Module:Sandbox/Tom.Reding/Tools Explained

local p =

function p.fmttimestamp(frame) local ts = frame.args[1] or '00000000000000' --20190201223349 local y = string.sub(ts,1,4) local mo = string.sub(ts,5,6) local d = string.sub(ts,7,8) local h = string.sub(ts,9,10) local mi = string.sub(ts,11,12) local s = string.sub(ts,13,14) return y..'-''-'..d..'T'..h..':'..mi..':'..s --ISO 8601 format without time zone designatorend

function p.instanceOfs(frame)-- returns the 'instance of'(s) (P31) of the WP page passed-- good for finding exceptions in local tab = ' ' local resolveEntity = require('Module:ResolveEntityId') local title = frame.args[1] local qid = resolveEntity._id(title) local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) if item then local tInstanceOfs = for i, instanceOfState in pairs (item:getBestStatements('P31')) do --instance of local instanceOf = --'Q...'-- local instanceOfLabel = mw.wikibase.getLabel(instanceOf) or 'nil' --plain English tInstanceOfs[#tInstanceOfs + 1] = '' end if not tInstanceOfs[1] then tInstanceOfs = end return ''..title..''''..qid..'''instance of: '..table.concat(tInstanceOfs, ', ')..'
' else return ''..title..'''no QID found
' endend

function p.istaxon(frame)-- climbs the taxon tree until a description is found-- prefix 'c' = child, 'p' = parent-- output: cSitelink or cQID cQID (cI/O lbl) pDescription: -- ex: Orthalicus nobilis Q16521 (taxon) Q7432 species genus of molluscs: mollusc local resolveEntity = require('Module:ResolveEntityId') local title = frame.args[1] local qid = resolveEntity._id(title) local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) local acceptableInstanceOf = local allowNonTaxons = false --if false (default), display '(not a taxon)'; local otherInstanceOf = local tab = ' ' if item then --find child's rank local childRank, childRankLabel, species = nil local childRankState = item:getBestStatements('P105')[1] --taxon rank if childRankState then if childRankState.mainsnak.datavalue then childRank = childRankLabel = mw.wikibase.getLabel(childRank) local speciesRanks = if speciesRanks[childRank] then species = 'species' --used later as a boolean end else childRank = 'missing taxon rank value' childRankLabel = '-' end end --find parent's description; if nil, search grandparent, etc., etc. local ancestorItem = item --initialize to child local bothDescriptionsFmtd = --parent's raw descrip + child's new suggested descrip local parentDescription = nil local newChildDescription = nil local oldChildDescription = item:getDescription --different output if nil vs present if oldChildDescription

nil then while bothDescriptionsFmtd do local parentState = ancestorItem:getBestStatements('P171')[1] --parent taxon if parentState then local parentId = if parentId then parentDescription = mw.wikibase.getDescription(parentId) if parentDescription then local trim = mw.ustring.gsub(parentDescription, '^[%w%s%(%)%-,]-%s+of%s+', ) --trim to first ' of ' to remove taxon rank/monotypic if species then --remove 's' semi-liberally trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '^([%w]+[^s])s([, ])', '%1%2') --birdS that ...; plantS, guava trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '^([a-z]+[^s])s$', '%1') --birdS trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '([^a-zA-Z][a-z]+[^s])s$', '%1') --song and dance birdS trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '^([%w%-]+ [a-z]+[^s])s([, ])', '%1%2') --song birdS in ... trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 's %(fossil', ' (fossil') --birdS (fossil) -- trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 's %(', ' (') --turn off if too liberal trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 's of ', ' of ') --triasic birdS of the family... trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 's in the ', ' in the ') --triasic birdS in the family... trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '^bacteria', 'bacterium') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[^%w]bacteria', 'bacterium') --fix special cases trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'algae', 'alga') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'cactu(%f[\0, ])', 'cactus%1') --only way to combine rules with Lua's shitty regex; %f doesn't recognize [^s]... trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'cactuse(%f[\0, ])', 'cactus%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'carnivorou(%f[\0, ])', 'carnivorous%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'countrie(%f[\0, ])', 'countries%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'citru(%f[\0, ])', 'citrus%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'crocu(%f[\0, ])', 'crocus%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'deciduou(%f[\0, ])', 'deciduous%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[eE]delweis(%f[\0, ])', 'edelweiss%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'fishe(%f[\0, ])', 'fish%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'flightles(%f[\0, ])', 'flightless%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'fung[iu](%f[\0, ])', 'fungus%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[gG]enu(%f[\0, ])', 'genus%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[gG]ras(%f[\0, ])', 'grass%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[gG]rasse(%f[\0, ])', 'grass%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'herbaceou(%f[\0, ])', 'herbaceous%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'herbivorou(%f[\0, ])', 'herbivorous%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[iI]ri(%f[\0, ])', 'iris%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'leeche(%f[\0, ])', 'leech%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'loache(%f[\0, ])', 'loach%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'mos(%f[\0, ])', 'moss%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'mosse(%f[\0, ])', 'moss%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, '[sS]pecie(%f[\0, ])', 'species%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'venomou(%f[\0, ])', 'venomous%1') trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, 'viruse(%f[\0, ])', 'virus%1') end trim = mw.ustring.gsub(trim, ' %(fossil%)', ) --" (fossil)" restored later IIF instance of = fossil taxon type if trim

parentDescription then trim = end --nothing changed, so no need to duplicate it newChildDescription = trim --used 'trim' just b/c it's shorter bothDescriptionsFmtd = tab..''..parentDescription..':' else ancestorItem = mw.wikibase.getEntity(parentId) end else bothDescriptionFmtds = tab..'parent missing ID??' --probably not a valid falure mode, but jic... end else bothDescriptionsFmtd = tab..'no parent taxon/P171' end end --while end --if oldChildDescription

nil --test child for instance of: taxon local j = 0 for i, instanceOfState in pairs (item:getBestStatements('P31')) do --child's instance of local instanceOf = if acceptableInstanceOf[instanceOf] or (acceptableInstanceOf[instanceOf]

nil and otherInstanceOf[instanceOf] and allowNonTaxons

true) then --extinct/fossil handling in description local instanceOfLabel = mw.wikibase.getLabel(instanceOf) if oldChildDescription

nil then --only append ' (fossil)', when needed, to items missing descrip; --retroactively making existing descriptions match their 'instance of taxon rank' is a different/much larger job if instanceOfLabel

'fossil taxon' or instanceOfLabel

'monotypic fossil taxon' or instanceOfLabel

'ichnotaxon' then local childSaysFossil = string.match(newChildDescription, 'extinct') or string.match(newChildDescription, 'dinosaur') or string.match(newChildDescription, 'fossil') if childSaysFossil

nil then newChildDescription = newChildDescription..' (fossil)' --housekeeping bothDescriptionsFmtd = bothDescriptionsFmtd..' (fossil)' --goes to output end end else bothDescriptionsFmtd = tab..'-''child has description: '..oldChildDescription end --output for successful items local title_qid = ''..title..''''..qid..'' if childRank

nil then childRank = 'UNRANKED' end if childRankLabel

nil then if childRank

'UNRANKED' then childRankLabel = 'UNRANKED' else childRankLabel = 'MISSING LABEL' end end local cRank_cLabel_pDescrip = if instanceOfLabel

'taxon' then return'('..instanceOfLabel..')' elseif instanceOfLabel

'monotypic taxon' then --force 'Q16521' output (taxon) return'Q16521''('..instanceOfLabel..')' elseif instanceOfLabel

'monotypic fossil taxon' then --force 'Q23038290' output (fossil taxon) return'Q23038290''('..instanceOfLabel..')' else --ichno or polytypic fossil return'('..instanceOfLabel..')' end end j = i end --for child's instance ofs --output for failed items if j > 0 then return ''..title..''''..qid..'''instanceOf:''(not a taxon)' else return ''..title..''''..qid..'''instanceOf:''(not a taxon? no instanceOf)' end else --output for failed items if qid then return ''..title..''''..qid..'''item''(not a taxon? item lookup failed)' else return ''..title.. '''Q#''not on Wikidata OR no sitelink' end endend

function p.getTaxonRank(frame) local resolveEntity = require('Module:ResolveEntityId') local title = frame.args[1] local qid = resolveEntity._id(title) local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) local taxonRanks = if qid then if item then local tab = ' ' local rankState = item:getBestStatements('P105')[1] --taxon rank if rankState then local rank = if rank then if taxonRanks[rank] then return taxonRanks[rank] else return rank end else return 'No rank found' end else return 'rankState not found' end else return 'Item not found' end else return 'QID not found' endend

function p.getSDs(frame) local pn = frame.args[1] local showR = frame.args[2] local wp = p.getSd(frame) local wd = p.getWdSd(frame) local dab_dne = 'dab_dne' local pn_dab = pn..' (disambiguation)' local pn_dab_result = dab_dne local pn_dab_content = or nil if pn_dab_content then pn_dab_result = ''..pn_dab..'' end local info = '# '' - '..pn_dab_result..' - '..wp..'; '..wd if wp

'wp_sd_dne' and wd

'wd_sd_dne' then local R = p.isR(frame) if R then local R_content = or local R_target = mw.ustring.match(R_content, '^%s*#[Rr][Ee][Dd][Ii][Rr][Ee][Cc][Tt]%s*%[%[(.-)%]%]') or if R_target ~= then local R_pn = R_target frame.args[1] = R_pn local R_wp = p.getSd(frame) local R_wd = p.getWdSd(frame) local R_pn_dab = R_pn..' (disambiguation)' local R_pn_dab_result = dab_dne local R_pn_dab_content = or nil if R_pn_dab_content then R_pn_dab_result = ''..R_pn_dab..'' end local R_sds = R_wp..'; '..R_wd local R_info = '## '..R_pn..' - '..R_pn_dab_result..' - '..R_sds info = info..' → '..R_sds if (showR) then info = info..'\n'..R_info..' → ' end return info else return info..' (malformed #R)' end end end return infoend

function p.getWdSd(frame) local pn = frame.args[1] local args = local sd = frame:expandTemplate if sd

then sd = 'wd_sd_dne' end return mw.text.trim(sd)end

function p.getSd(frame) local pn = frame.args[1] local content = or local sd = mw.ustring.match(content, '') or mw.ustring.match(content, '') or mw.ustring.match(content, '') or 'wp_sd_dne' return mw.text.trim(sd)end

function p.isR(frame) local pn = frame.args[1] local title = return title.isRedirectend

return p