local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local p =
--Local function which handles all the shared character, element and location redirect handling code.--local function main(args, objectType, validArgs) local redirectTemplateHandler = require("Module:Redirect template handler") local redirectCategoryShell, mainRedirect, unknownParametersErrors = redirectTemplateHandler.setFictionalObjectRedirect(args, objectType, validArgs) if (unknownParametersErrors) then return redirectCategoryShell .. unknownParametersErrors else return redirectCategoryShell endend
--Public function from other modules.Function handles the unique character redirect code.Do not merge with other sections to allow for future changes.--function p._character(args, validArgs) local additonalValidArgs = for i = 1, #additonalValidArgs do table.insert(validArgs, additonalValidArgs[i]) end return main(args, "character", validArgs)end
--Public function from other modules.Function handles the unique element redirect code.Do not merge with other sections to allow for future changes.--function p._element(args, validArgs) return main(args, "element", validArgs)end
--Public function from other modules.Function handles the unique location redirect code.Do not merge with other sections to allow for future changes.--function p._location(args, validArgs) return main(args, "location", validArgs)end
--function p.character(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._character(args,)end
--function p.element(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._element(args,)end
--function p.location(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._location(args,)end
return p