Module:RFX report explained

-- This module is a replacement for the RfX report bot.

local rfx = require('Module:Rfx')local colours = mw.loadData('Module:RFX report/colour')

local p =

local function getTableLength(tbl) local length = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do length = length + 1 end return lengthend

local function getRfxes -- Get the title object for . local noError, rfa = pcall(, 'Wikipedia:Requests for adminship') if not noError or (noError and not rfa) then return nil end local rfaText = rfa:getContent if not rfaText then return nil end -- Return a table with a list of pages transcluded from --, minus the exceptions -- which are always transcluded there. local t = local exceptions = for rfxPage, rfxSubpage in mw.ustring.gmatch(rfaText, '') do local isException = false for _, v in ipairs(exceptions) do if rfxSubpage

v then isException = true end end if not isException then table.insert(t, rfxPage) end end return tend

local function makeRow(rfxObject) if not (type(rfxObject)

'table' and rfxObject.getTitleObject and rfxObject.getSupportUsers) then return nil end local status = rfxObject:getStatus local page = rfxObject:getTitleObject.prefixedText local user = rfxObject.user or rfxObject:getTitleObject.subpageText local supports = rfxObject.supports local opposes = rfxObject.opposes local neutrals = rfxObject.neutrals local percent = rfxObject.percent local colour if percent then colour = colours[rfxObject.type ][percent ] end colour = colour or

local percentStr = mw.ustring.format('%d', percent) if percent

0 and supports

0 and opposes

0 and neutrals

0 then percentStr = 'N/A' elseif percent

100 and opposes ~= 0 then percentStr = '>99' end

local votes if supports and opposes and neutrals and percent then votes = mw.ustring.format([==[ | class="rfx-report-number" | [[%s#Support|%d]]| class="rfx-report-number" | %d| class="rfx-report-number" | %d| class="rfx-report-number rfx-report-percent" style="background: #%s; color: #202122" | %s]

], page, supports, page, opposes, page, neutrals, colour, percentStr) else votes = '\n| colspan="4" class="rfx-report-error" | Error parsing votes' end if status then status = mw.language.getContentLanguage:ucfirst(status) if status

'Pending closure' then status = 'Pending closure...' end status = '\n|' .. status else status = '\n| class="rfx-report-error" | Error getting status' end local endTime = rfxObject.endTime local secondsLeft = rfxObject:getSecondsLeft local timeLeft = rfxObject:getTimeLeft local time if endTime and timeLeft then time = mw.ustring.format('\n| %s\n| %s', endTime, timeLeft) else time = '\n| colspan="2" class="rfx-report-error" | Error parsing end time' end local dupes = rfxObject:dupesExist if dupes then dupes = '

yes' elseif dupes

false then dupes = 'no' else dupes = '--' end local report = rfxObject:getReport if report then report = mw.ustring.format('\n| [%s report]', tostring(report)) else report = '\n| class="rfx-report-error" | Report not found' end local pending_class = if status

'pending closure' then pending_class = 'class="rfx-report-pending"' end return mw.ustring.format('\n|-%s\n| %s%s%s%s\n| class="rfx-report-dupes" | %s%s', pending_class, page, user, votes, status, time, dupes, report)end

local function makeHeading(rfxType) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local rfxCaps if rfxType

'rfa' then rfxCaps = 'RfA' elseif rfxType

'rfb' then rfxCaps = 'RfB' elseif rfxType

'rrfa' then rfxCaps = 'RRfA' else return nil end return mw.ustring.format('\n|-\n! scope="col" | %s candidate !! scope="col" | S !! scope="col" | O !! scope="col" | N !! scope="col" | S %% !! scope="col" | Status !! scope="col" | Ending (UTC) !! scope="col" | Time left !! scope="col" | Dups? !! scope="col" | Report', rfxCaps)end

local function getRfasRfbsSeparate local rfxes = getRfxes if not rfxes then return nil end -- Get RfX objects and separate RfAs and RfBs. local rfas = local rfbs = local rrfas = for i, rfxPage in ipairs(rfxes) do local rfxObject = if rfxObject then if rfxObject.type

'rfa' then table.insert(rfas, rfxObject) elseif rfxObject.type

'rfb' then table.insert(rfbs, rfxObject) elseif rfxObject.type

'rrfa' then table.insert(rrfas, rfxObject) end end end return rfas, rfbs, rrfasend

local function makeReportRows local rfas, rfbs, rrfas = getRfasRfbsSeparate

local ret = if #rfas + #rrfas > 0 then table.insert(ret, makeHeading('rfa')) for i, rfaObject in ipairs(rfas) do table.insert(ret, makeRow(rfaObject)) end for i, rrfaObject in ipairs(rrfas) do table.insert(ret, makeRow(rrfaObject)) end end if #rfbs > 0 then table.insert(ret, makeHeading('rfb')) for i, rfbObject in ipairs(rfbs) do table.insert(ret, makeRow(rfbObject)) end end return table.concat(ret)end

[%s update]', purgeLink) local rows = makeReportRows or if rows

then rows = '\n|-\n| colspan="10" | No current discussions.

Recent RfAs, recent RfBs: (successful, unsuccessful)' end local float = args.float or args.align if not float or mw.text.trim(float)

then float = nil end local clear = args.clear if not clear or mw.text.trim(clear)

then clear = nil end local style = if float or clear then style = string.format('style="%s%s"', clear and ('clear: ' .. clear .. ';') or , float and ('float: ' .. float .. ';') or ) end

return mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag .. mw.ustring.format('\n

', style, header, rows)end

function p.countRfas local rfas, rfbs, rrfas = getRfasRfbsSeparate return getTableLength(rfas)end

function p.main(frame) -- Process the arguments. local args if frame

mw.getCurrentFrame then args = frame:getParent.args for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do args = frame.args break end else args = frame end return makeReport(args)end

return p