militaryDecorations = militaryDecorations.hello = function return "Hello, world from a LUA script"end
militaryDecorations.makeTemplate = function(frame) strOut = frame.args.pre and "
" or "" strOut = strOut .. "{|class='wikitable'\n" row = 1 col = 1 while frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-name"] or frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-ribbon"] do if row ~= 1 then strOut = strOut.."|-\n" end while frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-name"] or frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-ribbon"] do strOut = strOut.. "|{{Ribbon devices".. "|name=" ..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-name"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-name"] or "").. "|ribbon=" ..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-ribbon"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-ribbon"] or "").. "|number=" ..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-number"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-number"] or "").. "|type=" ..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-type"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-type"] or "").. "|other_device="..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-other_device"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-other_device"] or "").. "|alt=" ..(frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-desc"] and frame.args[row.."-"..col.."-desc"] or "").. "}}\n" col = col + 1 end col = 1 row = row + 1 end strOut = strOut.."|}\n" return strOut..(frame.args.pre and "" or "")end
return militaryDecorations