----------------------------< U N S O R T E D _ A D D >------------------------------------------------------
add members of the unsorted list based on first character(upper or lower case) following 'CITEREF'. If
local function unsorted_add (index, unsorted, temp) local pattern;
if 1 < index:len and 'OTHER' ~= index then -- only add citerefs to the single-character lists return; end
if '#'
index then -- if not nil and OTHER index if mw.ustring.match (k, '%[\'CITEREF%a') then temp[k] = true; -- add to the OTHER listing unsorted[k] = nil; -- and then disable this one in the unsorted listing end end endend
----------------------------< L I S T _ P A R S E >----------------------------------------------------------
parse apart plain-text list of a key / value pair into a table where the plain-text k/v becomes the key in a luatable with the assigned value true. Do this to catch multiples of the same k/v and to support the easy insertionof k/v pairs from the unsorted list.
also normalize k/v format
local function list_parse (index, list, temp) for citeref in list[index]:gmatch ('\t*([^\r\n]+)') do citeref = mw.text.trim (citeref); citeref = citeref:gsub (' *%[*\' *', '[\''); -- normalize opening sq brackets citeref = citeref:gsub (' *\' *%] *', '\']'); -- normalize closing sq brackets citeref = citeref:gsub (' *'); -- normalize closing braces citeref = citeref:gsub ('([%]}]) *, *', '%1,'); -- normalize trailing comma citeref = citeref:gsub (' *= *', ' = '); -- normalize assignment operator if not temp[citeref] then temp[citeref] = true; -- a constant value so that we can know if the 'key' already exists (avoid duplication) end endend
local function whitelist_sort(frame) local headers = ; -- headings are stored here and used for loop control local list = -- table of tables of the plain-text citerefs local unsorted = ; -- table of k/v pairs where k is the unsorted citerefs and v is true or nil (after added to alpha list) local result = ; -- sorted and formatted section end up here local temp, temp2 =, ;
local content = mw.title.new('Module:Footnotes/whitelist'):getContent; -- read the module plain text local find_pattern = '%s*local%s+whitelist%s+=%s+'; -- find the whitelist table local tstart, tend = content:find (find_pattern);
content = content:match ('%b', tstart); -- get the content of the whitelist table content = content:gsub ('^$', ); -- remove whitespace and terminal brace
for header in content:gmatch ('%-+<([#%a%d%s]+)>%-+') do -- get pseudo-headers table.insert (headers, mw.text.trim (header)); -- save the captures in the headers table end
for i, header in ipairs (headers) do -- separate whitelist entries into individual alpha groupings local pattern = '%-+<%s*' .. header .. '%s*>%-+'; tstart, tend = content:find (pattern); -- find this header if tstart and headers[1+i] then -- if not the last header list[header] = mw.text.trim (content:match ('([^<]-)%-+<', tend+1)); -- begin at end of header; +1 to leave-off the last '-' in the header elseif tstart then -- must be the last header (usually UNSORTED) list[header] = mw.text.trim (content:match ('.*', tend+1)); -- begin at end of header; +1 to leave-off the last '-' in the header else error ('shouldn\'t be here; header: ' .. header or '(nil or empty string)' .. '; tstart: ' .. tstart or '(nil or empty string)'); end end
list_parse ('UNSORTED', list, unsorted); -- make a separate unsorted list list['UNSORTED'] = ; -- blank the unsorted source
for i, v in ipairs (headers) do temp, temp2 =, ; -- reinit temp & temp2
list_parse (v, list, temp); -- parse the list local err_msg; err_msg = unsorted_add (v, unsorted, temp); -- then add appropriate citerefs from the unsorted list if err_msg then return err_msg; end
for k, v in pairs (temp) do -- get 'key' value from temp and make a sequence from it in temp2 so it can be sorted if v then table.insert (temp2, k); -- unsorted listing gets 'emptied' by setting v nil; don't add nil citerefs to temp2 end end table.sort (temp2); -- sort this section table.insert (result, '----------< ' .. v .. ' >----------\n\t' .. table.concat (temp2, '\n\t') .. '\n\n'); -- add a header, make a long string, and add to result end
return frame:extensionTag ;end
---------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------