local p = local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local DEFAULT_CODE = 'default' .. os.time
local data =
--local debug =
function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(args)end
function p._main(args) p.handleArg('eventColumns', args.eventColumns, 'number') p.handleCsvArg('events', args.events) p.handleItemArgs('events', 'event', 'name', 'string', args) p.handleItemArgs('events', 'eventColumns', 'columns', 'number', args)
p.handleCsvArg('participants', args.participants)
p.handleCsvArg('notes', args.notes) p.handleItemArgs('notes', 'note', 'name', 'string', args) -- Handling of default pointSystem if (args.pointSystem ~= nil) then if (args.pointSystems
if (args.pointSystems ~= nil) then p.handleCsvArg('pointSystems', args.pointSystems) p.handleItemArgsCsv('pointSystems', args.pointSystems, 'pos', 'number', args) end
p.handleItemArgsCsv('events', 'eventPointSystems', 'pointSystems', 'string', args)
p.handleItemArgs('participants', 'participant', 'name', 'string', args)
p.handleItemArgs('texts', 'text', nil, 'string', args)
local colCount = 0
for i,v in ipairs(data.events) do for j = 1, v.columns do colCount = colCount + 1 if (j
else p.handleResult(colCount, args['result_' .. v.code .. '_' .. j])
for k,w in ipairs(data.notes) do p.handleResultNotes(colCount, args['resultNotes_' .. v.code .. '_' .. j .. '_' .. w.code], w.code) end end end end
-- Draw table local stack =
--table.insert(stack, '<nowiki>' .. debug .. '</nowiki>
\n\n') table.insert(stack, '
function p.handleArg(key, value, type) if (value ~= nil) then data[key] = p.valueToType(value, type) endend
function p.handleCsvArg(key, value) if (value ~= nil) then local split = mw.text.split(value, ',') if (data[key]
0) then for i,v in ipairs(split) do data[key][i] = p.handleCsvArgItem(key, v, i) end
end endend
function p.handleCsvArgItem(key, v, i) if (key
'participants') then return elseif (key
function p.handleItemArgs(key, argPrefix, property, type, args) local arg =
for k,v in pairs(data[key]) do arg = args[argPrefix .. '_' .. (v['code'] or k)]
if (arg ~= nil) then if (property ~= nil) then v[property] = p.valueToType(arg, type) else data[key][k] = p.valueToType(arg, type) end end
function p.handleItemArgsCsv(key, argPrefix, property, type, args) local arg =
for k,v in pairs(data[key]) do
arg = args[argPrefix .. '_' .. (v['code'] or k)]
if (arg ~= nil) then local split = mw.text.split(arg, ',')
for j,w in ipairs(split) do v[property][j] = p.valueToType(w, type) end end
function p.handleResult(column, csv) if (csv ~= nil) then --debug = debug .. 'Handling column ' .. column .. ' with content ' .. csv .. '\n\n'
local split = mw.text.split(csv, ',')
local res =
for i,v in ipairs(split) do res[v] = i end
for i, v in ipairs(data.participants) do if v.results[column] ~= nil then v.results[column].pos = res[v.code] else v.results[column] = end end endend
function p.handleResultNotes(column, csv, noteCode) if (csv ~= nil) then local split = mw.text.split(csv, ',') local res =
for i,v in ipairs(split) do res[v] = 1 end for i,v in ipairs(data.participants) do if res[v.code] ~= nil then if v.results[column] ~= nil then table.insert(v.results[column].notes, noteCode) else v.results[column] = end end end endend
function p.valueToType(value, type) if (type
-- Render functions
function p.writeTableHeader(stack) table.insert(stack, '|-\n') table.insert(stack, '! ' .. data.texts.pos .. '\n') table.insert(stack, '!' .. data.texts.participant .. '\n') if (#data['events'] > 0) then for i,v in ipairs(data['events']) do table.insert(stack, '!colspan="' .. v.columns .. '"|' .. v.name .. '\n') end end table.insert(stack, '!' .. data.texts.points .. '\n')end
function p.writeTableRow(stack, participant) table.insert(stack, '|-\n') table.insert(stack, '!' .. (participant['pos'] or ' - ') .. '\n') table.insert(stack, '|style="text-align:left;"|' .. participant['name'] .. '\n') local colCount = 0
for i,v in ipairs(data['events']) do for j=1,v['columns'] do colCount = colCount + 1
--table.insert(stack, '|' .. (participant.results[colCount] or ) .. '\n') if participant.results[colCount] ~= nil then p.writeTableCellResult(stack, participant.results[colCount].pos, participant.results[colCount].notes) else p.writeTableCellResult(stack, nil, nil) end end end --table.insert(stack, '!' .. '0' .. '\n') p.writeTableCellSum(stack, participant) end
function p.writeTableCellResult(stack, pos, notes) p.writeTableCellResultStyle(stack, pos) if (pos ~= nil and notes ~= nil and #notes > 0) then table.insert(stack, pos) for i,v in ipairs(notes) do table.insert(stack, '
' .. v .. '') end elseif pos ~= nil then table.insert(stack, pos) elseif notes ~= nil and #notes > 0 then local firstNote = true for i,v in ipairs(notes) do if firstNote then table.insert(stack, v) else table.insert(stack, '' .. v .. '') end firstNote = false end end table.insert(stack, '\n')endfunction p.writeTableCellSum(stack, participant) table.insert(stack, '!') sum = 0 for i,v in ipairs(participant.results) do sum = sum + (v.pts or 0) end table.insert(stack, sum) table.insert(stack, '\n')end
function p.writeTableCellResultStyle(stack, pos) if data.styles.pos[pos] ~= nil then table.insert(stack, '|style="' .. p.getStyle(data.styles.pos[pos]) .. '"') end table.insert(stack, '|')end
function p.getStyle(styleString) if not string.find(styleString, ':', 1, true) then return 'background-color:' .. styleString end return styleStringend
--debugfunction p.dump(o) if type(o)
return p;