Module:Legislationuk-OiCNI explained
local p =
function p.main(frame) local args if frame:getParent.args[1 ] then args = frame:getParent.args else args = frame.args end local input = "" local divider = "|"-- local o = "
Short title | Citation | Royal assent |
Long title |
" local o = "
Title | Citation | Date made |
" local h = for i = 1, 2 do h[i ] = mw.ustring.char(i + 57343) end for i, _ in pairs(args) do input = args[i ] if mw.ustring.find(input, "") then input = mw.ustring.gsub(input, "%[%[(.*)|(.*)%]%]", "%[%[%1" .. h[ 1 ] .. "%2%]%]") input = mw.ustring.gsub(input, "style=", h[2 ]) local leg = local s = "" local c = 1 local par input = mw.ustring.sub(input, mw.ustring.find(input, "|") + 1) while input ~= "" do if mw.ustring.find(input, "|") then divider = "|" else divider = "}" end s = mw.ustring.sub(input, 1, mw.ustring.find(input, divider) - 1) if mw.ustring.find(s, "=") then par = mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, mw.ustring.find(s, "=") - 1) leg[par ] = mw.ustring.sub(s, mw.ustring.find(s, "=") + 1) else par = c leg[c ] = mw.ustring.sub(input, 1, mw.ustring.find(input, divider) - 1) c = c + 1 end leg[par ] = mw.ustring.gsub(leg[par ], "%[%[(.*)" .. h[ 1 ] .. "(.*)%]%]", "%[%[%1|%2%]%]") leg[par ] = mw.ustring.gsub(leg[par ], h[2 ], "style=") if divider
"|" then input = mw.ustring.sub(input, mw.ustring.find(input, "|") + 1) else input = "" end end o = o .. p.order(leg) end end o = o .. "
" .. frame:expandTemplate return oend
function p.order(args) local legTitle = args[1 ] or "" local link = args["link" ] or "" local legNote1 = args["note1" ] or "" local legType = args[2 ] or "" local legSeriesNum= args[3 ] or "" local legSubseriesNum= args[4 ] or "" local legNote2 = args["note2" ] or "" local legDate = args[5 ] or "" local legNote3 = args["note3" ] or "" local maintained = args["maintained" ] or "" local archived = args["archived" ] or "" local revoked = args["revoked" ] or "" local legNote4 = args["note4" ] or "" local url = args["url" ] or "" legDate = os.time local o = "
"y" then o = o .. "f2cece;border-color:#bfa3a3" else o = o .. "f6f6f6" end o = o .. " data-sort-value=\"" if mw.ustring.find(legTitle, "%(No%..*%d+%)") then o = o .. mw.ustring.gsub(legTitle, "(.*)%(No%..*(%d+)%) (.*)", "%1%3% %2") else o = o .. legTitle .. " 1\"" end o = o .. ">
The " end o = o .. legTitle .. "" .. legNote1 if revoked
"y" then o = o .. " (revoked)" end o = o .. "
" if maintained
"y" then local lt = if lt[legType ] and legDate then local url = "" .. lt[legType ] .. "/" .."%Y", legDate) .. "/" .. legSeriesNum .. "/contents" o = o .. "" end end local s if maintained
"y" and archived ~= "n" then o = o .. "" end s = " " if archived ~= "n" then local lt = if legType
"nisi" and legDate < os.time then s = "" end local lt2 = url = "" .. lt[legType ] .. "_1_" .."%Y", legDate) .. "_" .. (s or "") .. "c" .. lt2[legType ] o = o .. "" end-- legSeriesNum legSubseriesNum o = o .. "
"y" then o = o .. "style=background:#fff5f5;border-color:#bfa3a3 " end o = o .. "data-sort-value=" o = o .. os.time + legSeriesNum o = o .. ">
" year =tonumber("%Y", legDate)) o = o .. "SI " .. year .. "/" .. legSeriesNum .. " NI " .. legSubseriesNum local lt = o = o .. legNote2 .. " |
"y" then o = o .. " style=background:#fff5f5;border-color:#bfa3a3" end o = o .. ">
" .."*t", legDate).day .. " " .."%B %Y", legDate) .. legNote3 .. "" local c = 1 local n = 0 local po = args["po1" ] while po do local poIsShortTitle = args["po" .. c .. "short" ] local poNote1 = args["po" .. c .. "note1" ] or "" local poYearOffset = args["po" .. c .. "year" ] or "" local poIsLongTitle = args["po" .. c .. "long" ] local poLongTitle if poIsLongTitle
"n" then poLongTitle = "" n = n + 1 else poLongTitle = args[c + 5 - n ] end local poNote2 = args["po" .. c .. "note2" ] or "" -- o = o .. p.po c = c + 1 po = args["po" .. c ] end -- o = o .. "
" o = o .. " | " return oend
function p.po(args) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame local o = " | |
" .. (args[1 ] or ) .. (args[3 ] or ) return oend
function p.header(frame) local pargs = frame:getParent.args local args = frame.args local inputType = pargs[1 ] or args[1 ] or "" local inputState = pargs["state" ] or args["state" ] or "" local inputNumber = tonumber(pargs[2 ]) or tonumber(args[2 ]) or "" local inputSession = pargs["session" ] or args["session" ] or "" local orders = tonumber(pargs[3 ]) or tonumber(args[3 ]) or 0 local currentSession = "" local o = "" inputType = "year" inputNumber = tonumber(pargs[1 ]) or tonumber(args[1 ]) or 0 o = o .. frame:preprocess("") o = o .. " " .. frame:expandTemplate .. " " .. frame:expandTemplate .. " " .. frame:expandTemplate .. " " o = o .. frame:expandTemplate o = o .. "\n\n" .. "This is a list of orders in Council for Northern Ireland " o = o .. " laid before Parliament in " .. inputNumber .. "." o = o .. " Orders in council for Northern Ireland are laid before the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which had legislative authority over devolved matters in relation to Northern Ireland under the authority of the Northern Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972 during direct rule." .. frame:extensionTag("ref", ".") o = o .. "year" o = o .. " is " o = o .. "given a number (abbreviated \"No.\") denoted by Arabic numerals," .. frame:extensionTag("ref", "; .") .. " and citations are usually followed by the suffix \"(N.I.)\" so as to prevent confusion with acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom." o = o .. "\n\n" o = o .. " of the Parliament of Northern Ireland " if orders
1 then o = o .. "was" else o = o .. "were" end o = o .. " passed " o = o .. "in " .. inputNumber local actsPublicString = "" local actsLocalString = "" local actsPrivateString = "" o = o .. "." o = o .. "\n\n indicates that an act" o = o .." is available to view at, and " o = o .. "" o = o .. " indicates the location of the original " o = o .. "act" o = o .. " in the " o = o .. "Parliamentary Archives." return oend
return p
| |