Module:Cite taxon/doc explained

This module was created to generate references to the Catalog of Fishes database. The capabilities were extended to handle other fish-related references and the module renamed FishRef. Further extension to cover taxonomy databases handling non-fish taxa led to creation of template . and templates and module name was changed to Cite taxon to better describe its function of handling citations for a wide variety taxonomy databases.

The module provides a wrapper to the citation template, which means that the references can also include other parameters supported by the CS1/CS2 citation system. These include, which is recommended, reference style formating parameters such as or, the archiving parameters, and, and other general parameter such as . The template supplies authors or editors for some databases, but for others these can be added using the cite web parameters,, or the editor equivalents.

Templates using the module

The module is used with, which was designed to replace a series of templates that were originally written in the Wikipedia template language:,,, .

Other templates using the module:

* The module currently handles ASW6, Amphibiaweb, Reptile Database, IOC, Avibase, TiF, WoRMS, POWO, GRIN, IPNI, World Plants, World Ferns, Tropicos, FNA, ATRF, Goffinet's Bryophyte classification, Algaebase, Paleobiology DB, ITIS

Usage of module

General form: {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|db|parameters}}

Examples: {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|cof|parameters}}, {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|fishbase|parameters}}, {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|reptileDB|parameters}}, {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|ASW6|parameters}}, {{#invoke:Cite taxon|main|POWO|parameters}}, etc.

The module stores information about each database in a data table (e.g. data.cof for Catalog of Fishes). The table has a CitationArgs table, for parameters to be passed to, a CustomArgs table for parameters used for internal workings to set other parameters, and one or more custom functions handling different types of citation parameter. Typical functions are id, species, genus, family, order, and taxon. Which functions are needed depend on the options provided by the external database, some use a common format with an id for all links, others have taxon-specific links.

General rules

Different databases provide different options so uniformity is not possible. Some provide links that allow handling of species, genera, families, orders and other taxon ranks using the taxon names. This allows specific function to handle different taxa. Other just provide an id which can be used to generate the url, but needs a title. The following are the general rules for what functions are available:

  1. All databases can take a and . The templates then just add the general citation information about the website.
  2. Many take a . The template will complete the url and add a default title, although adding a title is recommended.
  3. Some databases allow taxon names that can be used with,, or
  4. Species can also often be handled when given and, and in some cases also . These can usually be added as position parameters, but it is recommended that the parameter names are given

Examples of templates using the

Catalog of Fishes

Examples using

Template usage Results
{{Catalog of Fishes |family=Xiphiidae |list=species |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |family=Cyprinidae |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |family=Salmonidae |list=genus |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |genus=Vinagarra |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |genus=Vinagarra |species=elongata |access-date=7 June 2018}} 
{{Catalog of Fishes |genus=Abbottina |species=rivularis |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |genus=Tylognathus |species=sinensis |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |genid=150  |access-date=8 June 2018}} 
{{Catalog of Fishes |genid=150 |title=Syngnathus |access-date=8 June 2018}} 
{{Catalog of Fishes|spid=14756  |access-date=8 June 2018}}
{{Catalog of Fishes |spid=14756 |title=Syngnathus abaster |access-date=8 June 2018}}

Examples using,, and templates

Template usage Results
{{Cof family |Xiphiidae|access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof family |family=Xiphiidae |list=species |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof family |family=Cyprinidae |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof family |family=Salmonidae |list=genus |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof genus |Garra|access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof genus |genus=Vinagarra |access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof species |genus=Vinagarra |species=elongata|access-date=7 June 2018}} 
{{Cof species |Abbottina|rivularis|access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof species |Tylognathus|sinensis|access-date=7 June 2018}}
{{Cof record |genid=150 |title=Syngnathus |access-date=8 June 2018}} 
{{Cof record |spid=14756 |title=Syngnathus abaster |access-date=8 June 2018}}
{{Cof record |genid=150  |access-date=8 June 2018}} 
{{Cof record |spid=14756  |access-date=8 June 2018}}


Template usage Results
Species with positional parameters]:
Subspecies with position parameters:
Species with named parameters:
Subspecies with named parameters:
{{FishBase/sandbox|order=Perciformes|access-date=19 November 2018|mode=cs2}}



Template usage Results
Species with positional parameters:
Subspecies with positional parameters:
Species with named parameters:
Subspecies with named parameters:
{{BioRef|fishbase|order=Perciformes|access-date=19 November 2018|mode=cs2}}

Amphibian Species of the World (ASW6)

Template usage Results
Default page with family listing:
{{BioRef|ASW6 |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Title + url:
{{BioRef|ASW6 |title=Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815|year=2019 |url= |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Family (currently only works for Anura):
{{BioRef|ASW6 |family=Hylidae |year=2019  |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Genus + species (named parameters)::
{{BioRef|ASW6 |genus=Chiromantis |species=cherrapunjiae |year=2019  |access-date=27 September 2019}} 
Genus + species (positional parameters)::
{{BioRef|ASW6 | Chiromantis| cherrapunjiae |year=2019  |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Note: the citation title can changed with


Template usage Results
Default page with for interactive family listing:
{{BioRef|amphibiaweb |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Title with url:
{{BioRef|amphibiaweb |title=Ranidae |year=2019 |url= |access-date=27 September 2019}}
{{BioRef|amphibiaweb |family=Ranidae |year=2019 |access-date=27 September 2019}} 
Genus + species (named parameters):
{{BioRef|amphibiaweb |genus=Altiphrynoides |species=malcolmi |year=2019 |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Genus + species (positional parameters):
{{BioRef|amphibiaweb | Altiphrynoides | malcolmi |year=2019 |access-date=27 September 2019}}
Note: the citation title can changed with

Reptile database:

Template usage Results
{{BioRef|reptileDB |genus=Loxocemus |species=bicolor|access-date=22 November 2018}}
-Species (positional parameters):
{{BioRef|reptileDB |Loxocemus |bicolor|access-date=22 November 2018}}
Species (positional parameters) with title:
{{BioRef|reptileDB |Python |natalensis |title=''Python natalensis'' SMITH, 1840|access-date=14 October 2019}}
{{BioRef|reptileDB |genus=Cylindrophis|access-date=22 November 2018}}
Use parameter for higher taxa:
{{BioRef|reptileDB |taxon=Pythonidae|title=Species in Family Pythonidae|access-date=22 November 2018}}
Other taxon (e.g. infraorder):
{{BioRef|reptileDB |taxon=Alethinophidia|access-date=22 November 2018}}

ASM Mammal Diversity Database

  • See also
Template usage Results
Family using parameter:
{{BioRef|asm |order=Carnivora |access-date=28 February 2024 |mode=cs2}}
Family using parameter:
{{BioRef|asm |family=Canidae |access-date=19 November 2018 |mode=cs2}}
Genus using parameter:
{{BioRef|asm |genus=Ursus |access-date=19 November 2018}}
Species using parameter:
{{BioRef|asm |id=8541 |title=Sand cat|access-date=19 November 2018}}
Species with and parameters:
{{BioRef|asm |genus=Panthera|species=leo |access-date=19 November 2018}}