Module:Medical cases data explained

-- Usage: =p._caseTable

local p = local lang = mw.getContentLanguagelocal tabularData = require("Module:Tabular data")local wd = require("Module:wd")local mapFrame = require("Module:Mapframe")

local propertyIDsByDisposition =

local function round(x) return (math.modf(x + (x < 0 and -0.5 or 0.5)))end

function p.pointInTime(statement) local qualifiers = statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P585 local time = qualifiers and qualifiers[1].datavalue.value.time return time and tonumber(lang:formatDate("U", time))end

-- =tonumber(p.mostRecentStatement("Q83873577", "P1120").mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount)function p.mostRecentStatement(entityID, propertyID, startDate, endDate) local startTime = startDate and tonumber(lang:formatDate("U", startDate)) or -math.huge local endTime = endDate and tonumber(lang:formatDate("U", endDate)) or math.huge local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityID, propertyID) local latestTime = -math.huge local latestStatement for i, statement in ipairs(statements) do local time = p.pointInTime(statement) if time and time > startTime and time < endTime and time > latestTime then latestTime = time latestStatement = statement end end return latestStatementend

function p.statementReference(statement) local reference = statement.references and statement.references[1] local referenceSnak = reference and reference.snaks.P248 and reference.snaks.P248[1] local declarationQID = referenceSnak and if not declarationQID then return nil end local name = mw.wikibase.formatValue(referenceSnak) local url = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(declarationQID, "P856")[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value return end

function p._regionData(regionConfigs, populationDate, ignoredSources) local regions = for i, regionConfig in ipairs(regionConfigs) do local outbreakEntity = regionConfig.entity local locationEntity = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(outbreakEntity, "P276")[1] local dataTableStatement = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(outbreakEntity, "P8204")[1] local dataTableName local dataTable if dataTableStatement then local qualifiers = dataTableStatement and dataTableStatement.qualifiers local source = qualifiers and qualifiers.P1433 and qualifiers.P1433[1] local ignored = false for i, ignoredSource in ipairs(ignoredSources or) do if source

ignoredSource then ignored = true break end end if not ignored then dataTableName = dataTableStatement.mainsnak.datavalue.value dataTable ="^Data:", ""))) end end local region = local columns = regionConfig.columns local latestTableDate = dataTable and tabularData._cell local latestTableTime = latestTableDate and tonumber(lang:formatDate("U", latestTableDate)) local usesDataTable = false local casesStatement = p.mostRecentStatement(outbreakEntity, propertyIDsByDisposition.cases) local casesTime = casesStatement and p.pointInTime(casesStatement) if casesTime and (not latestTableTime or casesTime > latestTableTime) then region.cases = tonumber(casesStatement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount) local reference = p.statementReference(casesStatement) if reference then region.sources[] = reference.wikitext end elseif latestTableTime then region.cases = dataTable and (tabularData._cell or tabularData._lookup) + (columns and columns.cases2 and tabularData._cell or 0) usesDataTable = true end region.arrivalDate = dataTable and tabularData._lookup local deathsStatement = p.mostRecentStatement(outbreakEntity, propertyIDsByDisposition.deaths) local deathsTime = deathsStatement and p.pointInTime(deathsStatement) if deathsTime and (not latestTableTime or deathsTime > latestTableTime) then region.deaths = tonumber(deathsStatement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount) local reference = p.statementReference(deathsStatement) if reference then region.sources[] = reference.wikitext end elseif latestTableTime then region.deaths = dataTable and (tabularData._cell or tabularData._lookup) usesDataTable = true end local recoveriesStatement = p.mostRecentStatement(outbreakEntity, propertyIDsByDisposition.recoveries) local recoveriesTime = recoveriesStatement and p.pointInTime(recoveriesStatement) if recoveriesTime and (not latestTableTime or recoveriesTime > latestTableTime) then region.recoveries = tonumber(recoveriesStatement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount) local reference = p.statementReference(recoveriesStatement) if reference then region.sources[] = reference.wikitext end elseif latestTableTime then region.recoveries = columns and columns.recoveries and dataTable and (tabularData._cell or tabularData._lookup) usesDataTable = true end local viewLinks = if dataTableName then table.insert(viewLinks, mw.ustring.format("c", dataTableName)) end region.viewLink = table.concat(viewLinks, " ") if usesDataTable then local formattedDate = latestTableTime local reference = mw.ustring.format("%s. %s.", dataTable.sources:gsub("
.*", ""), lang:formatDate("F j, Y", latestTableDate)) region.sources[dataTableName] = reference end table.insert(regions, region) end return regionsend

local function addNumericCell(row, contents) if contents then row :tag("td") :attr("align", "right") :attr("data-sort-value", contents) :wikitext(lang:formatNum(contents)) else row :tag("td") :addClass("unknown") :addClass("table-unknown") :attr("align", "center") :css :attr("data-sort-value", "0") :wikitext("?") end return rowend

-- Usage: =p._caseTablefunction p._caseTable(args) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local config = args.config and mw.loadData("Module:Medical cases data/" .. args.config) local populationDate = config and config.populationDate or args.populationDate local regions = p._regionData(config and config.regions, populationDate, config and config.ignoredSources) table.sort(regions, function (left, right) local leftCases = left.cases or 0 local rightCases = right.cases or 0 return leftCases

rightCases and < or leftCases > rightCases end) local totals = for i, region in ipairs(regions) do totals.cases = totals.cases + (region.cases or 0) totals.deaths = totals.deaths + (region.deaths or 0) totals.recoveries = totals.recoveries and region.recoveries and (totals.recoveries + region.recoveries) totals.population = totals.population + (region.population or 0) end local htmlTable = mw.html.create("table") :addClass("wikitable") :addClass("sortable") :addClass("plainrowheaders") :attr("align", "right") :css htmlTable :tag("caption") :wikitext(config and config.caption or args.caption) local headerRow = htmlTable :tag("tr") local totalRow = htmlTable :tag("tr") local columnNotes = config and config.columnNotes headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "text") :wikitext(config and config.regionTerm or args.regionTerm or "Regions") :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.regions and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :wikitext(lang:formatNum(totals.regions)) headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext("Cases") :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.cases and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext(lang:formatNum(totals.cases)) local recoveriesHeader = headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") recoveriesHeader :tag("abbr") :attr("title", "Recoveries") :wikitext("Recov.") recoveriesHeader :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.recoveries and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :wikitext(totals.recoveries and lang:formatNum(totals.recoveries)) headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext("Deaths") :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.deaths and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext(lang:formatNum(totals.deaths)) local populationHeader = headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") populationHeader :tag("abbr") :attr("title", "Population") :wikitext("Pop.") if populationDate then populationHeader :wikitext(mw.ustring.format(" (%d)", lang:formatDate("Y", populationDate))) end populationHeader :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.population and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext(lang:formatNum(totals.population)) headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :tag("abbr") :attr("title", "Cases per 1 million inhabitants") :wikitext("C/1M") :wikitext(columnNotes and columnNotes.casesPerMillion and frame:expandTemplate) totalRow :tag("th") :attr("align", "right") :attr("data-sort-type", "number") :wikitext(lang:formatNum(round(totals.cases / totals.population * 1e6))) headerRow :tag("th") :attr("scope", "col") :attr("rowspan", 2) :addClass("unsortable") :tag("abbr") :attr("title", "Reference") :wikitext("Ref.") local regionNamePattern = config and config.regionNamePattern or args.regionNamePattern for i, region in ipairs(regions) do local row = htmlTable:tag("tr") local name = if regionNamePattern then name = mw.ustring.match(, regionNamePattern) or name end row :tag("th") :attr("scope", "row") :wikitext(mw.ustring.format("%s",, name)) :wikitext(region.note and frame:expandTemplate) addNumericCell(row, region.cases) addNumericCell(row, region.recoveries) addNumericCell(row, region.deaths) addNumericCell(row, region.population) addNumericCell(row, region.cases and region.population and round(region.cases / region.population * 1e6)) local refCell = row :tag("td") :attr("align", "center") :wikitext(region.viewLink) for name, wikitext in pairs(region.sources) do refCell:wikitext(frame:callParserFunction) end end local footerRow = htmlTable :tag("tr") :addClass("sortbottom") footerRow :tag("td") :attr("colspan", 7) :attr("align", "left") :css :wikitext(frame:expandTemplate) return htmlTableend

function p.caseTable(frame) return p._caseTable(frame.args)end

function p._statistics(args) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local config = args.config and mw.loadData("Module:Medical cases data/" .. args.config) local populationDate = config and config.populationDate or args.populationDate local regions = p._regionData(config and config.regions, populationDate, config and config.ignoredSources) local stats = for i, region in ipairs(regions) do stats.cases = stats.cases + (region.cases or 0) stats.deaths = stats.deaths + (region.deaths or 0) if region.recoveries then stats.recoveries = stats.recoveries + region.recoveries stats.recoveriesRegions = stats.recoveriesRegions + 1 end stats.population = stats.population + (region.population or 0) if not stats.arrivalDate or region.arrivalDate < stats.arrivalDate then stats.arrivalDate = region.arrivalDate end end return statsend

function p.statistics(frame) return p._statistics(frame.args)[mw.text.trim(frame.args[1])]end

local function fillColor(casesPerCapita) -- local percent = casesPerCapita * 100 if percent >= 10.00 then return "#510000" end if percent >= 3.00 then return "#99000d" end if percent >= 1.00 then return "#cb181d" end if percent >= 0.30 then return "#fb6a4a" end if percent >= 0.10 then return "#fc9272" end if percent >= 0.03 then return "#fcbba1" end if percent >= 0.00 then return "#fee5d9" end return "#cccccc"end

-- Usage: =p._mapfunction p._map(args) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local config = args.config and mw.loadData("Module:Medical cases data/" .. args.config) local populationDate = config and config.populationDate or args.populationDate local regions = p._regionData(config and config.regions, populationDate, config and config.ignoredSources) local params = for i, region in ipairs(regions) do i = i

1 and "" or i params["type" .. i] = "shape" params["id" .. i] = region.locationEntity params["title" .. i] = params["stroke-color" .. i] = "#ffffff" params["stroke-width" .. i] = 1 params["fill" .. i] = fillColor(region.cases / region.population) local details = if region.recoveries then table.insert(details, mw.ustring.format("%s recoveries", lang:formatNum(region.recoveries))) end params["description" .. i] = table.concat(details, "
") end return frame:preprocess(mapFrame._main(params))end

function return p._map(frame.args)end

return p