Module:RFX report explained

-- This module is a replacement for the RfX report bot.

local rfx = require('Module:Rfx')local colours = mw.loadData('Module:RFX report/colour')

local p =

local function getTableLength(tbl) local length = 0 for _ in pairs(tbl) do length = length + 1 end return lengthend

local function getRfxes -- Get the title object for . local noError, rfa = pcall(, 'Wikipedia:Requests for adminship') if not noError or (noError and not rfa) then return nil end local rfaText = rfa:getContent if not rfaText then return nil end -- Return a table with a list of pages transcluded from --, minus the exceptions -- which are always transcluded there. local t = local exceptions = for rfxPage, rfxSubpage in mw.ustring.gmatch(rfaText, '') do local isException = false for _, v in ipairs(exceptions) do if rfxSubpage

v then isException = true end end if not isException then table.insert(t, rfxPage) end end return tend

local function makeRow(rfxObject) if not (type(rfxObject)

'table' and rfxObject.getTitleObject and rfxObject.getSupportUsers) then return nil end local status = rfxObject:getStatus local page = rfxObject:getTitleObject.prefixedText local user = rfxObject.user or rfxObject:getTitleObject.subpageText local supports = rfxObject.supports local opposes = rfxObject.opposes local neutrals = rfxObject.neutrals local percent = rfxObject.percent local colour if percent then colour = colours[rfxObject.type ][percent ] end colour = colour or

local percentStr = mw.ustring.format('%d', percent) if percent

0 and supports

0 and opposes

0 and neutrals

0 then percentStr = 'N/A' elseif percent

100 and opposes ~= 0 then percentStr = '>99' end

local votes if supports and opposes and neutrals and percent then votes = mw.ustring.format([==[ | class="rfx-report-number" | [[%s#Support|%d]]| class="rfx-report-number" | %d| class="rfx-report-number" | %d| class="rfx-report-number rfx-report-percent" style="background: #%s; color: #202122" | %s]

], page, supports, page, opposes, page, neutrals, colour, percentStr) else votes = '\n| colspan="4" class="rfx-report-error" | Error parsing votes' end if status then status = mw.language.getContentLanguage:ucfirst(status) if status

'Pending closure' then status = 'Pending closure...' end status = '\n|' .. status else status = '\n| class="rfx-report-error" | Error getting status' end local endTime = rfxObject.endTime local secondsLeft = rfxObject:getSecondsLeft local timeLeft = rfxObject:getTimeLeft local time if endTime and timeLeft then time = mw.ustring.format('\n| %s\n| %s', endTime, timeLeft) else time = '\n| colspan="2" class="rfx-report-error" | Error parsing end time' end local dupes = rfxObject:dupesExist if dupes then dupes = '

yes' elseif dupes

false then dupes = 'no' else dupes = '--' end local report = rfxObject:getReport if report then report = mw.ustring.format('\n| [%s report]', tostring(report)) else report = '\n| class="rfx-report-error" | Report not found' end local pending_class = if status

'pending closure' then pending_class = 'class="rfx-report-pending"' end return mw.ustring.format('\n|-%s\n| %s%s%s%s\n| class="rfx-report-dupes" | %s%s', pending_class, page, user, votes, status, time, dupes, report)end

local function makeHeading(rfxType) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local rfxCaps if rfxType

'rfa' then rfxCaps = 'RfA' elseif rfxType

'rfb' then rfxCaps = 'RfB' else return nil end return mw.ustring.format('\n|-\n! scope="col" | %s candidate !! scope="col" | S !! scope="col" | O !! scope="col" | N !! scope="col" | S %% !! scope="col" | Status !! scope="col" | Ending (UTC) !! scope="col" | Time left !! scope="col" | Dups? !! scope="col" | Report', rfxCaps)end

local function getRfasRfbsSeparate local rfxes = getRfxes if not rfxes then return nil end -- Get RfX objects and separate RfAs and RfBs. local rfas = local rfbs = for i, rfxPage in ipairs(rfxes) do local rfxObject = if rfxObject then if rfxObject.type

'rfa' then table.insert(rfas, rfxObject) elseif rfxObject.type

'rfb' then table.insert(rfbs, rfxObject) end end end return rfas, rfbsend

local function makeReportRows local rfas, rfbs = getRfasRfbsSeparate

local ret = if #rfas > 0 then table.insert(ret, makeHeading('rfa')) for i, rfaObject in ipairs(rfas) do table.insert(ret, makeRow(rfaObject)) end end if #rfbs > 0 then table.insert(ret, makeHeading('rfb')) for i, rfbObject in ipairs(rfbs) do table.insert(ret, makeRow(rfbObject)) end end return table.concat(ret)end

[%s update]', purgeLink) local rows = makeReportRows or if rows

then rows = '\n|-\n| colspan="10" | No current discussions.

Recent RfAs, recent RfBs: (successful, unsuccessful)' end local float = args.float or args.align if not float or mw.text.trim(float)

then float = nil end local clear = args.clear if not clear or mw.text.trim(clear)

then clear = nil end local style = if float or clear then style = string.format('style="%s%s"', clear and ('clear: ' .. clear .. ';') or , float and ('float: ' .. float .. ';') or ) end

return mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag .. mw.ustring.format('\n

', style, header, rows)end

function p.countRfas local rfas, rfbs = getRfasRfbsSeparate return getTableLength(rfas)end

function p.main(frame) -- Process the arguments. local args if frame

mw.getCurrentFrame then args = frame:getParent.args for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do args = frame.args break end else args = frame end return makeReport(args)end

return p