Module:IP/sandbox explained

-- IP library-- This library contains classes for working with IP addresses and IP ranges.

-- Load modulesrequire('strict')local bit32 = require('bit32')local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')local checkType = libraryUtil.checkTypelocal checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMultilocal makeCheckSelfFunction = libraryUtil.makeCheckSelfFunction

-- Constantslocal V4 = 'IPv4'local V6 = 'IPv6'

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper functions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local function makeValidationFunction(className, isObjectFunc) -- Make a function for validating a specific object. return function (methodName, argIdx, arg) if not isObjectFunc(arg) then error(string.format("bad argument #%d to '%s' (not a valid %s object)", argIdx, methodName, className ), 3) end endend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collection class-- This is a table used to hold items.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local Collection = Collection.__index = Collection

function Collection:add(item) if item ~= nil then self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = item endend

function Collection:join(sep) return table.concat(self, sep)end

function Collection:remove(pos) if self.n > 0 and (pos

nil or (0 < pos and pos <= self.n)) then self.n = self.n - 1 return table.remove(self, pos) endend

function Collection:sort(comp) table.sort(self, comp)end

function Collection:deobjectify -- Turns the collection into a plain array without any special properties -- or methods. self.n = nil setmetatable(self, nil)end

function return setmetatable(Collection)end

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RawIP class-- Numeric representation of an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Used internally.-- A RawIP object is constructed by adding data to a Collection object and-- then giving it a new metatable. This is to avoid the memory overhead of-- copying the data to a new table.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local RawIP = RawIP.__index = RawIP

-- Constructorsfunction RawIP.newFromIPv4(ipStr) -- Return a RawIP object if ipStr is a valid IPv4 string. Otherwise, -- return nil. -- This representation is for compatibility with IPv6 addresses. local octets = local s = ipStr:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') .. '.' for item in s:gmatch('(.-)%.') do octets:add(item) end if octets.n

4 then for i, s in ipairs(octets) do if s:match('^%d+$') then local num = tonumber(s) if 0 <= num and num <= 255 then if num > 0 and s:match('^0') then -- A redundant leading zero is for an IP in octal. return nil end octets[i] = num else return nil end else return nil end end local parts = for i = 1, 3, 2 do parts:add(octets[i] * 256 + octets[i+1]) end return setmetatable(parts, RawIP) end return nilend

function RawIP.newFromIPv6(ipStr) -- Return a RawIP object if ipStr is a valid IPv6 string. Otherwise, -- return nil. ipStr = ipStr:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') local _, n = ipStr:gsub(':', ':') if n < 7 then ipStr = ipStr:gsub('::', string.rep(':', 9 - n)) end local parts = for item in (ipStr .. ':'):gmatch('(.-):') do parts:add(item) end if parts.n

8 then for i, s in ipairs(parts) do if s

then parts[i] = 0 else if s:match('^%x+$') then local num = tonumber(s, 16) if num and 0 <= num and num <= 65535 then parts[i] = num else return nil end else return nil end end end return setmetatable(parts, RawIP) end return nilend

function RawIP.newFromIP(ipStr) -- Return a new RawIP object from either an IPv4 string or an IPv6 -- string. If ipStr is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 string, then return -- nil. return RawIP.newFromIPv4(ipStr) or RawIP.newFromIPv6(ipStr)end

-- Methodsfunction RawIP:getVersion -- Return a string with the version of the IP protocol we are using. return self.n

2 and V4 or V6end

function RawIP:isIPv4 -- Return true if this is an IPv4 representation, and false otherwise. return self.n


function RawIP:isIPv6 -- Return true if this is an IPv6 representation, and false otherwise. return self.n


function RawIP:getBitLength -- Return the bit length of the IP address. return self.n * 16end

function RawIP:getAdjacent(previous) -- Return a RawIP object for an adjacent IP address. If previous is true -- then the previous IP is returned; otherwise the next IP is returned. -- Will wraparound: -- next → -- ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff → :: -- previous → -- :: → ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff local result = result.n = self.n local carry = previous and 0xffff or 1 for i = self.n, 1, -1 do local sum = self[i] + carry if sum >= 0x10000 then carry = previous and 0x10000 or 1 sum = sum - 0x10000 else carry = previous and 0xffff or 0 end result[i] = sum end return setmetatable(result, RawIP)end

function RawIP:getPrefix(bitLength) -- Return a RawIP object for the prefix of the current IP Address with a -- bit length of bitLength. local result = result.n = self.n for i = 1, self.n do if bitLength > 0 then if bitLength >= 16 then result[i] = self[i] bitLength = bitLength - 16 else result[i] = bit32.replace(self[i], 0, 0, 16 - bitLength) bitLength = 0 end else result[i] = 0 end end return setmetatable(result, RawIP)end

function RawIP:getHighestHost(bitLength) -- Return a RawIP object for the highest IP with the prefix of length -- bitLength. In other words, the network (the most-significant bits) -- is the same as the current IP's, but the host bits (the -- least-significant bits) are all set to 1. local bits = self.n * 16 local width if bitLength <= 0 then width = bits elseif bitLength >= bits then width = 0 else width = bits - bitLength end local result = result.n = self.n for i = self.n, 1, -1 do if width > 0 then if width >= 16 then result[i] = 0xffff width = width - 16 else result[i] = bit32.replace(self[i], 0xffff, 0, width) width = 0 end else result[i] = self[i] end end return setmetatable(result, RawIP)end

function RawIP:_makeIPv6String -- Return an IPv6 string representation of the object. Behavior is -- undefined if the current object is IPv4. local z1, z2 -- indices of run of zeroes to be displayed as "::" local zstart, zcount for i = 1, 9 do -- Find left-most occurrence of longest run of two or more zeroes. if i < 9 and self[i]

0 then if zstart then zcount = zcount + 1 else zstart = i zcount = 1 end else if zcount and zcount > 1 then if not z1 or zcount > z2 - z1 + 1 then z1 = zstart z2 = zstart + zcount - 1 end end zstart = nil zcount = nil end end local parts = for i = 1, 8 do if z1 and z1 <= i and i <= z2 then if i

z1 then if z1

1 or z2

8 then if z1

1 and z2

8 then return '::' end parts:add(':') else parts:add() end end else parts:add(string.format('%x', self[i])) end end return parts:join(':')end

function RawIP:_makeIPv4String -- Return an IPv4 string representation of the object. Behavior is -- undefined if the current object is IPv6. local parts = for i = 1, 2 do local w = self[i] parts:add(math.floor(w / 256)) parts:add(w % 256) end return parts:join('.')end

function RawIP:__tostring -- Return a string equivalent to given IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). if self.n

2 then return self:_makeIPv4String else return self:_makeIPv6String endend

function RawIP:__lt(obj) if self.n

obj.n then for i = 1, self.n do if self[i] ~= obj[i] then return self[i] < obj[i] end end return false end return self.n < obj.nend

function RawIP:__eq(obj) if self.n

obj.n then for i = 1, self.n do if self[i] ~= obj[i] then return false end end return true end return falseend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize private methods available to IPAddress and Subnet--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Both IPAddress and Subnet need access to each others' private constructor-- functions. IPAddress must be able to make Subnet objects from CIDR strings-- and from RawIP objects, and Subnet must be able to make IPAddress objects-- from IP strings and from RawIP objects. These constructors must all be-- private to ensure correct error levels and to stop other modules from having-- to worry about RawIP objects. Because they are private, they must be-- initialized here.local makeIPAddress, makeIPAddressFromRaw, makeSubnet, makeSubnetFromRaw

-- Objects need to be able to validate other objects that they are passed-- as input, so initialize those functions here as well.local validateCollection, validateIPAddress, validateSubnet

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPAddress class-- Represents a single IPv4 or IPv6 address.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local IPAddress =

do -- dataKey is a unique key to access objects' internal data. This is needed -- to access the RawIP objects contained in other IPAddress objects so that -- they can be compared with the current object's RawIP object. This data -- is not available to other classes or other modules. local dataKey =

-- Private static methods local function isIPAddressObject(val) return type(val)

'table' and val[dataKey] ~= nil end

validateIPAddress = makeValidationFunction('IPAddress', isIPAddressObject)

-- Metamethods that don't need upvalues local function ipEquals(ip1, ip2) return ip1[dataKey].rawIP

ip2[dataKey].rawIP end

local function ipLessThan(ip1, ip2) return ip1[dataKey].rawIP < ip2[dataKey].rawIP end

local function concatIP(ip, val) return tostring(ip) .. tostring(val) end

local function ipToString(ip) return ip:getIP end

-- Constructors makeIPAddressFromRaw = function (rawIP) -- Constructs a new IPAddress object from a rawIP object. This function -- is for internal use; it is called by and from other -- IPAddress methods, and should be available to the Subnet class, but -- should not be available to other modules. assert(type(rawIP)

'table', 'rawIP was type ' .. type(rawIP) .. '; expected type table')

-- Set up structure local obj = local data = data.rawIP = rawIP

-- A function to check whether methods are called with a valid self -- parameter. local checkSelf = makeCheckSelfFunction('IP', 'ipAddress', obj, 'IPAddress object' )

-- Public methods function obj:getIP checkSelf(self, 'getIP') return tostring(data.rawIP) end

function obj:getVersion checkSelf(self, 'getVersion') return data.rawIP:getVersion end

function obj:isIPv4 checkSelf(self, 'isIPv4') return data.rawIP:isIPv4 end

function obj:isIPv6 checkSelf(self, 'isIPv6') return data.rawIP:isIPv6 end

function obj:isInCollection(collection) checkSelf(self, 'isInCollection') validateCollection('isInCollection', 1, collection) return collection:containsIP(self) end

function obj:isInSubnet(subnet) checkSelf(self, 'isInSubnet') local tp = type(subnet) if tp

'string' then subnet = makeSubnet(subnet) elseif tp

'table' then validateSubnet('isInSubnet', 1, subnet) else checkTypeMulti('isInSubnet', 1, subnet,) end return subnet:containsIP(self) end

function obj:getSubnet(bitLength) checkSelf(self, 'getSubnet') checkType('getSubnet', 1, bitLength, 'number') if bitLength < 0 or bitLength > data.rawIP:getBitLength or bitLength ~= math.floor(bitLength) then error(string.format("bad argument #1 to 'getSubnet' (must be an integer between 0 and %d)", data.rawIP:getBitLength ), 2) end return makeSubnetFromRaw(data.rawIP, bitLength) end

function obj:getNextIP checkSelf(self, 'getNextIP') return makeIPAddressFromRaw(data.rawIP:getAdjacent) end

function obj:getPreviousIP checkSelf(self, 'getPreviousIP') return makeIPAddressFromRaw(data.rawIP:getAdjacent(true)) end

-- Metamethods return setmetatable(obj,) end

makeIPAddress = function (ip) local rawIP = RawIP.newFromIP(ip) if not rawIP then error(string.format("'%s' is an invalid IP address", ip), 3) end return makeIPAddressFromRaw(rawIP) end

function checkType('', 1, ip, 'string') return makeIPAddress(ip) endend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subnet class-- Represents a block of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local Subnet =

do -- uniqueKey is a unique, private key used to test whether a given object -- is a Subnet object. local uniqueKey =

-- Metatable local mt =

-- Private static methods local function isSubnetObject(val) -- Return true if val is a Subnet object, and false otherwise. return type(val)

'table' and val[uniqueKey] ~= nil end

-- Function to validate subnet objects. -- Params: -- methodName (string) - the name of the method being validated -- argIdx (number) - the position of the argument in the argument list -- arg - the argument to be validated validateSubnet = makeValidationFunction('Subnet', isSubnetObject)

-- Constructors makeSubnetFromRaw = function (rawIP, bitLength) -- Set up structure local obj = setmetatable(mt) local data =

-- A function to check whether methods are called with a valid self -- parameter. local checkSelf = makeCheckSelfFunction('IP', 'subnet', obj, 'Subnet object' )

-- Public methods function obj:getPrefix checkSelf(self, 'getPrefix') if not data.prefix then data.prefix = makeIPAddressFromRaw(data.rawIP:getPrefix(data.bitLength) ) end return data.prefix end

function obj:getHighestIP checkSelf(self, 'getHighestIP') if not data.highestIP then data.highestIP = makeIPAddressFromRaw(data.rawIP:getHighestHost(data.bitLength) ) end return data.highestIP end

function obj:getBitLength checkSelf(self, 'getBitLength') return data.bitLength end

function obj:getCIDR checkSelf(self, 'getCIDR') return string.format('%s/%d', tostring(self:getPrefix), self:getBitLength ) end

function obj:getVersion checkSelf(self, 'getVersion') return data.rawIP:getVersion end

function obj:isIPv4 checkSelf(self, 'isIPv4') return data.rawIP:isIPv4 end

function obj:isIPv6 checkSelf(self, 'isIPv6') return data.rawIP:isIPv6 end

function obj:containsIP(ip) checkSelf(self, 'containsIP') local tp = type(ip) if tp

'string' then ip = makeIPAddress(ip) elseif tp

'table' then validateIPAddress('containsIP', 1, ip) else checkTypeMulti('containsIP', 1, ip,) end if self:getVersion

ip:getVersion then return self:getPrefix <= ip and ip <= self:getHighestIP end return false end

function obj:overlapsCollection(collection) checkSelf(self, 'overlapsCollection') validateCollection('overlapsCollection', 1, collection) return collection:overlapsSubnet(self) end

function obj:overlapsSubnet(subnet) checkSelf(self, 'overlapsSubnet') local tp = type(subnet) if tp

'string' then subnet = makeSubnet(subnet) elseif tp

'table' then validateSubnet('overlapsSubnet', 1, subnet) else checkTypeMulti('overlapsSubnet', 1, subnet,) end if self:getVersion

subnet:getVersion then return (subnet:getHighestIP >= self:getPrefix and subnet:getPrefix <= self:getHighestIP ) end return false end

function obj:walk checkSelf(self, 'walk') local started local current = self:getPrefix local highest = self:getHighestIP return function if not started then started = true return current end if current < highest then current = current:getNextIP return current end end end

return obj end

makeSubnet = function (cidr) -- Return a Subnet object from a CIDR string. If the CIDR string is -- invalid, throw an error. local lhs, rhs = cidr:match('^%s*(.-)/(%d+)%s*$') if lhs then local bits = lhs:find(':', 1, true) and 128 or 32 local n = tonumber(rhs) if n and n <= bits and (n

0 or not rhs:find('^0')) then -- The right-hand side is a number between 0 and 32 (for IPv4) -- or 0 and 128 (for IPv6) and doesn't have any leading zeroes. local base = RawIP.newFromIP(lhs) if base then -- The left-hand side is a valid IP address. local prefix = base:getPrefix(n) if base

prefix then -- The left-hand side is the lowest IP in the subnet. return makeSubnetFromRaw(prefix, n) end end end end error(string.format("'%s' is an invalid CIDR string", cidr), 3) end

function checkType('', 1, cidr, 'string') return makeSubnet(cidr) endend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranges class-- Holds a list of IPAdress pairs representing contiguous IP ranges.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local Ranges = Collection.newRanges.__index = Ranges

function return setmetatable(Ranges)end

function Ranges:add(ip1, ip2) validateIPAddress('add', 1, ip1) if ip2 ~= nil then validateIPAddress('add', 2, ip2) if ip1 > ip2 then error('The first IP must be less than or equal to the second', 2) end end Collection.add(self,)end

function Ranges:merge self:sort(function (lhs, rhs) -- Sort by second value, then first. if lhs[2]

rhs[2] then return lhs[1] < rhs[1] end return lhs[2] < rhs[2] end ) local pos = self.n while pos > 1 do for i = pos - 1, 1, -1 do local ip1 = self[i][2] local ip2 = ip1:getNextIP if ip2 < ip1 then ip2 = ip1 -- don't wrap around end if self[pos][1] > ip2 then break end ip1 = self[i][1] ip2 = self[pos][1] self[i] = self:remove(pos) pos = pos - 1 if pos <= 1 then break end end pos = pos - 1 endend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPCollection class-- Holds a list of IP addresses/subnets. Used internally.-- Each address/subnet has the same version (either IPv4 or IPv6).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local IPCollection = IPCollection.__index = IPCollection

function assert(version

V4 or version

V6, ' called with an invalid version' ) local obj = return objend

function IPCollection:getVersion -- Return a string with the IP version of addresses in this collection. return self.versionend

function IPCollection:_store(hit, stripColons) local maker, location if hit:find('/', 1, true) then maker = location = self.subnets else maker = location = self.addresses end local success, obj = pcall(maker, hit) if success then location:add(obj) else if stripColons then local colons, hit = hit:match('^(:*)(.*)') if colons ~= then self:_store(hit) return end end self.omitted:add(hit) endend

function IPCollection:_assertVersion(version, msg) if self.version ~= version then error(msg, 3) endend

function IPCollection:addIP(ip) local tp = type(ip) if tp

'string' then ip = makeIPAddress(ip) elseif tp

'table' then validateIPAddress('addIP', 1, ip) else checkTypeMulti('addIP', 1, ip,) end self:_assertVersion(ip:getVersion, 'addIP called with incorrect IP version') self.addresses:add(ip) return selfend

function IPCollection:addSubnet(subnet) local tp = type(subnet) if tp

'string' then subnet = makeSubnet(subnet) elseif tp

'table' then validateSubnet('addSubnet', 1, subnet) else checkTypeMulti('addSubnet', 1, subnet,) end self:_assertVersion(subnet:getVersion, 'addSubnet called with incorrect subnet version') self.subnets:add(subnet) return selfend

function IPCollection:containsIP(ip) -- Return true, obj if ip is in this collection, -- where obj is the first IPAddress or Subnet with the ip. -- Otherwise, return false. local tp = type(ip) if tp

'string' then ip = makeIPAddress(ip) elseif tp

'table' then validateIPAddress('containsIP', 1, ip) else checkTypeMulti('containsIP', 1, ip,) end if self:getVersion

ip:getVersion then for _, item in ipairs(self.addresses) do if item

ip then return true, item end end for _, item in ipairs(self.subnets) do if item:containsIP(ip) then return true, item end end end return falseend

function IPCollection:getRanges -- Return a sorted table of IP pairs equivalent to the collection. -- Each IP pair is a table representing a contiguous range of -- IP addresses from pair[1] to pair[2] inclusive (IPAddress objects). local ranges = for _, item in ipairs(self.addresses) do ranges:add(item) end for _, item in ipairs(self.subnets) do ranges:add(item:getPrefix, item:getHighestIP) end ranges:merge ranges:deobjectify return rangesend

function IPCollection:overlapsSubnet(subnet) -- Return true, obj if subnet overlaps this collection, -- where obj is the first IPAddress or Subnet overlapping the subnet. -- Otherwise, return false. local tp = type(subnet) if tp

'string' then subnet = makeSubnet(subnet) elseif tp

'table' then validateSubnet('overlapsSubnet', 1, subnet) else checkTypeMulti('overlapsSubnet', 1, subnet,) end if self:getVersion

subnet:getVersion then for _, item in ipairs(self.addresses) do if subnet:containsIP(item) then return true, item end end for _, item in ipairs(self.subnets) do if subnet:overlapsSubnet(item) then return true, item end end end return falseend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPv4Collection class-- Holds a list of IPv4 addresses/subnets.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local IPv4Collection = setmetatable(IPCollection)IPv4Collection.__index = IPv4Collection

function return setmetatable(, IPv4Collection)end

function IPv4Collection:addFromString(text) -- Extract any IPv4 addresses or CIDR subnets from given text. checkType('addFromString', 1, text, 'string') text = text:gsub('[:!"#&\'+,%-;<=>?[%]_

]', ' ') for hit in text:gmatch('%S+') do if hit:match('^%d+%.%d+[%.%d/]+$') then local _, n = hit:gsub('%.', '.') if n >= 3 then self:_store(hit) end end end return selfend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPv6Collection class-- Holds a list of IPv6 addresses/subnets.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local IPv6Collection = setmetatable(IPCollection)IPv6Collection.__index = IPv6Collection

do -- Private static methods local function isCollectionObject(val) -- Return true if val is probably derived from an IPCollection object, -- otherwise return false. if type(val)

'table' then local mt = getmetatable(val) if mt

IPv4Collection or mt

IPv6Collection then return true end end return false end

validateCollection = makeValidationFunction('IPCollection', isCollectionObject)

function return setmetatable(, IPv6Collection) end

function IPv6Collection:addFromString(text) -- Extract any IPv6 addresses or CIDR subnets from given text. -- Want to accept all valid IPv6 despite the fact that addresses used -- are unlikely to start with ':'. -- Also want to be able to parse arbitrary wikitext which might use -- colons for indenting. -- Therefore, if an address at the start of a line is valid, use it; -- otherwise strip any leading colons and try again. checkType('addFromString', 1, text, 'string') for line in string.gmatch(text .. '\n', '[\t ]*(.-)[\t\r ]*\n') do line = line:gsub('[!"#&\'+,%-;<=>?[%]_

]', ' ') for position, hit in line:gmatch('(%S+)') do local ip = hit:match('^([:%x]+)/?%d*$') if ip then local _, n = ip:gsub(':', ':') if n >= 2 then self:_store(hit, position

1) end end end end return self endend

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Util class (static)-- Holds utility functions.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local Util =

function Util.removeDirMarkers(str) -- Remove any of following directional markers -- LRM : LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK (U+200E) : hex e2 80 8e = 226 128 142 -- LRE : LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING (U+202A) : hex e2 80 aa = 226 128 170 -- PDF : POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING (U+202C) : hex e2 80 ac = 226 128 172 -- This is required for MediaWiki:Blockedtext message. return string.gsub(str, '\226\128[\142\170\172]', )end

local function correctCidr(cidrStr) -- Correct a well-formatted but invalid CIDR string to a valid one (e.g. -> -- Return a Subnet object only if correction takes place. local isCidr, cidr = pcall(, cidrStr) local i, _ = string.find(cidrStr, '/%d+$'); if not isCidr and i ~= nil and i > 1 then local bitLen = tonumber(cidrStr:sub(i + 1)) local root = cidrStr:sub(1, i - 1) local isIp, ip = pcall(, root) if isIp then local isValidSubnet = ip:isIPv4 and 0 <= bitLen and bitLen <= 32 or ip:isIPv6 and 0 <= bitLen and bitLen <= 128 if isValidSubnet then return ip:getSubnet(bitLen) end end end return nilend

local function isSpecifiedProtocol(obj, protocol) -- Check if a given IPAddress/Subnet object is an instance of IPv4, IPv6, or either, and return a boolean value. if protocol

'v4' then return obj:isIPv4 elseif protocol

'v6' then return obj:isIPv6 else return obj:isIPv4 or obj:isIPv6 endend

local function verifyIP(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly, protocol) -- Return 3 values: boolean, string, string/nil. -- v[1] is the result of whether the input string is an IP address or CIDR of the specified protocol (IPv4, IPv6, or either). -- v[2] is the input string. -- v[3] is a corrected CIDR string only if allowCidr or cidrOnly is true AND v[1] is true AND the input string is in a possible -- CIDR format but doesn't actually work as a CIDR and hence is corrected to a valid one (e.g. -> str = Util.removeDirMarkers(str) if cidrOnly

true then allowCidr = true end -- Ignores the value of allowCidr if cidrOnly is true if allowCidr then local corCidr = correctCidr(str) local corrected = corCidr ~= nil local isCidr, cidr if corrected then isCidr, cidr = true, corCidr else isCidr, cidr = pcall(, str) end if isCidr then -- The input (or corrected) string represents a valid CIDR isCidr = isSpecifiedProtocol(cidr, protocol) return isCidr, str, (function if isCidr and corrected then return cidr:getCIDR end end) elseif cidrOnly then -- Invalid as a CIDR return false, str, nil end end local isIp, ip = pcall(, str) if isIp then isIp = isSpecifiedProtocol(ip, protocol) end return isIp, str, nilend

function Util.isIPAddress(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly) return verifyIP(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly, nil)end

function Util.isIPv4Address(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly) return verifyIP(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly, 'v4')end

function Util.isIPv6Address(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly) return verifyIP(str, allowCidr, cidrOnly, 'v6')end

return pronounced as /dress = IPAddress, Subnet = Subnet, IPv4Collection = IPv4Collection, IPv6Collection = IPv6Collection, Util = Util/