local p = local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler').mainlocal yesno = require('Module:Yesno')local mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')local n
function p.main (frame) local fulltitle = frame:getParent:getTitle local templatetitle = string.sub(fulltitle, 10) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle if mw.title.equals(title, mw.title.makeTitle('Template', title.rootText)) then --if it is on the main template page, load doc n = mArguments.getArgs(frame,) n.variant = n.variant or templatetitle --automatically use title generated from template name if n.doc ~= 'no' then return frame:expandTemplate end end return p._main (frame, templatetitle)end
function p._main (frame, templatetitle) n = mArguments.getArgs(frame,) n.variant = n.variant or templatetitle --automatically use title generated from template name n.category = n.spelling_examples = n.spelling_examples or n['spelling examples'] n.bid = not not n.id --bool of n.id, for making iupac and oxford not be added to the id if it doesn't exist --Generate the text if it isn't specified if not n.text then p.modify_text p.base_text (frame) end p.cat ('Wikipedia articles that use '..n.variant) return p.style(frame)..(n.category or )end
function p.cat (category) category = string.format ('', category) n.category = n.category..(categoryHandler or )end
function p.modify_text n.spelling = n.extravariant = n.extraguide = bOxford = yesno(n.Oxford) bIUPAC = yesno(n.IUPAC) chemtext = "; aluminium, sulfur and caesium" if bOxford then n.spelling_examples = "colour, realize, organization, analyse; note that -ize is used instead of -ise" p.cat ('Wikipedia articles that use Oxford spelling') if n.bid then n.id = n.id..n.Oxford end if bIUPAC then n.extravariant = ' with Oxford and IUPAC spelling' n.spelling_examples= n.spelling_examples..chemtext p.IUPAC return end n.extravariant = n.extravariant..' with Oxford spelling' return elseif bIUPAC then n.extravariant = ' with IUPAC spelling' n.spelling_examples = n.spelling_examples and n.spelling_examples..chemtext or "aluminium, sulfur and caesium" p.IUPAC return end --only if there are spelling examples, put 'has its own spelling conventions' if n.spelling_examples then n.spelling = ', which has its own spelling conventions' endend
function p.IUPAC n.extraguide = ' and chemistry naming conventions' p.cat('Wikipedia articles that use IUPAC spelling') n.flag = 'no' if n.bid then n.id = n.id..'iupac' endend
function p.base_text (frame) n.subjectspace = require('Module:Pagetype').main n.spelling_examples = n.spelling_examples and string.format(' (%s)', n.spelling_examples) or n.terms = n[1] or n.terms n.terms = n.terms and string.format(' (including %s)', n.terms) or n.compare = n.compare and (n.compare..' ') or n.text = string.format([=[This %s is '''written in [[%s]]%s%s%s and some terms that are used in it%s may be different or absent from %sother varieties of English. According to the relevant style guide%s, this should not be changed without broad consensus.__EXPECTUNUSEDTEMPLATE__]=], n.subjectspace, n.variant, n.extravariant, n.spelling, n.spelling_examples, n.terms, n.compare, n.extraguide)end
function p.style (frame) local size if yesno(n.small) then size = '30px' elseif n.size then size = n.size else size = '50px' end if n.image then if n.flag
'editnotice' then if n.bid then n.id = n.id..'editnotice' end n.expiry = n.expiry or 'indefinite' --categorize editnotice if specified if yesno(n.editnotice_cat) then p.cat(string.format('Pages with %s editnotice', n.variant)) end return frame:expandTemplate else local message_box = require('Module:Message box').main if not n.image then n.image = 'none' end n['type'] = 'style' return message_box ('tmbox', n) end end
return p