local p =
local function image_square(pc, row, col, size) local colornames = local piecenames = local symnames = local colchar = local color = mw.ustring.gsub(pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%2') or local piece = mw.ustring.gsub(pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%1') or local alt = colchar[col] .. row .. ' '
if colornames[color] and piecenames[piece] then alt = alt .. colornames[color][piecenames[piece]['gender']] .. ' ' .. piecenames[piece]['name'] else alt = alt .. (symnames[piece .. color] or piece .. ' ' .. color) end
fn =
if pc
'kd' then fn = 'Green_King_(Western)' elseif pc
'ad' then fn = 'Green_Guard_(Western)' elseif pc
'ed' then fn = 'Green_Elephant_(Western)' elseif pc
'hd' then fn = 'Green_Horse_(Western)' elseif pc
'rd' then fn = 'Green_Chariot_(Western)' elseif pc
'cd' then fn = 'Green_Cannon_(Western)' elseif pc
'pd' then fn = 'Green_Soldier_(Western)' end
return string.format('', fn, size, size, alt, alt)
local function innerboard(args, size, rev) local root = mw.html.create('div') root:addClass('xiangqi-board') :css('position', 'relative') :wikitext(string.format('', 9 * size, 10 * size))
for trow = 1,10 do local row = rev and trow or (11 - trow) for tcol = 1,9 do local col = rev and (10 - tcol) or tcol local piece = args[9 * (10 - row) + col + 2] or if piece:match('%w%w') then local img = image_square(piece:match('%w%w'), row, col, size) root:tag('div') :css('position', 'absolute') :css('z-index', '3') :css('top', tostring((trow - 1) * size) .. 'px') :css('left', tostring((tcol - 1) * size) .. 'px') :css('width', size .. 'px') :css('height', size .. 'px') :wikitext(img) end end end
return tostring(root)end
function xiangqiboard(args, size, rev, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) function letters_row(rev, num_lt, num_rt) local letters = local root = mw.html.create() if num_lt then root:tag('td') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('padding', '0') end for k = 1,9 do root:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :css('vartical-align', 'inherit') :css('height', '18px') :css('width', size .. 'px') :wikitext(rev and letters[10-k] or letters[k]) end if num_rt then root:tag('td') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('padding', '0') end return tostring(root) end
local letters_tp = letters:match('both') or letters:match('top') local letters_bt = letters:match('both') or letters:match('bottom') local numbers_lt = numbers:match('both') or numbers:match('left') local numbers_rt = numbers:match('both') or numbers:match('right') local width = 9 * size + 2 if (numbers_lt) then width = width + 18 end if (numbers_rt) then width = width + 18 end
local root = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('thumb') :addClass(align) :css('clear', clear) :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(header) local div = root:tag('div') :addClass('thumbinner') :css('width', width .. 'px') local b = div:tag('table') :attr('cellpadding', '0') :attr('cellspacing', '0') :css('background', 'white') :css('font-size', '88%') :css('border', '1px #b0b0b0 solid') :css('padding', '0') :css('margin', 'auto')
if (letters_tp) then b:tag('tr') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(letters_row(rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt)) end local tablerow = b:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align','middle') if (numbers_lt) then tablerow:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('width', '18px') :css('height', size .. 'px') :wikitext(rev and 1 or 10) end local td = tablerow:tag('td') :attr('colspan', 9) :attr('rowspan', 10) :css('padding', '0') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :wikitext(innerboard(args, size, rev))
if (numbers_rt) then tablerow:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('width', '18px') :css('height', size .. 'px') :wikitext(rev and 1 or 10) end if (numbers_lt or numbers_rt) then for trow = 2, 10 do local idx = rev and trow or (11 - trow) tablerow = b:tag('tr') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') if (numbers_lt) then tablerow:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('height', size .. 'px') :wikitext(idx) end if (numbers_rt) then tablerow:tag('td') :css('padding', '0') :css('vertical-align', 'inherit') :css('height', size .. 'px') :wikitext(idx) end end end if (letters_bt) then b:tag('tr') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(letters_row(rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt)) end
if (footer and footer ~= ) then div:tag('div') :addClass('thumbcaption') :wikitext(footer) end
return tostring(root)end
function convertFenToArgs(fen) -- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions, offset by 2 local res = -- Loop over rows, which are delimited by / for srow in string.gmatch("/" .. fen, "/%w+") do -- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row for piece in srow:gmatch("%w") do if piece:match("%d") then -- if a digit for k=1,piece do table.insert(res,' ') end else -- not a digit local color = piece:match('%u') and 'l' or 'd' piece = piece:lower table.insert(res, piece .. color) end end end
return resend
function convertArgsToFen(args, offset) function nullOrWhitespace(s) return not s or s:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
'l' and a:upper or a end) end
local res = offset = offset or 0 for row = 1, 10 do for file = 1, 10 do res = res .. piece(args[10*(row - 1) + file + offset]) end if row < 10 then res = res .. '/' end end return mw.ustring.gsub(res, '1+', function(s) return #s end)end
function p.board(frame) local args = frame.args local pargs = frame:getParent.args local size = args.size or pargs.size or '26' local reverse = (args.reverse or pargs.reverse or ):lower
size = mw.ustring.match(size, '[%d]+') or '26' -- remove px from size if (fen) then align = args.align or pargs.align or 'tright' clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or (align:match('tright') and 'right') or 'none' header = args.header or pargs.header or footer = args.footer or pargs.footer or return xiangqiboard(convertFenToArgs(fen), size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) end if args[3] then return xiangqiboard(args, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) else return xiangqiboard(pargs, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) endend
function p.fen2ascii(frame) -- local b = convertFenToArgs(frame.args.fen) local res = '|=\n' local offset = 2 for row = 1,10 do local n = (11 - row) res = res .. n .. ' |' .. table.concat(b, '|', 8*(row-1) + 1 + offset, 8*(row-1) + 8 + offset) .. '|=\n' end res = mw.ustring.gsub(res,'\| \|', '| |') res = mw.ustring.gsub(res,'\| \|', '| |') res = res .. ' A B C D E F G H I J' return resend
function p.ascii2fen(frame) -- return convertArgsToFen(frame.args, frame.args.offset or 1)end
return p