--Harry noob Google Code-in 2019, Lua Task 9
--date formatM= word monthm= number month
d/m/yy/m/dm/d/yd M yM d yy MM yy
local p = local log = mw.log
function p.canonicalDate(frame) local fmt = frame.args.format local text = frame.args.text local date, defaultFmt = p.parseDate(text) if not date then return "Invalid entry" end local formattedDate = p.formatDate(date, fmt, defaultFmt) local result = addPreSuffix(text, formattedDate) return resultend
function p.parseDate(text) local d, m, y, a, b, c, mName local mayMatch log("try to match y/m/d or d/m/y or m/d/y") a, b, c = string.match(text, "(%d+)[/%- ](%d+)[/%- ](%d+)") -- y/m/d or d/m/y or m/d/y log(a, b, c) mayMatch = a and b and c local possibleArrangement = mw.logObject(possibleArrangement, "possibleArrangement: ") for _, arrange in ipairs(possibleArrangement) do y, m, d = unpack(arrange) -- this is not python :(need to add unpack, destructing assignment doesnt works with table if isValidNumDate(y, m, d) then log("isValidNumDate passed 1") return mapToNum, "iso" end end if mayMatch then return nil end local monthShortNameToNum = local monthLongNameToNum = -- match long name first, and then short name local monthFound = false local start, stop for monthName, monthNum in pairs(monthLongNameToNum) do start, stop = text:lower:find(monthName) log("month for loop 1:", monthName, monthNum, start, stop) if start and stop then monthFound = true mName = text:sub(start, stop) -- ~= monthName,
"sept" then start, stop = text:lower:find("sept?") else start, stop = text:lower:find(monthName) end if start and stop then monthFound = true mName = text:sub(start, stop) -- ~= monthName,
-- y, m, d are string numberfunction isValidNumDate(y, m, d) log("isValidNumDate receive:", y, m, d) y, m, d = tonumber(y), tonumber(m), tonumber(d) local NOfDays = local result = y and m and d and 1 <= m and m <= 12 and (isLeap(y) and m
function isLeap(y) return y%4
function mapToNum(arr) mw.logObject(arr, "mapToNum receive arr:") for i, v in pairs(arr) do arr[i] = tonumber(v) end mw.logObject(arr, "mapToNum result arr:") return arrend
function p.formatDate(date, fmt, defaultFmt) local monthNames = local y, m, d = unpack(date) if (fmt or defaultFmt)
"dmy" then return ("%d %s %d"):format(d, monthNames[m], y) elseif (fmt or defaultFmt)
"my" then return ("%s %d"):format(monthNames[m], y) elseif (fmt or defaultFmt)
function addPreSuffix(text, dateStr) local aboutList = local suffixList = for i, word in ipairs(aboutList) do if text:lower:find(word) then dateStr = "circa " .. dateStr break end end for i, word in ipairs(suffixList) do if text:find(" " .. word) then dateStr = dateStr .. " " .. word break end end return dateStrend
return p