Module:If preview explained

local p =

local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:If preview/configuration')


This function returns either the first argument or second argument passed tothis module, depending on whether the page is being previewed.

function p.main(frame) if cfg.preview then return frame.args[1] or else return frame.args[2] or endend


This function returns either the first argument or second argument passed tothis module's parent (i.e. template using this module), depending on whether itis being previewed.

function p.pmain(frame) return p.main(frame:getParent)end

local function warning_text(warning) return mw.ustring.format(cfg.warning_infrastructure, cfg.templatestyles, warning )end

function p._warning(args) local warning = args[1] and args[1]:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') or if warning

then return warning_text(cfg.missing_warning) end if not cfg.preview then return end return warning_text(warning)end


This function returns a "preview warning", which is the first argument markedup with HTML and some supporting text, depending on whether the page is being previewed.

disabled since we'll implement the template version in general

--function p.warning(frame)-- return p._warning(frame.args)--end

--warning, but for pass-through templates like function p.pwarning(frame) return p._warning(frame:getParent.args)end

return p