-- This module implements the lion's share of the newly-revised-as-of-August-2020 Template:LDS.local p =
-- TODO:-- Check the verse parameter to make sure it's a number (sometimes users -- mistakenly include the en dash and ending verse number in this -- parameter, e.g.,). If it isn't a number, -- default to citing to the chapter as a whole?-- Take out the remaining error statements and handle errors more gracefully.-- (As of September 2020, many have already been removed, so that's good.)-- Functions with error statements left in them:-- getFullBookName-- handleOD-- getStandardWork (only throws an error if pre-conditions not met)-- getLectureOrdinal (only called with pcall)
local bomBooks =
local dcBooks =
local lofBooks =
local pogpBooks =
local bibleBooks =
-- This table holds the titles of the Standard Works themselves, as found on WSlocal standardWorks =
local wsBaseURL = "" .. displayTextParam .. " 1" elseif decNumber
-- for when the user has provided either no parameters or just one (the display -- text for the wikilink)local function handleFewParams(displayTextParam) if not displayTextParam then -- no parameters provided to the template at all return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|LDS Standard Works]]" end -- otherwise same link but displaying the text they provided return wsBaseURL .. wsStandardWorks .. "|" .. displayTextParam .. "]]"end
local function removePeriods(arg) if arg then return string.gsub(arg, "%.", "") else return nil endend
-- this function removes leading and trailing spaces via regex magiclocal function trimSpaces(arg) if arg then return string.match(arg, "^%s*(.-)%s*$") else return nil endend
-- local function extractParams(args):-- Extracts and returns the parameters from the table of args passed in-- Includes logic to handle the case where a user forgets to pass in bookParamlocal function extractParams(args) local displayTextParam = trimSpaces(args[1]) local bookParam = removePeriods(trimSpaces(args[2])) -- take out periods and spaces local chapterParam = trimSpaces(args[3]) local verseParam = trimSpaces(args[4]) local endVerseParam = trimSpaces(args[5]) -- the 6th and 7th parameters, for footnotes and cross-references, have no -- use on Wikisource (and don't seem to work even on CoCJ.org, but whatever) -- so they are ignored local endVerseFlag = trimSpaces(args[8]) -- handle the common mistake where someone forgets the second parameter -- altogether (e.g.,). -- This is done by testing whether the second parameter, which should be the -- name/abbrev. of the book (e.g., 1ne), is instead a number. In that case -- we will try assuming that the params should just be "shifted" over 1 -- and use the display text as the bookParam and go from there, fingers crossed. if tonumber(args[2]) then -- the second parameter is a number (tonumber returns nil if there is any text in its argument) bookParam = removePeriods(trimSpaces(args[1])) -- use the display text and hope it's the full name of the book (or a valid abbreviation)! chapterParam = trimSpaces(args[2]) verseParam = trimSpaces(args[3]) endVerseParam = trimSpaces(args[4]) endVerseFlag = trimSpaces(args[7]) end return displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlagend
-- pre-condition: lectureNum is non-nillocal function getLectureOrdinal(lectureNum) if lectureNum
"2" then return "Second" elseif lectureNum
"4" then return "Fourth" elseif lectureNum
"6" then return "Sixth" elseif lectureNum
-- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]
=] -- -- [=======[ ...oooOOOOOOOooo... ]
-- function p.main(frame)-- This function returns a wikitext link to the cited LDS scripture on Wikisource-- (except for Official Declaration 2, which is copyrighted, so this returns a-- link to CoJC.org for that)function p.main(frame) local args = frame:getParent.args -- the args to the template that invokes this module local displayTextParam, bookParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag = extractParams(args) local wikiText = "" if not bookParam then --fewer than two parameters provided to the template return handleFewParams(displayTextParam) end local fullBookName = getFullBookName(bookParam) local standardWork = getStandardWork(fullBookName) if fullBookName
"JST Matthew" then fullBookName = "Matthew" end -- Special case for sections of the Doctrine and Covenants if fullBookName
"Lectures on Faith" then if chapterParam then local status, ordinal = pcall(getLectureOrdinal, chapterParam) if status then fullBookName = "Lecture " .. ordinal else fullBookName = nil -- just cite to LoF generally chapterParam = chapterParam .. " (invalid)" -- so user knows there was a problem mw.log(ordinal) -- print error message to debug console (?) end else fullBookName = nil -- The user has not provided a chapter (lecture) so this is treated as wanting to cite the LoF generally end end if fullBookName then wikiText = wikiText .. "/" .. fullBookName if chapterParam then wikiText = wikiText .. buildBookmark(fullBookName, chapterParam, verseParam) end end wikiText = wikiText .. "|" wikiText = wikiText .. buildFinalDisplayText(displayTextParam, chapterParam, verseParam, endVerseParam, endVerseFlag) wikiText = wikiText .. "]]" -- DON'T FORGET!!! return wikiTextend
-- like the name says, this just counts the number of keys (aka indexes) in a tablelocal function countKeys(t) local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(t) do i = i+1 end return iend
-- returns a (collapsed by default) wikitable listing all the aliases for every book-- designed for use on the template documentation pagefunction p.getBookAliasesWikiTable local wikiTable = class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ class="nowrap" |LDS Template Book Name Aliases ! Standard Work !! Book !! Aliases ]] for sw, bookList in pairs(standardWorks) do wikiTable = wikiTable .. '|-\n|rowspan="' .. countKeys(bookList) .. '"|' .. sw .. "\n" for book, aliases in pairs(bookList) do wikiTable = wikiTable .. "| " .. book .. "\n| " .. table.concat(aliases, ", ") .. "\n|-\n" end end wikiTable = wikiTable .. "|}" return wikiTableend
return p