Module:Parameter names example/sandbox explained

-- This module implements .

local p =

local function makeParam(s) local lb = '{' local rb = '}' return lb:rep(3) .. s .. rb:rep(3)end

local function italicize(s) return "" .. s .. ""end

local function plain(s) return send

function p._main(args, frame) -- Find how we want to format the arguments to the template. local formatFunc if args._display

'italics' or args._display

'italic' then formatFunc = italicize elseif args._display

'plain' then formatFunc = plain else formatFunc = makeParam end

-- Build the table of template arguments. local targs = for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k)

'number' then targs[v] = formatFunc(v) elseif not k:find('^_') then targs[k] = v end end targs['nocat'] = 'yes'; targs['categories'] = 'no'; targs['demo'] = 'yes';

-- Find the template name. local template if args._template then template = args._template else local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle if currentTitle.prefixedText:find('/sandbox$') then template = currentTitle.prefixedText else template = currentTitle.basePageTitle.prefixedText end end

-- Call the template with the arguments. frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame local success, result = pcall(frame.expandTemplate, frame, ) if success then return result else return endend

function p.main(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame,) return p._main(args, frame)end

return p