Module:Lua lexer explained

-- --- Lexer for Lua source code written in pure Lua. -- @script lexer -- @license MIT -- @author -- @param {string} text Lua source code to lex. -- @return {string} Table of line arrays containing lexemes. --- Mapper for individual token list string. -- @param {string} src List of characters or keywords to map. -- @param[opt] {table} list Table to extend by reference. -- @return {{char=true,...}}, map -- @local local function lookupify(src, list) list = list or {} if type(src) == 'string' then for i = 1, src:len do list[src:sub(i, i)] = true end elseif type(src) == 'table' then for i = 1, #src do list[src[i]] = true end end return list end --- Base identifier character set. -- @variable {string} base_ident local base_ident = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_' --- Base identifier character set. -- @variable {string} base_digits local base_digits = '0123456789' --- Base identifier character set. -- @variable {string} base_operators local base_operators = '+-*/^%#' --- Map of Lua character patterns. -- @table chars -- @field {table} whitespace Boolean map of whitespace -- tokens. -- @field {table} validEscapes Boolean map of valid escape -- characters. -- @field {table} ident Boolean map of valid identifier -- characters. -- @field {table} symbols Boolean map of valid symbol and -- operator characters. -- @local local chars = { whitespace = lookupify(' \n\t\r'), validEscapes = lookupify('abfnrtv"\'\\'), ident = lookupify(base_ident .. base_digits, { start = lookupify(base_ident), } ), digits = lookupify(base_digits, { hex = lookupify(base_digits .. 'abcdefABCDEF') } ), symbols = lookupify(base_operators .. ',{}[];.:', { equality = lookupify('~=><'), operators = lookupify(base_operators) } ) } --- List of Lua keywords. -- @table keywords -- @field structure Boolean map of structure keywords. -- @field values Boolean map of primitive keywords. local keywords = { structure = lookupify({ 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'until', 'while' }), values = lookupify({ 'true', 'false', 'nil' }) } -- Lexer function export. return function(text) local pos = 1 local start = 1 local buffer = {} local lines = {} local function look(delta) delta = pos + (delta or 0) return text:sub(delta, delta) end local function get pos = pos + 1 return look(-1) end local function getDataLevel local num = 0 while look(num) == '=' do num = num + 1 end if look(num) == '[' then pos = pos + num + 1 return num end end local function getCurrentTokenText return text:sub(start, pos - 1) end local currentLineLength = 0 local lineoffset = 0 local function pushToken(type, text) text = text or getCurrentTokenText local tk = buffer[#buffer] if not tk or tk.type ~= type then tk = { type = type, data = text, posFirst = start - lineoffset, posLast = pos - 1 - lineoffset } if ~= '' then buffer[#buffer + 1] = tk end else = .. text tk.posLast = tk.posLast + text:len end currentLineLength = currentLineLength + text:len start = pos return tk end local function newline lines[#lines + 1] = buffer buffer = {} get pushToken('newline') buffer[1] = nil lineoffset = lineoffset + currentLineLength currentLineLength = 0 end local function getData(level, type) while true do local char = get if char == '' then return elseif char == '\n' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken(type) newline elseif char == ']' then local valid = true for i = 1, level do if look == '=' then pos = pos + 1 else valid = false break end end if valid and look == ']' then pos = pos - level - 1 return end end end end local function chompWhitespace while true do local char = look if char == '\n' then pushToken('whitespace') newline elseif chars.whitespace[char] then pos = pos + 1 else break end end pushToken('whitespace') end while true do chompWhitespace local char = get if char == '' then break elseif char == '-' and look == '-' then pos = pos + 1 if look == '[' then pos = pos + 1 local level = getDataLevel if level then getData(level, 'comment') pos = pos + level + 2 pushToken('comment') else while true do local char2 = get if char2 == '' or char2 == '\n' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('comment') if char2 == '\n' then newline end break end end end else while true do local char2 = get if char2 == '' or char2 == '\n' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('comment') if char2 == '\n' then newline end break end end end pushToken('comment') elseif char == '\'' or char == '"' then pushToken('string_start') while true do local char2 = get if char2 == '\\' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('string') get local char3 = get if chars.digits[char3] then for i = 1, 2 do if chars.digits[look] then pos = pos + 1 end end elseif char3 == 'x' then if chars.digits.hex[look] and chars.digits.hex[look(1)] then pos = pos + 2 else pushToken('unidentified') end elseif char3 == '\n' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('escape') newline elseif not chars.validEscapes[char3] then pushToken('unidentified') end pushToken('escape') elseif char2 == '\n' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('string') newline break elseif char2 == char or char2 == '' then pos = pos - 1 pushToken('string') get break end end pushToken('string_end') elseif chars.ident.start[char] then while chars.ident[look] do pos = pos + 1 end local word = getCurrentTokenText if keywords.structure[word] then pushToken('keyword') elseif keywords.values[word] then pushToken('value') else pushToken('ident') end elseif chars.digits[char] or (char == '.' and chars.digits[look]) then if char == '0' and look == 'x' then pos = pos + 1 while chars.digits.hex[look] do pos = pos + 1 end else while chars.digits[look] do pos = pos + 1 end if look == '.' then pos = pos + 1 while chars.digits[look] do pos = pos + 1 end end if look:lower == 'e' then pos = pos + 1 if look == '-' then pos = pos + 1 end while chars.digits[look] do pos = pos + 1 end end end pushToken('number') elseif char == '[' then local level = getDataLevel if level then pushToken('string_start') getData(level, 'string') pushToken('string') pos = pos + level + 2 pushToken('string_end') else pushToken('symbol') end elseif char == '.' then if look == '.' then pos = pos + 1 if look == '.' then pos = pos + 1 end end if getCurrentTokenText:len == 3 then pushToken('vararg') else pushToken('symbol') end elseif char == ':' and look == ':' then get pushToken('label_start') chompWhitespace if chars.ident.start[look] then get while chars.ident[look] do get end pushToken('label') chompWhitespace if look == ':' and look(1) == ':' then get get pushToken('label_end') end end elseif chars.symbols.equality[char] then if look == '=' then pos = pos + 1 end pushToken('operator') elseif chars.symbols[char] then if chars.symbols.operators[char] then pushToken('operator') else pushToken('symbol') end else pushToken('unidentified') end end lines[#lines + 1] = buffer return lines end