-- (Vitosmo Google Code-in, Introduction to Lua in Wikipedia)
-- ________________ older code _________________________________
-- For unit tests, see local p = --p stands for package
local i = ;
function p.helloAlt(frame) return "Hello, world!"end
function p.zivjo(frame) return "zivjo, svet!"end
function p.HelloArg(frame) return frame.args[1]end
function p.getTitle(fname)
return fname.args[1].getCurrentTitle
-- local pTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle
-- return pTitle:getContentend
--____________ end of older code __
-- Vitosmo Google Code-in, Task 2.
function p.hello(frame) return "Hello, world!"end
-- Vitosmo Google Code-in, Task 3.function temperature(celsius) cel = frame.args.celsius fah = cel*9 / 5 + 32 return cel.."degrees Celsius is "..fah.." degrees Fahrenheit"end
return p