'] = {<br />'}))			-- write the index
		table.insert (cc_list, table.concat ({'&#9;[\'', continent_key, '\'] = {<br />'}))			-- write the index
		for country_key, country_table in pairs (continent_table) do								-- for each country in continent_table{}
			table.insert (result, table.concat ({'&#9;&#9;[\'', country_key, '\'] = {<br />'}));	-- write the country index
			table.insert (cc_list, table.concat ({'&#9;&#9;[\'', country_key, '\'],'}));	-- write the country index
			for _, airport in ipairs (country_table) do												-- for each airport in country_table{}
				local airport_table = {}															-- create airport tables
				for i, v in ipairs (airport) do														-- extract items from the airport table
					local item;
					if (3 > i) and ('' == v) then													-- for IATA and ICAO codes
						item = table.concat ({'&#39;&#39;', string.rep (' ', i+2)});				-- add enough spaces to make the tables pretty
						item = table.concat ({'&#39;', v, '&#39;'})									-- numeric character entities to prevent empty string from being treated as italic markup
					table.insert (airport_table, item);												-- add the item to the airport table
				table.insert (result, table.concat ({'&#9;&#9;&#9;{', table.concat (airport_table, ', '), '},<br />'}))	-- add the airport table to the country table
			table.insert (result, '&#9;&#9;&#9;},<br />');						-- close country table
			table.insert (cc_list, '<br />');									-- close country table
		table.insert (result, '&#9;&#9;},<br />');								-- close continnent table
		table.insert (cc_list, '&#9;&#9;},<br />');										-- close continnent table
	table.insert (result, '&#9;};

'); -- close master table table.insert (cc_list, ' };
'); -- close master table

return table.concat ('

'); -- put it all together and doneend


local function duplicate_check local master = mw.loadData ("Module:IATA_and_ICAO_code/data/sandbox")local iata_count_table = ;local icao_count_table = ;

local _master = master._master

local iata = local icao =

for continent_key, continent_table in pairs (_master) do -- for each continent table in _master for country_key, country_table in pairs (continent_table) do -- for each country in continent_table for i, airport in ipairs (country_table) do -- for each airport table in country_table if ~= airport[1] then if not iata[airport[1]] then iata[airport[1]] = 1; -- state that this is the first time we've seen this code else iata[airport[1]] = iata[airport[1]] + 1; -- bump the count for this code end end if ~= airport[2] then if not icao[airport[2]] then icao[airport[2]] = 1; -- state that this is the first time we've seen this code else icao[airport[2]] = icao[airport[2]] + 1; -- bump the count for this code end end end end end

for k, v in pairs (iata) do if 1 < v then table.insert (iata_count_table, table.concat) end end

for k, v in pairs (icao) do if 1 < v then table.insert (icao_count_table, table.concat) end end local iata_msg = ; -- error messages go here local icao_msg = ;

if 0 ~= #iata_count_table then iata_msg = make_err_msg (err_msg['extra_iata'], table.concat (iata_count_table, ', '))-- iata_msg = table.concat end if 0 ~= #icao_count_table then icao_msg = make_err_msg (err_msg['extra_iata'], table.concat (icao_count_table, ', '))-- icao_msg = table.concat end if (0 ~= #iata_count_table) or (0 ~= #icao_count_table) then -- TODO find a better way of doing this return table.concat end return 'ok';end

