Module:Sandbox/Nyoron/revisionuser explained


local function err(message) return mw.ustring.format("

Error: %s", message)end

local function isTrue(x) if type(x)

'boolean' then return x end if type(x)

'number' then if x

0 then return false else return true end end if type(x)

'string' then x = mw.ustring.lower(x) if x

't' or x

'true' or x

'y'or x

'yes' or x

'on' then return true end n = tonumber(x) if n then if n

0 then return false else return true end end end return falseend

p.REVISIONUSER = function(frame) local pageName = frame.args[1] or nil local ignore_errors = frame.args.ignore_errors or false -- args[1] is blank if pageName

nil or pageName

"" then -- with no colon return frame:preprocess("") end -- args[1] is not blank pageTitle = if pageTitle.exists then -- with colon return frame:preprocess("") end -- you may want try relative path if mw.ustring.sub(pageName,1,1)

'/' then local fullpageName = frame:preprocess("") local pageTitle = .. pageName) if pageTitle.exists then return frame:preprocess("") end end -- The pageTitle does not exist if isTrue(ignore_errors) then return "" end return err("The page [" .. pageTitle.prefixedText .. "] does not exist.")end

return p