Module:Sandbox/Luis150902/Test Explained

-- This is a metamodule for producing wikitext trees.

local p = ;local middleclass = require('Module:Middleclass').class;

local TreeNode = middleclass('TreeNode');

function TreeNode:initialize(object, options) self.children = ; self.object = object; self.options = options or ;end

function TreeNode:addChild(child, level) if type(child) ~= "table" then error(1); end self.children[child] = child:render(level)end

local function process(object, pairFunction) -- This function returns the node text to show for object, invoking -- pairFunction for the keys and values of the object. local metatable = getmetatable(object); if type(object) ~= "table" then return tostring(object); end if metatable and type(metatable.dissector)

"table" then return metatable.dissector:processObject(object, pairFunction); end if then return 'An instance of' ..; end local function counter local count = 0; for k, v in pairs(object) do pairFunction(k, v); count = count + 1; end return count; end local success, result = pcall(counter); if success then return 'A table with ' .. tostring(result) .. ' pairs'; end return 'A table with an unknown number of pairs';end

function TreeNode:render(level) if self.options.noRender then -- Options requested not to render, simply to return self. return self; end local pairFunction = function(k, v) self:addChild(TreeNode:new(v, options), (level or 0) + 1); end; local title = process(self.object, pairFunction); if options.nodeMaker then title = options.nodeMaker(title, level); else if options.indent and type(options.indent) ~= "number" then error(1); end local indent = options.indent or 30; title = tostring(mw.html.create('div') :css('padding-left', tostring(level * options.indent) .. 'px') :css('overflow', 'hidden') :css('white-space', 'nowrap')); end for child, renderingResult in pairs(self.children) do title = title .. '\n' .. renderingResult endend

function p.treeView(object, options) local metatable = getmetatable(object); if metatable.tree then return style(metatable.tree(object), options); end return TreeNode:new(object, options):render;end

return p