Module:Footnotes/whitelist explained


local wrapper_template_defaults =

--volume= to specify default name (often editor names) and year. Wrapper templatesare indexed by their canonical names – spelling and capitalization is important. Each wrapper template has a tableof values for every volume. Volumes may be indexed by Arabic or Roman numerals. Each volume index has a table oftwp values" [1] is the wrapper's default name-list as it is used in an anchor ID; [2] is the default year. Eachwrapper template in this table must have a ['default'] key for those occasions when |volume= is omitted or empty.This table is indexed indirectly through the wrapper_templates table.

This table is not available externally.

-- Helper function to create Encyclopedia Iranica volume table

local iranica_years =

local iranica_volumes = for k, yr in pairs(iranica_years) do iranica_volumes[k] = end

-- Helper function to create "TDV Encyclopedia of Islam" volume table

local TDV_years =

local TDV_volumes = for k, yr in pairs(TDV_years) do TDV_volumes[k] = end

local wrapper_template_defaults_vol =

----------------------------< W R A P P E R _ T E M P L A T E S >--------------------------------------------

A list of wrapper templates and their redirects – spelling and capitalization is important; first character isalways uppercase. Each wrapper template gets its value from a k/v pair in the wrapper_template_defaults table.

article reader queries this table to see if template_name is a wrapper template

local wrapper_templates =

----------------------------< T E M P L A T E _ N A M E S >--------------------------------------------------

This table holds the names of templates and the names of their redirects. Template names must be written exactlyas they are named at their templatespace page. This same also applies to redirects.

The indexes in this table are not critical but should be short and concise.

local template_names =

--local wrapper_template_patterns =


local whitelist =

----------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------
