Module:Pgn Explained

--| default; results += startFen-- board := create(startFen)-- loop through notations ----- pass board, color and notation, get modified board----- results += generateFen-- return result

the "meat" is the "canMove. however, as it turns out, it is not that difficult.the only complexity is with pawns, both because they are asymmetrical, and irregular. brute force (as elegantly as possible)

other pieces are a breeze. color does not matter. calc da := abs(delta raw), db := abs(delta column)piece | ruleKnight: da * db - 2 = 0Rook: da * db = 0Bishop: da - db = 0King db | db = 1 (bitwise or)Queen da * db * (da - db) = 0

move:find out which piece. find all of them on the board. ask each if it can execute the move, and count "yes". there should be only one yes (some execptions to be handled). execute the move.

local BLACK = "black"local WHITE = "white"

local PAWN = "P"local ROOK = "R"local KNIGHT = "N"local BISHOP = "B"local QUEEN = "Q"local KING = "K"

local KINGSIDE = 7local QUEENSIDE = 12

local DEFAULT_BOARD = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR'

local bit32 = bit32 or require('bit32')


-- in lua 5.3, unpack is not a first class citizen anymore, but - assign table.unpacklocal unpack = unpack or table.unpack local function apply(f, ...) res = targ = for ind = 1, #targ do res[ind] = f(targ[ind]) end return unpack(res)end

local function empty(s) return not s or mw.text.trim(s)


local function falseIfEmpty(s) return not empty(s) and send

local function charToFile(ch) return falseIfEmpty(ch) and string.byte(ch) - string.byte('a')end

local function charToRow(ch) return falseIfEmpty(ch) and tonumber(ch) - 1end

local function indexToCoords(index) return index % 8, math.floor(index / 8)end

local function coordsToIndex(file, row) return row * 8 + fileend

local function charToPiece(letter) local piece = mw.ustring.upper(letter) return piece, piece

letter and WHITE or BLACKend

local function pieceToChar(piece, color) return color

WHITE and piece or mw.ustring.lower(piece)end

local function ambigToIndex(file, row) if row

nil then return file end return coordsToIndex(file, row)end

local function enPasantRow(color) return color

WHITE and 5 or 2end

local function sign(a) return a < 0 and -1 or a > 0 and 1 or 0end

local function pieceAt(board, fileOrInd, row) -- called with 2 params, fileOrInd is the index, otherwise it's the file. local letter = board[ambigToIndex(fileOrInd, row)] if not letter then return end return charToPiece(letter)end

local function findPieces(board, piece, color) local result = local lookFor = pieceToChar(piece, color) for index = 0, 63 do local letter = board[index] if letter

lookFor then table.insert(result, index) end end return resultend

local function roadIsClear(board, ind1, ind2) if ind1

ind2 then error('call to roadIsClear with identical indices', ind1) end local file1, row1 = indexToCoords(ind1) local file2, row2 = indexToCoords(ind2) if (file1 - file2) * (row1 - row2) * (math.abs(row1 - row2) - math.abs(file1 - file2)) ~= 0 then error('sent two indices to roadIsClear which are not same row, col, or diagonal: ', ind1, ind2) end local hdelta = sign(file2 - file1) local vdelta = sign(row2 - row1) local row, file = row1 + vdelta, file1 + hdelta while row ~= row2 or file ~= file2 do if pieceAt(board, file, row) then return false end row = row + vdelta file = file + hdelta end return trueend

local function pawnCanMove(board, color, startFile, startRow, file, row, capture) local hor, ver = file - startFile, row - startRow local absVer = math.abs(ver) if capture then local ok = hor * hor

1 and (color

WHITE and ver

1 or color

BLACK and ver

- 1 ) local enpassant = ok and row

enPasantRow(color) and pieceAt(board, file, row)

nil return ok, enpassant else if hor ~= 0 then return false end end if absVer

2 then if not roadIsClear(board, coordsToIndex(startFile, startRow), coordsToIndex(file, row)) then return false end return color

WHITE and startRow

1 and ver

2 or color

BLACK and startRow

6 and ver

-2 end return color

WHITE and ver

1 or color

BLACK and ver


local function canMove(board, start, dest, capture, verbose) local startFile, startRow = indexToCoords(start) local file, row = indexToCoords(dest) local piece, color = pieceAt(board, startFile, startRow) if piece

PAWN then return pawnCanMove(board, color, startFile, startRow, file, row, capture) end local dx, dy = math.abs(startFile - file), math.abs(startRow - row) return piece

KNIGHT and dx * dy

2 or piece

KING and bit32.bor(dx, dy)

1 or (piece

ROOK and dx * dy

0 or piece

BISHOP and dx

dy or piece

QUEEN and dx * dy * (dx - dy)

0 ) and roadIsClear(board, start, dest, verbose)end

local function exposed(board, color) -- only test for queen, rook, bishop. local king = findPieces(board, KING, color)[1] for ind = 1, 63 do local letter = board[ind] if letter then local _, pcolor = charToPiece(letter) if pcolor ~= color and canMove(board, ind, king, true) then return true end end endend

local function clone(orig) local res = for k, v in pairs(orig) do res[k] = v end return resend

local function place(board, piece, color, file, row) -- in case of chess960, we have to search board[ambigToIndex(file, row)] = pieceToChar(piece, color) return boardend

local function clear(board, file, row) board[ambigToIndex(file, row)] = nil return boardend

local function doCastle(board, color, side) local row = color

WHITE and 0 or 7 local startFile, step = 0, 1 local kingDestFile, rookDestFile = 2, 3 local king = findPieces(board, KING, color)[1] local rook if side

KINGSIDE then startFile, step = 7, -1 kingDestFile, rookDestFile = 6, 5 end for file = startFile, 7 - startFile, step do local piece = pieceAt(board, file, row) if piece

ROOK then rook = coordsToIndex(file, row) break end end board = clear(board, king) board = clear(board, rook) board = place(board, KING, color, kingDestFile, row) board = place(board, ROOK, color, rookDestFile, row) return boardend

local function doEnPassant(board, pawn, file, row) local _, color = pieceAt(board, pawn) board = clear(board, pawn) board = place(board, PAWN, color, file, row) if row

5 then board = clear(board, file, 4) end if row

2 then board = clear(board, file, 3) end return boardend

local function generateFen(board) local res = local offset = 0 for row = 7, 0, -1 do for file = 0, 7 do piece = board[coordsToIndex(file, row)] res = res .. (piece or '1') end if row > 0 then res = res .. '/' end end return mw.ustring.gsub(res, '1+', function(s) return #s end)end

local function findCandidate(board, piece, color, oldFile, oldRow, file, row, capture, notation) local enpassant = local candidates, newCands = findPieces(board, piece, color), -- all black pawns or white kings etc. if oldFile or oldRow then local newCands = for _, cand in ipairs(candidates) do local file, row = indexToCoords(cand) if file

oldFile then table.insert(newCands, cand) end if row

oldRow then table.insert(newCands, cand) end end candidates, newCands = newCands, end local dest = coordsToIndex(file, row) for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do local can can, enpassant[candidate] = canMove(board, candidate, dest, capture) if can then table.insert(newCands, candidate) end end

candidates, newCands = newCands, if #candidates

1 then return candidates[1], enpassant[candidates[1]] end if #candidates

0 then error('could not find a piece that can execute ' .. notation) end -- we have more than one candidate. this means that all but one of them can't really move, b/c it will expose the king -- test for it by creating a new board with this candidate removed, and see if the king became exposed for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do local cloneBoard = clone(board) -- first, clone the board cloneBoard = clear(cloneBoard, candidate) -- now, remove the piece if not exposed(cloneBoard, color) then table.insert(newCands, candidate) end end candidates, newCands = newCands, if #candidates

1 then return candidates[1] end error(mw.ustring.format('too many (%d, expected 1) pieces can execute %s at board %s', #candidates, notation, generateFen(board)))end

local function move(board, notation, color) local endGame =

local cleanNotation = mw.ustring.gsub(notation, '[!?+# ]', )

if cleanNotation

'O-O' then return doCastle(board, color, KINGSIDE) end if cleanNotation

'O-O-O' then return doCastle(board, color, QUEENSIDE) end if endGame[cleanNotation] then return board, true end

local pattern = '([RNBKQ]?)([a-h]?)([1-8]?)(x?)([a-h])([1-8])(=?[RNBKQ]?)' local _, _, piece, oldFile, oldRow, isCapture, file, row, promotion = mw.ustring.find(cleanNotation, pattern) oldFile, file = apply(charToFile, oldFile, file) oldRow, row = apply(charToRow, oldRow, row) piece = falseIfEmpty(piece) or PAWN promotion = falseIfEmpty(promotion) isCapture = falseIfEmpty(isCapture) local candidate, enpassant = findCandidate(board, piece, color, oldFile, oldRow, file, row, isCapture, notation) -- findCandidates should panic if # != 1 if enpassant then return doEnPassant(board, candidate, file, row) end board[coordsToIndex(file, row)] = promotion and pieceToChar(promotion:sub(-1), color) or board[candidate] board = clear(board, candidate) return boardend

local function create(fen) -- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions. copied from enwiki Module:Chessboard (in some distant past i prolly wrote it) local res = local row = 8 -- Loop over rows, which are delimited by / for srow in string.gmatch("/" .. fen, "/%w+") do srow = srow:sub(2) row = row - 1 local ind = row * 8 -- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row for piece in srow:gmatch("%w") do if piece:match("%d") then -- if a digit ind = ind + piece else -- not a digit res[ind] = piece ind = ind + 1 end end end return resend

local function processMeta(grossMeta) res = -- process grossMEta here for item in mw.ustring.gmatch(grossMeta or , '%[([^%]]*)%]') do key, val = item:match('([^"]+)"([^"]*)"') if key and val then res[mw.text.trim(key)] = mw.text.trim(val) -- add mw.text.trim else error('strange item detected: ' .. item .. #items) -- error later end end return resend

local function analyzePgn(pgn) local grossMeta = pgn:match('%[(.*)%]') -- first open to to last bracket pgn = string.gsub(pgn, '%[(.*)%]', ) local steps = mw.text.split(pgn, '%s*%d+%.%s*') local moves = for _, step in ipairs(steps) do if mw.ustring.len(mw.text.trim(step)) then ssteps = mw.text.split(step, '%s+') for _, sstep in ipairs(ssteps) do if sstep and not mw.ustring.match(sstep, '^%s*$') then table.insert(moves, sstep) end end end end return processMeta(grossMeta), movesend

local function pgn2fen(pgn) local metadata, notationList = analyzePgn(pgn) local fen = metadata.fen or DEFAULT_BOARD local board = create(fen) local res = local colors = for step, notation in ipairs(notationList) do local color = colors[step % 2 + 1] board = move(board, notation, color) local fen = generateFen(board) table.insert(res, fen) end return res, metadataend
