Module:Sandbox/Erutuon/Climate/doc explained


Exports a function that calculates the Köppen climate classification of monthly average temperature and precipitation data in degrees Celsius and millimeters, based on the formulas described in the Wikipedia article.


  • ,
  • Temperatures and precipitation figures (12, one per month), separated by any characters that are not digits (0-9), hyphen-minuses (-), or periods (.).
    Indicates that the data is from a location in the Southern Hemisphere. The default is the Northern Hemisphere. This is used to determine the high-sun and low-sun halves of the year.
  • Use -3 °C as the dividing line between C and D climates. The default is 0 °C.
  • Cold semi-arid and arid climates (last letter k) have mean annual temperatures below 18 °C. The default is that they have at least one month below 0 °C.
  • Dry-winter climates (last letter w) have more than 70% of precipitation in high-sun half of year. Default is that wettest summer month has ten times as much precipitation as driest winter month.
  • Examples