Module:Sandbox/AlphaZeta/test3 explained

--age|12 december 1975}}

Years between two dates Result will be in these forms: "87 år" "87 eller 88 år" (range if years without month or day give) "" (if error)

= date conversion

=Date to iso-datereturns: "1975-12-31"

Date to short datereturns: "31 dec 1975"

Date to long datereturns: "31 december 1975"

= date conversion with links

returns: "[31 december|31 dec] [1975]"

returns: "[31 december] [1975]"

returns: "[31 december|31 dec] [Konstår 1975|1975]"

returns: "[31 december] [Konstår 1975|1975]"

local main = ;local months_long=local months_short=

local useEkrFkr -- flag that "e.Kr." or "f.Kr." (ED/BC) was used on input string and so should also be used in outputlocal nbsp=' '

-- split string s into an arrayfunction split(s, delimiter) result = ; for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do table.insert(result, match); end return result;end

-- remove links from textlocal function removeLinks(text) text=string.gsub(text,"%[%[[^%[%]]-|([^%[%]|]-)%]%]","%1") -- link, text separated by "|". Handles case of File: when no alt= is specified, -assuming- last field is the legend text=string.gsub(text,"%[%[([^%[%]|]-)%]%]","%1") -- link with no funny |s at all return textend

-- remove trailing and leading whitespace from string.-- function trim(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))end

-- convert month from string to numberlocal function convertmonth(month) month = string.lower(month) for i, m in ipairs(months_long) do if m

month then return i end end for i, m in ipairs(months_short) do if m

month then return i end end return -1end

-- get max number of days in a monthlocal function daysInMonth(month) if month

2 then return 29 elseif month

4 or month

6 or month

9 or month

11 then return 30 else return 31 endend

-- takes 3 strings and returns a date object-- input:year="1999", month="12", day="31"-- output: or nil if date not validlocal function createDateObject(year,month,day,bc) local year=tonumber(year) if bc then year=-year end local month=tonumber(month) local day=tonumber(day) if year

nil or month

nil or day

nil then return nil end if month<0 or month >12 then return nil end if day<0 or day>daysInMonth(month) then return nil end return end

-- convert date string to date format-- input: a date string, example "1930 e.Kr." "1956-12-20" "12 dec 1940" "januari 2001"-- output: or nil if not validlocal function convertdate(date) local bc=false --negativ years date=removeLinks(date) date=trim(date) date=date:lower local pos pos=date:find('e%p?kr') if (pos~=nil) then useEkrFkr=true date=date:sub(1,pos-1) else pos=date:find('f%p?kr') if (pos~=nil) then useEkrFkr=true bc=true date=date:sub(1,pos-1) end end -- Check if date in numeric format (1999 or 1999-12 or 1999-12-31) if not string.match (date,"%a") then date=date:gsub(' ',) -- remove all spaces local datesplit=split(date, "-") local count=table.getn(datesplit) if count

1 then return createDateObject(datesplit[1],0,0,bc) end if count

2 then return createDateObject(datesplit[1],datesplit[2],0,bc) end if count

3 then return createDateObject(datesplit[1],datesplit[2],datesplit[3],bc) end return nil end

-- Date with written month, "31 dec(ember) 1999" or "dec(ember) 1999" date=string.gsub(date, "%s+", " ") local datesplit=split(date, " ") local count=table.getn(datesplit) if count

2 then return createDateObject(datesplit[2],convertmonth(datesplit[1]),0,bc) end if count

3 then return createDateObject(datesplit[3],convertmonth(datesplit[2]),datesplit[1],bc) end return nilend -- takes two date objects and returns number of years between them-- both dates must have year, month and daylocal function yearsBetweenDates(date1,date2) if date1.year>date2.year or (date1.year

date2.year and date1.month>date2.month) or (date1.year

date2.year and date1.month

date2.month and> then local tmp=date1 date1=date2 date2=tmp end local years=date2.year-date1.year if date1.month>date2.month or ((date1.month

date2.month) and> then years=years-1 end return yearsend

-- takes two date objects and returns number of years between them-- both dates must have year. Month and day are optional.local function yearsBetweenUnfixedDates(date1,date2) local date1_hi,date1_low local date2_hi,date2_low if date1.month>0 and>0 then date1_low=date1 date1_hi=date1 elseif date1.month>0 then date1_low= date1_hi= else date1_low= date1_hi= end if date2.month>0 and>0 then date2_low=date2 date2_hi=date2 elseif date2.month>0 then date2_low= date2_hi= else date2_low= date2_hi= end local years1=yearsBetweenDates(date1_low,date2_hi) local years2=yearsBetweenDates(date1_hi,date2_low) if years1

years2 then return years1 elseif years1>years2 then return years2..' eller '..years1 else return years1..' eller '..years2 endend

local function checkLinkArg(larg) if (larg

nil) then linkArg= elseif (larg:lower

'link') then linkArg='link' else local cpos=larg:find(':') if cpos~=nil then linkArg=larg:sub(cpos+1) end endend

local function createLinkText(link,text) if text

nil or text

then return elseif link

nil or link

then return text elseif link

text then return ''..text..'' else return ''..text..'' end


---------------------------------------------------------------------------function main.format(date,link,longFormat) local makeLinks=false local linkPrefix= -- Process link argument -- can be: nil, "", "link", "link:" or "link:Prefix" if (link

nil or link

"") then makeLinks=false elseif (link:lower

'link' or link:lower

'link:') then makeLinks=true linkPrefix= else local cpos=link:find(':') if cpos~=nil then makeLinks=true linkPrefix=link:sub(cpos+1)..' ' end end

-- Process date arguement, if any error just return it local dateObj=convertdate(date) if dateObj

nil then return date end

-- Build the date string -- date and month local result= if dateObj.month>0 then if (longFormat) then result=months_long[dateObj.month] else result=months_short[dateObj.month] end if>0 then' '..result if makeLinks then result=createLinkText(' '..months_long[dateObj.month],result) end end result=result..' ' end -- year local yearString,yearLink if dateObj.year<0 then yearString=(-dateObj.year)..' f.Kr.' yearLink=linkPrefix..yearString elseif useEkrFkr and dateObj.year>0 then yearString=dateObj.year..' e.Kr.' yearLink=linkPrefix..dateObj.year else yearString=dateObj.year yearLink=linkPrefix..yearString end if (not makeLinks) then result=result..yearString else result=result..createLinkText(yearLink,yearString) end

return result end

function main.yearsBetween(date1,date2) if (date1

nil or date1

) then return end if (date2

nil or date2

) then"%Y-%m-%d") end local dateObj1=convertdate(date1) local dateObj2=convertdate(date2) if dateObj1

nil or dateObj2

nil then return "" end return yearsBetweenUnfixedDates(dateObj1,dateObj2) ..nbsp..'år'end

function main.to_iso(input) local input_date=input.args[1] local date1=convertdate(input_date) if date1

nil then return input_date end local result=date1.year..'-' if (date1.month)<10 then result=result..'0' end result=result.. date1.month..'-' if (<10 then result=result..'0' end result=result.. return resultend

function main.to_long(input) return main.format(input.args[1],input.args[2],true)end

function main.to_short(input) return main.format(input.args[1],input.args[2],false)end

function main.age(input) return main.yearsBetween(input.args[1],input.args[2])end return main