-- return { ["en"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Warning|Warnings}}", ["optional"] = "optional", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "documentation markup for Docbunto not found in $1", ["tag-usage"] = "Usage", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Field|Fields}}", ["type-number"] = "number", ["type-variable"] = "variable", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["tag-see"] = "See also", ["no-content"] = "Lua source code not found in $1", ["tag-todo"] = "TODO", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Note|Notes}}", ["type-boolean"] = "boolean", ["type-nil"] = "nil", ["header-other"] = "Other items", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Error|Errors}}", ["type-string"] = "string", ["type-table"] = "table", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "Package items", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Bug|Bugs}}", ["header-class"] = "Package class", ["header-private"] = "Private items", ["type-sequence"] = "sequence", ["header-documentation"] = "Documentation", ["header-function"] = "Package function", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["type-member"] = "member", ["type-function"] = "function", ["tag-return"] = "Returns", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}" }, ["qqq"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "Tag entry label for an item's warning notes. $1 is the number of @warning tags present for the item", ["optional"] = "Optional tag documentation entry", ["separator-dot"] = "Used to separate horizontal lists such as item flags", ["no-markup"] = "Lua error when queried module contains no documentation markup", ["tag-usage"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @usage tags", ["tag-field"] = "Tag entry label for a table's @field tags. $1 is the number of @field tags present for the item", ["type-number"] = "Lua's number type for items or tags", ["type-variable"] = "Custom type for private items that are primitives (boolean, number or string) and local to a module", ["separator-colon"] = "Used to separate tag entry labels from the entry documentation. {{optional}}", ["tag-see"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @see tags", ["no-content"] = "Lua error when queried module is non-existent", ["tag-todo"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @todo tags", ["tag-note"] = "Tag entry label for an item's developer notes. $1 is the number of @note tags present for the item", ["type-boolean"] = "Lua's boolean type for items or tags", ["type-nil"] = "Lua's nil type for items or tags", ["header-other"] = "Subheading for public items that aren't package members (e.g. return tables)", ["tag-error"] = "Tag entry label for a function's @error tags. $1 is the number of @error tags present for the item", ["type-string"] = "Lua's string type for items or tags", ["type-table"] = "Lua's table type for items or tags", ["parentheses"] = "Used to wrap item types and tag entry types. {{optional}}", ["header-items"] = "Header for modules that export a static table", ["tag-fixme"] = "Tag entry label for an item's documented bugs. $1 is the number of @fixme tags present for the item", ["header-class"] = "Header for modules that export a class", ["header-private"] = "Subheading for private items that are local to a module", ["type-sequence"] = "Lua's table type for items or tags that are a sequence", ["header-documentation"] = "Header for documentation section", ["header-function"] = "Header for modules that export a function", ["separator-semicolon"] = "Used to separate item or tag types. {{optional}}", ["type-member"] = "Custom type for class members that are primitives (boolean, number or string)", ["type-function"] = "Lua's function type for items or tags", ["tag-return"] = "Tag entry label for a function's @return tags", ["tag-param"] = "{{PLURAL:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}" }, ["bn"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|সূচনা|সূচনা}}", ["optional"] = "বিকল্পিক", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "ডোকবুনটোর জন্য ডকুমেন্টেশন মার্কআপ $1এ পাওয়া যায়নি", ["tag-usage"] = "প্রয়োগ", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|প্যারামেটের|প্যারামেটের}}", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|ফিল্ড|ফিল্ড}}", ["type-variable"] = "ভ্যারিয়েবল", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["type-number"] = "সংখ্যা", ["no-content"] = "$1তে লুয়া সোর্স কোড পাওয়া যায়নি", ["header-private"] = "ব্যক্তিগত আইটেম", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|নোট|নোট}}", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["tag-see"] = "আরও দেখেন", ["tag-todo"] = "টুডু", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|ত্রূটি|ত্রূটি}}", ["type-string"] = "স্ট্রিং", ["type-table"] = "টেবিল", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "প্যাকেজ আইটেম", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|বাগ|বাগ}}", ["header-class"] = "প্যাকেজ ক্লাস", ["header-documentation"] = "ডকুমেন্টেশন", ["type-boolean"] = "বুলিয়ান", ["header-other"] = "অন্য আইটেম", ["header-function"] = "প্যাকেজ ফাঙ্কশন", ["type-nil"] = "নাই", ["type-member"] = "সদস্য", ["tag-return"] = "দেয়ে", ["type-function"] = "ফাঙ্কশন" }, ["de"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Warnung|Warnungen}}", ["optional"] = "optional", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "Dokumentation-Markup für Docbunto in $1 nicht gefunden", ["tag-usage"] = "Verwendung", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Feld|Felder}}", ["type-number"] = "Nummer", ["type-variable"] = "Variable", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["tag-see"] = "Siehe auch", ["no-content"] = "Lua Quellcode in $1 nicht gefunden", ["tag-todo"] = "TODO", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Notiz|Notizen}}", ["type-boolean"] = "Boolean", ["type-nil"] = "null", ["header-other"] = "Andere Werte", ["tag-error"] = "Fehler", ["type-string"] = "String", ["type-table"] = "Table", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "Paketname", ["tag-fixme"] = "Fehler", ["header-class"] = "Paketklassen", ["header-private"] = "Private Werte", ["type-sequence"] = "Sequenz", ["header-documentation"] = "Dokumentation", ["header-function"] = "Paketfunktion", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["type-member"] = "Mitglied", ["type-function"] = "Funktion", ["tag-return"] = "Ausgabe", ["tag-param"] = "Parameter" }, ["fr"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Avertissement|Avertissements}}", ["optional"] = "optionnel", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "Documentation markup pour Docbunto introuvable dans $1", ["tag-usage"] = "Utilisation", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Paramètre|Paramètres}}", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Champ|Champs}}", ["type-variable"] = "variable", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["type-number"] = "nombre", ["no-content"] = "Code source Lua source non trouvée dans $1", ["header-private"] = "Objets privés", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Note|Notes}}", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["tag-see"] = "Voir aussi", ["tag-todo"] = "TODO", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Erreur|Erreurs}}", ["type-string"] = "chaîne", ["type-table"] = "tableau", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "Objets du paquet", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Bug|Bugs}}", ["header-class"] = "Classe des paquets", ["header-documentation"] = "Documentation", ["type-boolean"] = "booléen", ["header-other"] = "Autres objets", ["header-function"] = "Fonction de paquet", ["type-nil"] = "nil", ["type-member"] = "membre", ["type-sequence"] = "séquence", ["tag-return"] = "Retours", ["type-function"] = "fonction" }, ["hi"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|चेतावनी|चेतावनियाँ}}", ["optional"] = "वैकल्पिक", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "Docbunto के लिए प्रलेख मार्कअप $1 में नहीं मिला", ["tag-usage"] = "प्रयोग", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|फ़ील्ड|फ़ील्ड्स}}", ["type-number"] = "संख्या", ["type-variable"] = "वेरिएबल", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["tag-see"] = "ये भी देखें", ["no-content"] = "$1 में लुआ स्रोत कोड नहीं मिला", ["header-private"] = "व्यक्तिगत आयटम्स", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|नोट|नोट्स}}", ["type-boolean"] = "बूलियन", ["type-function"] = "फंक्शन", ["header-documentation"] = "प्रलेख", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|त्रुटि|त्रुटियाँ}}", ["type-string"] = "स्ट्रिंग", ["type-table"] = "टेबल", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "पैकेज के आयटम", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|बग|बग्स}}", ["header-class"] = "क्लास को पैकेज करें", ["tag-todo"] = "टू-डू", ["type-sequence"] = "क्रम", ["header-other"] = "दुसरे आयटम", ["header-function"] = "फंक्शन को पैकेज करें", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["type-member"] = "सदस्य", ["type-nil"] = "खाली", ["tag-return"] = "लौटाता है", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|पैरामीटर|पैरामीटर्स}}" }, ["ja"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "警告", ["tag-todo"] = "タスク", ["separator-dot"] = "・", ["separator-semicolon"] = ":", ["tag-usage"] = "使用例", ["type-table"] = "テーブル", ["tag-field"] = "フィールド", ["type-variable"] = "変数", ["type-function"] = "関数", ["type-number"] = "数", ["tag-see"] = "関連項目", ["header-private"] = "プライベート要素", ["tag-note"] = "ノート", ["type-boolean"] = "ブーリアン", ["optional"] = "オプションです", ["tag-error"] = "エラー", ["header-documentation"] = "ドキュメンテーション", ["type-string"] = "文字列", ["tag-param"] = "パラメータ", ["parentheses"] = "($1)", ["header-items"] = "パッケージ要素", ["tag-fixme"] = "バグ", ["header-class"] = "パッケージクラス", ["type-nil"] = "空", ["header-other"] = "ほかアイテム", ["header-function"] = "パッケージ関数", ["type-member"] = "メンバ", ["tag-return"] = "{{plural:$1|戻り値|複数の戻り値}}", ["separator-colon"] = "; " }, ["ko"] = { ["tag-return"] = "반환값", ["separator-dot"] = "・", ["header-items"] = "패키지 아이템", ["no-markup"] = "$1에서 Docbunto 문서 마크업을 찾지 못했습니다", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|매개변수|매개변수}}", ["header-documentation"] = "문서" }, ["pl"] = { ["no-content"] = "Nie odnaleziono kodu źróðłowego Lua w $1", ["no-markup"] = "Nie odnaleziono znaczników Docbunto w $1" }, ["ru"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Предупреждение|Предупреждения}}", ["optional"] = "необязательный", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "на $1 нет разметки документации Docbunto", ["tag-usage"] = "Использование", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Поле|Поля}}", ["type-number"] = "число", ["type-variable"] = "переменная", ["type-function"] = "функция", ["tag-see"] = "Смотрите также", ["no-content"] = "На $1 нет исходного кода Lua", ["tag-todo"] = "TODO", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Замечание|Замечания}}", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["type-nil"] = "nil", ["header-other"] = "Другие элементы", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Ошибка|Ошибки}}", ["type-string"] = "строка", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Аргумент|Аргументы}}", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "Элементы пакета", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Недочет|Недочеты}}", ["header-class"] = "Класс пакета", ["header-private"] = "Приватные элементы", ["type-member"] = "член класса", ["header-documentation"] = "Документация", ["header-function"] = "Функция пакета", ["type-boolean"] = "логический", ["type-sequence"] = "последовательность", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["tag-return"] = "Возвращает", ["type-table"] = "таблица" }, ["tl"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Babala|Mga babala}}", ["optional"] = "opsyonal", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Tala|Mga tala}}", ["tag-todo"] = "MGA GAWAIN", ["no-content"] = "Ang ''Luabsource code'' ay hindi mahanap sa $1", ["type-variable"] = "", ["tag-usage"] = "Paggamit", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["header-items"] = "Mga aytem sa package", ["no-markup"] = "Ang ''markup'' sa documentasyon para sa Docbuntu ay hindi mahanap sa $1", ["type-table"] = "talaan", ["parentheses"] = "" }, ["tr"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Uyarı|Uyarılar}}", ["optional"] = "isteğe bağlı", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["no-markup"] = "Docbunto için belge işaretlemesi $1 sayfasında bulunamadı", ["tag-usage"] = "Kullanım", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Alan|Alanlar}}", ["type-number"] = "sayı", ["type-variable"] = "değişken", ["separator-colon"] = "; ", ["tag-see"] = "Ayrıca bakınız", ["no-content"] = "Lua kaynak kodu $1 sorgusunda bulunamadı", ["tag-todo"] = "YAPILACAKLAR", ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Not|Notlar}}", ["type-boolean"] = "boole", ["type-nil"] = "nil", ["header-other"] = "Diğer öğeler", ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Hata|Hatalar}}", ["type-string"] = "dize", ["type-table"] = "tablo", ["parentheses"] = " ($1)", ["header-items"] = "Paket öğeleri", ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Hata|Hatalar}}", ["header-class"] = "Paket sınıfı", ["header-private"] = "Özel öğeler", ["type-sequence"] = "sıra", ["header-documentation"] = "Belgelendirme", ["header-function"] = "Paket işlevi", ["separator-semicolon"] = ": ", ["type-member"] = "üye", ["type-function"] = "işlev", ["tag-return"] = "Döndürmeler", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametre|Parametreler}}" }, ["vi"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "Cảnh báo", ["tag-note"] = "Lưu ý", ["separator-dot"] = " • ", ["type-number"] = "số", ["tag-usage"] = "Cách dùng", ["header-other"] = "Mục khác", ["type-sequence"] = "chuỗi", ["type-variable"] = "biến", ["type-function"] = "hàm", ["type-table"] = "bảng", ["no-content"] = "Không tìm thấy mã nguồn Lua trong $1", ["header-private"] = "Mục riêng", ["optional"] = "tuỳ chọn", ["tag-error"] = "Lỗi", ["type-string"] = "xâu", ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Tham số|Các tham số}}", ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Trường|Các trường}}\n", ["header-items"] = "Mục gói", ["tag-see"] = "Xem thêm", ["header-class"] = "Lớp gói", ["header-documentation"] = "Tài liệu", ["header-function"] = "Hàm gói", ["type-member"] = "", ["tag-return"] = "Trả về", ["separator-colon"] = "; " }, ["zh"] = { ["tag-warning"] = "警告", ["optional"] = "可选", ["separator-dot"] = "・", ["no-markup"] = "没有在$1中找到Docbunto的文档标记", ["type-nil"] = "nil", ["parentheses"] = "($1)", ["type-number"] = "数字", ["type-variable"] = "变量", ["type-function"] = "函数", ["tag-see"] = "另见", ["no-content"] = "没有在$1中找到Lua源代码", ["header-private"] = "私有项", ["tag-note"] = "注意", ["type-boolean"] = "布尔", ["tag-todo"] = "待办", ["header-other"] = "其他项", ["tag-error"] = "错误", ["type-string"] = "字符串", ["type-table"] = "表", ["tag-field"] = "字段", ["header-items"] = "程序包项", ["tag-fixme"] = "漏洞", ["header-class"] = "程序包类", ["separator-semicolon"] = ":", ["type-sequence"] = "序列", ["header-documentation"] = "文档", ["header-function"] = "程序包函数", ["separator-colon"] = ";", ["type-member"] = "成员", ["tag-usage"] = "用法", ["tag-return"] = "返回", ["tag-param"] = "参数" } }