Module:Sandbox/Ajuanca/ExtraTabular explained

p = -- Join two tables.-- Number index are added over the first table.-- Other type of keys are added "as they are".function p.join_tables(_table1, _table2) for k, arg in pairs(_table2) do if not tonumber(k) then _table1[k] = arg else table.insert(_table1, arg) end end return _table1end

-- Converts table data type to String.-- Keys should be int numbers.-- Values are concatenated with ", "function p.table2string(_table) original_table = _table wrapped = "" for i=1, #original_table do wrapped = wrapped .. original_table[i] .. ", " end return wrapped:sub(0, -3)end function p.get_rows(frame) return p._get_rows(frame.args)end

function p.string2table(_string) -- Should work for nested values. _string = "test,[home,cheese],[restaurant,pc]" ltable = for value in _string:gmatch("%[(%[^%[%a+%])%]") do if string:find(value, "[^%[]") then ntable = for column in value:gmatch("[^,]+") do table.insert(ntable, column) end table.insert(ltable, ntable) else end end return mw.logObject(ltable)end

function p._get_rows(args) local page = args.src or args[1] local data = local columns_input = args.columns or args[2] local columns_table = p.string2table(column_input) -- local column_names = args.column_names or args[2] -- local column_groups = args.column_groups or args[3] -- Also optional title for rows should be included. local date_name = args.date_name or args[3] rows = rows.titles = rows.values = end

return p