--[=[ Lua support for the {{lang}}, {{langx}}, {{lang-??}}, and {{transliteration}} templates and replacement of various supporting templates. ]=]
local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;local unicode = require ("Module:Unicode data"); -- for is_Latin and is_rtllocal yesno = require ('Module:Yesno');
local lang_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Lang/data'); -- language name override and transliteration tool-tip tableslocal lang_name_table = lang_data.lang_name_table; -- language codes, names, regions, scripts, suppressed scriptslocal lang_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.lang;local lang_dep_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.lang_dep;local script_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.script;local region_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.region;local variant_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.variant;local suppressed_table = lang_data.lang_name_table.suppressed;local override_table = lang_data.override;
local synonym_table = mw.loadData ('Module:Lang/ISO 639 synonyms'); -- ISO 639-2/639-2T code translation to 639-1 code
local cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Lang/configuration' .. (mw.getCurrentFrame:getTitle:match ('/sandbox') or )); -- for internationalization
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle.namespace; -- used for categorization
local content_lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage;local this_wiki_lang_tag = content_lang.code; -- get this wiki's language taglocal this_wiki_lang_dir = content_lang:getDir; -- get this wiki's language direction
local initial_style_state; -- set by lang_xx_normal and lang_xx_italic
local maint_cats = ; -- maintenance categories go herelocal maint_msgs = ; -- and their messages go here
----------------------------< M A K E _ E R R O R _ S P A N >--------------------------------------------------
local function make_error_span (template, msg) return table.concat end
----------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------
Substitutes $1, $2, etc in
local function substitute (message, data_t) return data_t and mw.message.newRawMessage (message, data_t):plain or message;end
----------------------------< M A K E _ E R R O R _ M S G >--------------------------------------------------
Assembles an error message from template name, message text, help link, and error category.
local function make_error_msg (msg, args_t, template) local category; local text; -- handle the oddity that is if cfg.templates_t.langxx
if cfg.templates_t.transliteration
namespace or 10
----------------------------< P A R A M E T E R _ V A L I D A T E >------------------------------------------
local function parameter_validate (args_t, template) local err_msg = cfg.parameter_validate_t.invalid_param;
if cfg.templates_t.lang
template then -- for for param, _ in pairs (args_t) do if not cfg.known_params_t.params_langx_t[param] and -- unique parameters not cfg.known_params_t.params_x_t[param] and -- common to and not cfg.known_params_t.common_params_all_t[param] then -- common to all return substitute (err_msg,); -- not found so abandon end end elseif cfg.templates_t.langxx
----------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is notan empty string.
local function is_set (var) return not (var
--italic=unset, |italic=invert disables automatic italic markup. Individual leading/trailingapostrophes are converted to their html numeric entity equivalent so that the new italic markup doesn't becomebold markup inadvertently.
Leading and trailing wiki markup is extracted from args.text into separate table elements. Addition, removal,replacement of wiki markup is handled by a string.gsub replacement table operating only on these separate elements.In the string.gsub matching pattern, '.*' matches empty string as well as the three expected wiki markup patterns.
This function expects that markup in args.text is complete and correct; if it is not, oddness may result.
local function invert_italics (source) local invert_pattern_table = ; local seg = ;
source = source:gsub ("%f[\']\'%f[^\']", '''); -- protect single quote marks from being interpreted as bold markup
seg[1] = source:match ('^(\'\'+%f[^\']).+') or ; -- get leading markup, if any; ignore single quote seg[3] = source:match ('.+(%f[\']\'\'+)$') or ; -- get trailing markup, if any; ignore single quote
if ~= seg[1] and ~= seg[3] then -- extract the 'text' seg[2] = source:match ('^\'\'+%f[^\'](.+)%f[\']\'\'+$') -- from between leading and trailing markup elseif ~= seg[1] then seg[2] = source:match ('^\'\'+%f[^\'](.+)') -- following leading markup elseif ~= seg[3] then seg[2] = source:match ('(.+)%f[\']\'\'+$') -- preceding trailing markup else seg[2] = source -- when there is no markup end
seg[1] = invert_pattern_table[seg[1]] or seg[1]; -- replace leading markup according to pattern table seg[3] = invert_pattern_table[seg[3]] or seg[3]; -- replace leading markup according to pattern table
return table.concat (seg); -- put it all back together and doneend
--italic= or |italics= assigned values.
When |italic= is set and has an acceptible assigned value, return the matching css font-style property value or,for the special case 'default', return nil.
When |italic= is not set, or has an unacceptible assigned value, return nil and a nil error message.
When both |italic= and |italics= are set, returns nil and a 'conflicting' error message.
The return value nil causes the calling lang, lang_xx, or transl function to set args.italic according to the template'sdefined default ('inherit' for , 'inherit' or 'italic' for depending onthe individual template's requirements, 'italic' for) or to the value appropriate to |script=, if set (and only).
Accepted values and the values that this function returns are are: nil - when |italic= absent or not set; returns nil default - for completeness, should rarely if ever be used; returns nil yes - force args.text to be rendered in italic font; returns 'italic' no - force args.text to be rendered in normal font; returns 'normal' unset - disables font control so that font-style applied to text is dictated by markup inside or outside the template; returns 'inherit' invert - disables font control so that font-style applied to text is dictated by markup outside or inverted inside the template; returns 'invert'
local function validate_italic (args) local properties = ; local count = 0 for _, arg in pairs do if args[arg] then count = count + 1 end end
if count > 1 then -- return nil and an error message if more than one is set return nil, cfg.validate_italic_t.multi_italic; end return properties[args.italic or args.italics or args.i], nil; -- return an appropriate value and a nil error messageend
--[=[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E _ C A T _ A R G S >---------------------------------------------------------- Default behavior of the {{lang}} and {{lang-??}} templates is to add categorization when the templates are used in mainspace. This default functionality may be suppressed by setting |nocat=yes or |cat=no. This function selects one of these two parameters to control categorization. Because having two parameters with 'opposite' names and 'opposite' values is confusing, this function accepts only affirmative values for |nocat= and only negative values for |cat=; in both cases the 'other' sense (and non-sense) is not accepted and the parameter is treated as if it were not set in the template. Sets args.nocat to true if categorization is to be turned off; to nil if the default behavior should apply. Accepted values for |nocat= are the text strings: 'yes', 'y', 'true', 't', on, '1' -- [[Module:Yesno]] returns logical true for all of these; false or nil elsefor |cat= 'no', 'n', 'false', 'f', 'off', '0' -- returns logical false for all of these; true or nil else
local function validate_cat_args (args) if not (args.nocat or args.cat) then -- both are nil, so categorize return; end if false
yesno (args.nocat) then args.nocat = true; -- set to true when args.nocat is affirmative; nil else (as if the parameter were not set in the template) else -- args.nocat is the parameter actually used. args.nocat = nil; endend
----------------------------< I N _ A R R A Y >--------------------------------------------------------------
Whether needle is in haystack.
local function in_array (needle, haystack) if needle
needle then return n; end end return false;end
local function format_ietf_tag (code, script, region, variant, private) local out = ;
if is_set (private) then return table.concat ('-'); -- if private, all other tags ignored end table.insert (out, code:lower); if is_set (script) then script = script:lower:gsub ('^%a', string.upper); table.insert (out, script); end
if is_set (region) then table.insert (out, region:upper); end if is_set (variant) then table.insert (out, variant:lower); end return table.concat (out, '-');end
--script=, |region=, and |variant= are supported (not supported in because those parameters are superfluous to the IETF subtags in |code=).
Returns six values; all lower case. Valid parts are returned as themselves; omitted parts are returned as empty strings, invalidparts are returned as nil; the sixth returned item is an error message (if an error detected) or nil.
See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt section 2.1.
local function get_ietf_parts (source, args_script, args_region, args_variant) local code, script, region, variant, private; -- ietf tag parts
if not is_set (source) then return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.missing_lang_tag; end
local pattern =
local t = ; -- table of captures; serves as a translator between captured ietf tag parts and named variables
for i, v in ipairs (pattern) do -- spin through the pattern table looking for a match local c1, c2, c3, c4; -- captures in the 'pattern' from the pattern table go here c1, c2, c3, c4 = source:match (pattern[i][1]); -- one or more captures set if source matches pattern[i]) if c1 then -- c1 always set on match code = c1; -- first capture is always code t = ; script = t.s or ; -- translate table contents to named variables; region = t.r or ; -- absent table entries are nil so set named ietf parts to empty string for concatenation variant= t.v or ; private = t.p or ; break; -- and done end end
if not code then return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_tag,); -- don't know what we got but it is malformed end
code = code:lower; -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this if not (override_table[code] or lang_table[code] or synonym_table[code] or lang_dep_table[code]) then return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_code,); -- invalid language code, don't know about the others (don't care?) end
if synonym_table[code] then -- if 639-2/639-2T code has a 639-1 synonym table.insert (maint_cats, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.maint_promo_cat,)); table.insert (maint_msgs, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.maint_promo_msg,)); code = synonym_table[code]; -- use the synonym end
if is_set (script) then if is_set (args_script) then return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.redundant_scr; -- both code with script and |script= not allowed end else script = args_script or ; -- use args.script if provided end
if is_set (script) then script = script:lower; -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this if not script_table[script] then return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_scr_code,); -- language code ok, invalid script, don't know about the others (don't care?) end end if suppressed_table[script] then -- ensure that code-script does not use a suppressed script if in_array (code, suppressed_table[script]) then return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.script_code,); -- language code ok, script is suppressed for this code end end
if is_set (region) then if is_set (args_region) then return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.redundant_reg; -- both code with region and |region= not allowed end else region = args_region or ; -- use args.region if provided end
if is_set (region) then region = region:lower; -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this if not region_table[region] then return code, script, nil, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_reg_code,); end end if is_set (variant) then if is_set (args_variant) then return code, nil, nil, nil, nil, cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.redundant_var; -- both code with variant and |variant= not allowed end else variant = args_variant or ; -- use args.variant if provided end
if is_set (variant) then variant = variant:lower; -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this if not variant_table[variant] then -- make sure variant is valid return code, script, region, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_var,); end -- does this duplicate/replace tests in lang and lang_xx? if is_set (script) then -- if script set it must be part of the 'prefix' if not in_array (table.concat, variant_table[variant]['prefixes']) then return code, script, region, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_var_code_scr,); end elseif is_set (region) then -- if region set, there are some prefixes that require lang code and region (en-CA-newfound) if not in_array (code, variant_table[variant]['prefixes']) then -- first see if lang code is all that's required (en-oxendict though en-GB-oxendict is preferred) if not in_array (table.concat, variant_table[variant]['prefixes']) then -- now try for lang code and region (en-CA-newfound) return code, script, region, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_var_code_reg,); end end else -- cheap way to determine if there are prefixes; fonipa and others don't have prefixes; # operator always returns 0 if variant_table[variant]['prefixes'][1] and not in_array (code, variant_table[variant]['prefixes']) then return code, script, region, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_var_code,); end end end
if is_set (private) then private = private:lower; -- ensure that we use and return lower case version of this if not override_table[table.concat ({code, '-x-', private})] then -- make sure private tag is valid; note that index return code, script, region, nil, nil, substitute (cfg.get_ietf_parts_t.unrecog_pri,); end end return code, script, region, variant, private, nil; -- return the good bits; make sure that msg is nilend
--[=[-------------------------< M A K E _ W I K I L I N K >---------------------------------------------------- Makes a wikilink; when both link and display text is provided, returns a wikilink in the form [[L|D]]; if onlylink is provided, returns a wikilink in the form L; if neither are provided or link is omitted, returns anempty string.
local function make_wikilink (link, display) if is_set (link) then if is_set (display) then return table.concat ; else return table.concat ; end else return ; endend
----------------------------< D I V _ M A R K U P _ A D D >--------------------------------------------------
Adds and tags to list-item text or to implied
text. Mixed not supported.local function div_markup_add (text, style) if text:find ('^\n[%*:;#]') then -- look for list markup; list markup must begin at start of text if 'italic'
if text:find ('\n+') then -- look for any number of \n characters in text text = text:gsub ('([^\n])\n([^\n])', '%1 %2'); -- replace single newline characters with a space character which mimics mediawiki
if 'italic'
'); -- insert p and italic markup tags at each impled p (two or more consecutive '\n\n' sequences) else text = text:gsub ('[^\n]+', '%1
'); -- insert p markup at each impled p text = text:gsub ('\n', ); -- strip newline characters end endreturn text;end
----------------------------< T I T L E _ W R A P P E R _ M A K E >------------------------------------------
Makes a
local function title_wrapper_make (title_text, content_text, tag) local wrapper_t = ; table.insert (wrapper_t, table.concat); -- open opening wrapper tag table.insert (wrapper_t, ' title=\"'); -- begin title attribute table.insert (wrapper_t, title_text); -- add
return table.concat (wrapper_t); -- make a big string and doneend
local function make_text_html (code, text, tag, rtl, style, size, language) local html_t = ; local style_added = ; local wrapper_tag = tag; --
if text:match ('^%*') then table.insert (html_t, '*'); -- move proto language text prefix outside of italic markup if any; use numeric entity because plain splat confuses MediaWiki text = text:gsub ('^%*', ); -- remove the splat from the text end
if 'span'
style then -- but if italic tag = 'i'; -- change to tags end else -- must be div so go text = div_markup_add (text, style); -- handle implied
, implied
with, and list markup (*;:#) with end
table.insert (html_t, table.concat); -- open the ,
, orhtml tag code = code:gsub ('%-x%-.*', ); -- strip private use subtag from code tag because meaningless outside of wikipedia table.insert (html_t, table.concat); -- add language attribute
if (rtl or unicode.is_rtl(text)) and ('ltr'
this_wiki_lang_dir) then -- text is left-to-right on a right-to-left wiki table.insert (html_t, ' dir="ltr"'); -- add direction attribute for left-to-right languages end
if 'normal'
if is_set (size) then -- when |size=
table.insert (html_t, table.concat); -- close the opening html tag table.insert (html_t, text); -- insert the text
table.insert (html_t, table.concat); -- close the 'text' ,
, orhtml tag
if is_set (language) then -- create a
return title_wrapper_make (title_text, table.concat (html_t), wrapper_tag); else return table.concat (html_t); endend
--[=[-------------------------< M A K E _ C A T E G O R Y >---------------------------------------------------- For individual language, <language>, returns: [[Category:Articles containing <language>-language text]]
For English: For ISO 639-2 collective languages (and for 639-1 bh):
local function make_category (code, language_name, nocat, name_get) if ((0 ~= namespace) or nocat) and not name_get then -- only categorize in article space return ; -- return empty string for concatenation end
if mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then return substitute ('$1 $2',); end if this_wiki_lang_tag
--script= is not used in for this purpose; instead it uses |code. Because language scriptsare listed in the switches they are included in the data tables. The script parameter is introducedat . If |script= is set, this function uses it in preference to code.
To avoid confusion, in this module and the templates that use it, the transliteration script parameter is renamedto be |translit-script= (in this function, tscript).
This function is used by both lang_xx and transl lang_xx always provides code, language_name, and translit; may provide tscript; never provides style transl always provides language_name, translit, and one of code or tscript, never both; always provides style
For, style only applies when a language code is provided.
local function make_translit (code, language_name, translit, std, tscript, style, engvar) local title_t = lang_data.translit_title_table; -- table of transliteration standards and the language codes and scripts that apply to those standards local title_text = ; -- tool tip text for title= attribute std = std and std:lower; -- lower case for table indexing if not is_set (std) and not is_set (tscript) then -- when neither standard nor script specified title_text = language_name; -- write a generic tool tip if not mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name) title_text = substitute ('$1-$2',); -- skip this text (individual and macro languages only) end title_text = substitute ('$1 $2',); -- finish the tool tip; use romanization when neither script nor standard supplied
elseif is_set (std) and is_set (tscript) then -- when both are specified if title_t[std] then -- and if standard is legitimate if title_t[std][tscript] then -- and if script for that standard is legitimate if script_table[tscript] then title_text = substitute ('$1$2 ($3 $4) $5',); else title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- use the default if script not in std table; TODO: maint cat? error message because script not found for this standard? end else title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- use the default if script not in std table; TODO: maint cat? error message because script not found for this standard? end else return ; -- invalid standard, setup for error message end
elseif is_set (std) then -- translit-script not set, use language code if not title_t[std] then return ; end -- invalid standard, setup for error message if title_t[std][code] then -- if language code is in the table (transl may not provide a language code) title_text = substitute ('$1$2 ($3 $4) $5',); else -- code doesn't match title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- so use the standard's default end
else -- here if translit-script set but translit-std not set if title_t['no_std'][tscript] then title_text = title_text .. title_t['no_std'][tscript]; -- use translit-script if set elseif title_t['no_std'][code] then title_text = title_text .. title_t['no_std'][code]; -- use language code else if is_set (tscript) then title_text = substitute ('$1$2-$3 $4',);
elseif is_set (code) then if not mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name) title_text = substitute ('$1-$2',); end title_text = substitute ('$1 $2',); else title_text = substitute ('$1 $2',); end end end
local tag if is_set (code) then -- when a language code is provided (always with templates, not always with) code = code:match ('^(%a%a%a?)'); -- strip all subtags leaving only the language subtag if not style then -- nil for the default italic style tag = '%s' else tag = '
%s' -- non-standard style, construct a span tag for it tag = string.format(tag, style, "%s", "%s") end tag = string.format(tag, code, "%s") else tag = '%s' -- when no language code: no lang= attribute, not italic (only) end tag = string.format(tag, translit) -- add the translit text ifengvar and title_text:gsub ('([Rr]omani)z', '%1s') or title_text; -- gb eng when engvar specifies gb eng; us eng else return title_wrapper_make (title_text, tag, 'span'); -- wrap with a tool-tip span and done endend
--italic= template parameter so italic markup should never appear in args.texteither as itself or as bold italic unless |italic=unset or |italic=invert.
local function validate_text (template, args) if not is_set (args.text) then return make_error_msg (cfg.validate_text_t.no_text, args, template); end
if args.text:find ("%f[\']\'\'\'\'%f[^\']") or args.text:find ("\'\'\'\'\'[\']+") then -- because we're looking, look for 4 appostrophes or 6+ appostrophes return make_error_msg (cfg.validate_text_t.malformed_markup, args, template); end
local style = args.italic;
if (cfg.keywords_t.unset ~= style) and (cfg.keywords_t.invert ~=style) then if args.text:find ("%f[\']\'\'%f[^\']") or args.text:find ("%f[\']\'\'\'\'\'%f[^\']") then -- italic but not bold, or bold italic return make_error_msg (cfg.validate_text_t.italic_markup, args, template); end endend
----------------------------< R E N D E R _ M A I N T >------------------------------------------------------
Render mainenance messages and categories.
local function render_maint (nocat) local maint = ; if 0 < #maint_msgs then -- when there are maintenance messages table.insert (maint, table.concat); -- opening
tag for _, msg in ipairs (maint_msgs) do table.insert (maint, table.concat); -- add message strings end table.insert (maint, ''); -- close the span end if (0 < #maint_cats) and (0----------------------------< P R O T O _ P R E F I X >------------------------------------------------------
For proto languages, text is prefixed with a splat. We do that here as a flag for make_text_html so that a splatwill be rendered outside of italic markup (if used). If the first character in text here is already a splat, wedo nothing.
proto_param is boolean or nil; true adds splat prefix regardless of language name; false removes and inhibitsregardless of language name; nil does nothing; presumes that the value in text is correct but removes extra splac.
local function proto_prefix (text, language_name, proto_param) if false
proto_param)) then -- language is a proto or forced by |proto=yes return text:gsub ('^%**', '*'); -- prefix proto-language text with a splat; also removes duplicate prefixing splats end return text:gsub ('^%*+', '*'); -- return text unmolested except multiple splats reduced to one splatend
----------------------------< H A S _ P O E M _ T A G >------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a poem strip marker in text; returns true when found; false else.
Auto-italic detection disabled when text has poem stripmarker because it is not possible for this code to knowthe content that will replace the stripmarker.
local function has_poem_tag (text) return text:find ('\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-poem%-[%a%d]+%-QINU[^\127]*\127') and true or false;end
tags because the stripmarker is replaced with text wrapped in
If the text contains any actual
tags, then it's again returned unmodified and
tags are used to wrap it, to prevent div/span inversion.
local function html_tag_select (text) local tag; if has_poem_tag (text) then -- contains poem stripmarker (we can't know the content of that) tag = 'div'; -- poem replacement is in div tags so lang must use div tags elseif text:find ('
Validates value assigned to |proto=; permitted values are yes and no; yes returns as true, no returns as false,empty string (or parameter omitted) returns as nil; any other value returns nil with
local function validate_proto (proto_param) if cfg.keywords_t.affirmative
proto_param then return false; elseif is_set (proto_param) then return nil, proto_param; -- |proto= something other than 'yes' or 'no' else return nil; -- missing or empty endend
----------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ N A M E _ G E T >--------------------------------------------
Common function to return language name from the data set according to IETF tag.
Returns language name if found in data tables; nil else.
local function language_name_get (ietf, code, cat) ietf = ietf:lower; -- ietf:lower because format_ietf_tag returns mixed case local name; -- remains nil if not found if override_table[ietf] then -- look for whole IETF tag in override table name = override_table[ietf]; elseif override_table[code] then -- not there so try basic language tag name = override_table[code]; elseif lang_table[code] then -- shift to iana active tag/name table name = lang_table[code]; elseif lang_dep_table[code] then -- try the iana deprecated tag/name table name = lang_dep_table[code]; end
if lang_dep_table[code] and cat then -- because deprecated code may have been overridden to en.wiki preferred name table.insert (maint_cats, substitute (cfg.language_name_get_t.deprecated_cat,)); table.insert (maint_msgs, substitute (cfg.language_name_get_t.deprecated_msg,)); end
return name; -- name from data tables or nilend
----------------------------< T E X T _ S C R I P T _ M A T C H _ T E S T >----------------------------------
IETF script subtag should match the script of the
Conversely, when
Returns an error message when mismatch detected; nil else.
local function text_script_match_test (script, is_latn_text, pos) if is_set (script) then -- don't bother with the rest of this if