Module:Sandbox/Ajuanca/GraphIt explained

--EPIDEMICS MODULE |--- ------------------ ~~ A specialized module to work with epidemics data. ~~ In order to use it: - Data should be stored in Wikimedia Commons, as a Tabular file. ie: "COVID-19 cases in" - The module is added to any wiki with: - All the functions that don't begin with an underscore are thought to be invoked. The remaining functions are "internal" functions. In case you face some problems with the functions, ask me on my talk page (User_talk:Ajuanca) - Make sure you give the correct params. All functions include an explication. If a graph is requested, all available parameters at Module:Graph can be passed. Feel free to leave any comment, suggestion or complaint on my discussion page (User_talk:Ajuanca).

ToDo list: [] Generate wikitable [] Add positive rate

Some ideas that maybe are implemented: * Divide functions (graph, wikitable) instead of booleans?? * Join functions (get_avg_incidence + get_all_incidence = get_incidences) * Get rid of internal join_tables function.

--local p = mgraph = require("Module:Graph")

-- Join two tables.-- Number index are added over the first table.-- Other type of keys are added "as they are".function p.join_tables(_table1, _table2) for k, arg in pairs(_table2) do if not tonumber(k) then _table1[k] = arg else table.insert(_table1, arg) end end return _table1end

-- Converts table data type to String.-- Keys should be int numbers.-- Values are concatenated with ", "function p.table2string(_table) original_table = _table wrapped = "" for i=1, #original_table do wrapped = wrapped .. original_table[i] .. ", " end return wrapped:sub(0, -3)end

-- Graph the given data.-- All Moduule:Graph parameters are given.function p._graph(args) local ret = mgraph.chart local graph = mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag('graph', ret) return graphend

function p._get_avg_incidence(args) local incidences = args.incidences or args[1] local dates = args.dates or args[2] local avg_period = args.period or 3 local periods_avg = local periods_dates = local period_cases = for i, sincidence in ipairs(incidences) do if period_cases

nil then else table.insert(period_cases, sincidence) if #period_cases

avg_period then local total = 0 for i = 1, #period_cases do total = total + tonumber(period_cases[i]) end table.insert(periods_avg, total/#period_cases) period_cases = end end end for i, sdate in ipairs(dates) do if i%avg_period

0 then table.insert(periods_dates, sdate) end end return end

-- Get an average for the incidence proportion of a specific event.-- ie. The week average of the daily confirmed cases of flu.-- The given parameters are:-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""-- [2] or column_name: The name of the column.-- [3] or date_name: The name of the date column.-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.-- column_title: The column title of the data to work with.-- date_title: The column title of the date.-- period: The number of values to perform the average with. -- Default is 3 (ie: 3 days).function p.get_avg_incidence(frame) return_graph = frame.args.graph

"true" return_table = frame.args.ltable

"true" return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable

"true" all_incidence = p.join_tables(p._get_all_incidence(frame.args), frame.args) avg_incidence = p._get_avg_incidence(all_incidence) to_return = if return_table then table.insert(to_return, avg_incidence) end avg_incidence = p.join_tables(avg_incidence, frame.args) if return_graph then avg_incidence.x = p.table2string(table.remove(avg_incidence, 2)) avg_incidence.y = p.table2string(table.remove(avg_incidence, 1)) table.insert(to_return, p._graph(avg_incidence)) end if return_wikitable then mw.log("in progress") end if #to_return

1 then to_return = to_return[1] end return to_returnend

function p._get_all_incidence(args) local data_page = args.src or args[1] local data = local column_name = args.column_name or args[2] local date_name = args.date_name or args[3] local total_residents = tonumber(args.inhabitants) or tonumber(args[4]) local n = tonumber(args.nth) or tonumber(args[5]) local column_title = args.column_title or nil local date_title = args.date_title or nil local ci = nil local di = nil local column_values = local date_values = for j, field in ipairs(data.schema.fields) do if

column_name or field.title

column_title then ci = j elseif

date_name or field.title

date_title then di = j end if ci and di then break end end for j, record in ipairs( do value = tonumber(record[ci]) if value

nil then row_value = nil else row_value = (value*10^tonumber(n))/tonumber(total_residents) end table.insert(column_values, row_value) table.insert(date_values, record[di]) end return end

-- Get the incidence proportion of a specific event for all the available dates.-- Def: "Number of new cases of disease during specified time interval"-- ie. The daily confirmed cases of flu per 10.000 inhabitants.-- The given parameters are:-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""-- [2] or column_name: The name of the column.-- [3] or date_name: The name of the date column.-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.-- column_title: The column title of the data to work with.-- date_title: The column title of the date.function p.get_all_incidence(frame) all_incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args) return_graph = frame.args.graph

"true" return_table = frame.args.ltable

"true" return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable

"true" to_return = if return_table then table.insert(to_return, all_incidence) end all_incidence = p.join_tables(all_incidence, frame.args) if return_graph then all_incidence.x = p.table2string(table.remove(all_incidence, 2)) all_incidence.y = p.table2string(table.remove(all_incidence, 1)) table.insert(to_return, p._graph(all_incidence)) end if return_wikitable then mw.log("in progress") end if #to_return

1 then to_return = to_return[1] end return to_returnend

function p.string2table(_string) stable = for value in _string:gmatch("[^,]+") do table.insert(stable, value) end return stableend

-- Get the incidence proportion of a specific event for the specific intervals.-- Various events and averages can be given. If no averages are specified,-- daily info is given.-- ie. The daily confirmed cases of flu per 10.000 inhabitants and the week-- average of hospital occupation due to flu per 10.000 inhabitants.-- The given parameters are:-- [1] or src: The tabular data, ie: ""-- [2] or column_names: The names of the columns for the different events.-- [3] or date_name: The name of the columnthat contains the date information.-- [4] or inhabitants: The population size of the given region.-- [5] or nth: The power of 10 in which the result is given.-- avgs: The averages of the events to be calculated. -- ie: 3 (days)function p.get_incidences(frame) columns = nil incidences = dates = avgs = nil if frame.args.column_names then columns = p.string2table(frame.args.column_names) else columns = p.string2table(table.remove(frame.args, 2)) end if frame.args.avgs then avgs = p.string2table(frame.args.avgs) end if not avgs then for i, incidence in ipairs(columns) do frame.args.column_name = incidence incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args) table.insert(incidences, incidence[1]) table.insert(dates, incidence[2]) end else for i, incidence in ipairs(columns) do frame.args.column_name = incidence local all_incidence = p._get_all_incidence(frame.args) local all_args = p.join_tables(all_incidence, frame.args) all_args.period = tonumber(avgs[i]) incidence = p._get_avg_incidence(all_args) table.insert(incidences, incidence[1]) table.insert(dates, incidence[2]) end end return_graph = frame.args.graph

"true" return_table = frame.args.ltable

"true" return_wikitable = frame.args.wtable

"true" to_return = if return_table then table.insert(to_return,) end if return_graph or true then to_graph = for i, incidence in ipairs(incidences) do key = "y" .. tostring(i) to_graph[key] = p.table2string(incidence) -- xnth values are not inserted due to Module:Graph limitations. end to_graph.x = p.table2string(dates[1]) to_graph = p.join_tables(to_graph, frame.args) table.insert(to_return, p._graph(to_graph)) end if return_wikitable then mw.log("in progress") end if #to_return

1 then to_return = to_return[1] end return to_returnend

return p