Module:Sandbox/MJL/ACRedirect explained

--Just smashing things togetherrequire('strict');

local p = ;

local ac = require('Module:Authority control');

local rt = require('Module:Redirect template');

local function renderMainTable local tbl = mw.html.create('table') :addClass('nowraplinks') :addClass('hlist')

tbl:css('border-spacing', 0) if border

'subgroup' or border

'none' then tbl :addClass('navbox-subgroup') :cssText(args.bodystyle) :cssText( else -- regular navbox - bodystyle and style will be applied to the wrapper table tbl :addClass('navbox-inner') :css('background', 'transparent') :css('color', 'inherit') end tbl:cssText(args.innerstyle)

renderTitleRow(tbl) renderAboveRow(tbl) for i, listnum in ipairs(listnums) do renderListRow(tbl, i, listnum) end renderBelowRow(tbl)

return tblend

function p.newTable(navboxArgs) listnums =

for k, _ in pairs(args) do if type(k)

'string' then local listnum = k:match('^list(%d+)$') if listnum then table.insert(listnums, tonumber(listnum)) end end end table.sort(listnums)

border = mw.text.trim(args.border or args[1] or ) if border

'child' then border = 'subgroup' end

-- render the main body of the navbox local tbl = renderMainTable

-- render the appropriate wrapper around the navbox, depending on the border param local res = mw.html.create if border

'none' then local nav = res:tag('div') :attr('role', 'navigation') :node(tbl) -- aria-labelledby title, otherwise above, otherwise lone group if args.title or args.above or (args.group1 and not args.group2) then nav:attr('aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.title or args.above or args.group1)) else nav:attr('aria-label', 'Navbox') end elseif border

'subgroup' then -- We assume that this navbox is being rendered in a list cell of a parent navbox, and is -- therefore inside a div with padding:0em 0.25em. We start with a

to avoid the -- padding being applied, and at the end add a

to balance out the parent's

res :wikitext('') :node(tbl) :wikitext('

') else local nav = res:tag('div') :attr('role', 'navigation') :addClass('navbox') :addClass(args.navboxclass) :cssText(args.bodystyle) :cssText( :css('padding', '3px') :node(tbl) -- aria-labelledby title, otherwise above, otherwise lone group if args.title or args.above or (args.group1 and not args.group2) then nav:attr('aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.title or args.above or args.group1)) else nav:attr('aria-label', 'Navbox') end end

if (args.nocat or 'false'):lower

'false' then renderTrackingCategories(res) end return striped(tostring(res))end

function p.main(frame) local resolveEntity = require('Module:ResolveEntityId') local parentArgs = frame:getParent.args --WD IDs added here later local iParentArgs = 0 --count original/manual parent args only later local worldcatCat = local multipleIdCat = local suppressedIdCat = local deprecatedIdCat = local differentOnWDCat = local sameOnWDCat = --Redirect aliases to proper parameter names for _, a in pairs(ac.aliases) do local alias, param = a[1], a[2] if (parentArgs[param]

nil or parentArgs[param]

) and parentArgs[alias] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[alias] end end --Redirect deprecated parameters to proper parameter names, and assign tracking cat for _, d in pairs(ac.deprecated) do local dep, param = d[1], d[2] if (parentArgs[param]

nil or parentArgs[param]

) and parentArgs[dep] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[dep] if namespace

0 then deprecatedIdCat = '' end end end --Use QID= parameter for testing/example purposes only local itemId = nil if namespace ~= 0 then local qid = parentArgs['qid'] or parentArgs['QID'] if qid then itemId = 'Q', '^[Qq]', ) itemId = resolveEntity._id(itemId) --nil if unresolvable end else itemId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage end --Wikidata fallback if available if itemId then local iMatches = 0 for _, params in ipairs(ac.conf) do if params[2] > 0 then local val = parentArgs[mw.ustring.lower(params[1])] or parentArgs[params[1]] if val

nil or val

then local wikidataIds = ac.getIdsFromWikidata(itemId, 'P'..params[2]) if wikidataIds[1] then if val

and (namespace

0 or testcases) then suppressedIdCat = '' else parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1] --add ID from WD end end else iParentArgs = iParentArgs + 1 local wikidataIds = ac.getIdsFromWikidata(itemId, 'P'..params[2]) if wikidataIds[1] and differentOnWDCat

then local bMatch = false for _, wd in pairs(wikidataIds) do if val

wd then iMatches = iMatches + 1 bMatch = true end end if bMatch

false then differentOnWDCat = '' end end end end end if iMatches > 0 and iMatches

iParentArgs then sameOnWDCat = '' end end --Configured rows local rct = 0 local sectionOrder = local sections = -- Don't show NLP is PLWABN is present, since they both go to the National Library of Poland -- and the library has deprecated NLP IDs in favor of PLWABN IDs if parentArgs.PLWABN or parentArgs.plwabn then parentArgs.NLP = parentArgs.nlp = end for _, params in ipairs(ac.conf) do local val = parentArgs[mw.ustring.lower(params[1])] or parentArgs[params[1]] local tval, tlinks =, --init tables if val and val ~= and type(params[3])

'function' then table.insert(tval, val) if params.prefix then table.insert(tlinks, params[3](val, '1')) else table.insert(tlinks, params[3](val)) end end --collect other unique vals (IDs) from WD, if present if itemId and tval[1] then local nextIdVal = 2 local wikidataIds = ac.getIdsFromWikidata(itemId, 'P'..params[2]) for _, v in pairs(wikidataIds) do local bnew = true for _, w in pairs(tval) do if v

w then bnew = false end end if bnew then table.insert(tval, v) table.insert(tlinks, params[3](v, tostring(nextIdVal))) nextIdVal = nextIdVal + 1 end end end --assemble if tval[1] then table.insert(sections[params[4]], ac.createRow(params[1], tval, nil, tlinks, true, params.category, params.prefix)) rct = rct + 1 if tval[2] then multipleIdCat = ac.getCatForId('multiple') end end end --WorldCat local worldcatId = parentArgs['worldcatid'] or parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] if worldcatId and worldcatId ~= then --if WORLDCATID present & unsuppressed table.insert(sections['General'], ac.createRow('WORLDCATID', worldcatId, ''PATH')..' WorldCat', nil, false)) --Validation? worldcatCat = ac.getCatForId('WORLDCATID') rct = rct + 1 elseif worldcatId

nil then --if WORLDCATID absent but unsuppressed local viafId = parentArgs['viaf'] or parentArgs['VIAF'] local lccnId = parentArgs['lccn'] or parentArgs['LCCN'] if viafId and viafId ~= and ac.viafLink(viafId) then --VIAF must be present, unsuppressed, & validated table.insert(sections['General'], ac.createRow('VIAF', viafId, 'WorldCat (via VIAF)', nil, false)) if namespace

0 then worldcatCat = '' end rct = rct + 1 elseif lccnId and lccnId ~= and ac.lccnLink(lccnId) then --LCCN must be present, unsuppressed, & validated local lccnParts = ac.splitLccn(lccnId) if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then local lccnIdFmtd = lccnParts[1]..lccnParts[2]..'-'..lccnParts[3] table.insert(sections['General'], ac.createRow('LCCN', lccnId, 'WorldCat (via Library of Congress)', nil, false)) if namespace

0 then worldcatCat = '' end end rct = rct + 1 end elseif worldcatId

then --if WORLDCATID suppressed suppressedIdCat = '' end local pencil = frame:expandTemplate; local titleAC = 'Authority control'..'

'..pencil..''; local namespaceCategories = rt.namespaceCategories; local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame,); local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle.namespace;

--- XXX: this is a HORRIBLE HACK. kill it with fire as soon as is fixed local beCompatibleWithBug12974 = and ('^[:;#*]', 1)

1 or'

', titleAC, p.newTable ) for k,v in pairs(namespaceCategories) do if args[k .. ' category'] then if type(v[1])

'function' and v[1](namespace) or v[1]

namespace then content = content .. string.format('', args[k .. ' category']) elseif args['other category'] then content = content .. string.format('', args['other category']) else content = content .. frame:expandTemplate end end end return contentend-- rt.main(frame)--end