Module:Sandbox/MJL/CS1/Configuration explained


local uncategorized_namespaces = ;local uncategorized_subpages = ; -- list of Lua patterns found in page names of pages we should not categorize

----------------------------< M E S S A G E S >--------------------------------------------------------------

Translation table

The following contains fixed text that may be output as part of a citation.This is separated from the main body to aid in future translations of thismodule.

local messages =

--[=[-------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >-------------------------------------------------- This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in name text (author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message. ]=]

local et_al_patterns =

----------------------------< E D I T O R _ M A R K U P _ P A T T E R N S >----------------------------------

This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "ed" and variants in name text(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the'extra_text_names' message. (It is not the only series of patterns for this message.)

local editor_markup_patterns =