--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatic archive navigator---- This module produces a talk archive banner, together with an automatically--- generated list of navigation links to other archives of the talk page in-- question. It implements .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper functions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function makeWikilink(page, display) if display then return string.format('%s', page, display) else return string.format('%s', page) endend
local function escapePattern(s) -- Escape punctuation in a string so it can be used in a Lua pattern. s = s:gsub('%p', '%%%0') return send
local function makeTable(width) local archiveTable = mw.html.create('table') archiveTable :css -- Set width so that the table doesn't spill out on narrower skins -- or when zooming in. It has to be defined multiple times because -- "stretch" is experimental. :cssText('width:100%;width:-moz-available;width:-webkit-fill-available;width:stretch') return archiveTableend
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigator class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local Navigator = Navigator.__index = Navigator
function Navigator.new(args, cfg, currentTitle) local obj = setmetatable(Navigator) -- Set inputs obj.args = args obj.cfg = cfg obj.currentTitle = currentTitle
-- Archive prefix -- Decode HTML entities so users can enter things like "Archive " from -- wikitext. obj.archivePrefix = obj.args.prefix or obj:message('archive-prefix') obj.archivePrefix = mw.text.decode(obj.archivePrefix)
-- Current archive number do local pattern = string.format('^%s([1-9][0-9]*)$', escapePattern(obj.archivePrefix) ) obj.currentArchiveNum = obj.currentTitle.subpageText:match(pattern) obj.currentArchiveNum = tonumber(obj.currentArchiveNum) end -- Highest archive number obj.highestArchiveNum = require('Module:Highest archive number')._main(obj.currentTitle.nsText .. ':' .. obj.currentTitle.baseText .. '/' .. obj.archivePrefix, obj.currentArchiveNum )
return objend
function Navigator:message(key, ...) local msg = self.cfg[key] if select('#', ...) > 0 then return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, ...):plain else return msg endend
function Navigator:makeBlurb local args = self.args local current = self.currentTitle local ret -- Skip if user provides their own blurb. if args.text then ret = args.text else -- Set parent talk page. local talkPage = current.nsText .. ':' if args.prefix then talkPage = talkPage .. current.baseText else talkPage = talkPage .. current.rootText end -- Check current namespace for blurb. local namespace = 'main' if current.isTalkPage
true then namespacePreposition = "with" elseif current:inNamespaces(4, 5)
'index' then -- For manually-indexed archives only ret = self:message('blurb-index', talkPage, subjectPage, args.type, namespace, namespacePreposition) elseif args.type
function Navigator:makeMessageBox local args = self.args local image if args.image then image = args.image else local icon = args.icon or self:message('default-icon') image = string.format('', icon, self:message('image-size') ) end
-- Hardcode tmbox style on the template's page. -- PS: Needs to be changed if the template is renamed! local mainTemplatePage = if self.currentTitle.fullText
return mboxend
function Navigator:getArchiveNums -- Returns an array of the archive numbers to format. local noLinks = tonumber(self.args.links) or self:message('default-link-count') noLinks = math.floor(noLinks) -- If |noredlinks is "yes", true or absent, don't allow red links. If it is -- 'no' or false, allow red links. local allowRedLinks = yesno(self.args.noredlinks)
if not current or not highest or noLinks < 1 then return elseif noLinks
local function getNum(i, current) -- Gets an archive number given i, the position in the array away from -- the current archive, and the current archive number. The first two -- offsets are consecutive; the third offset is rounded up to the -- nearest 5; and the fourth and subsequent offsets are rounded up to -- the nearest 10. The offsets are calculated in such a way that archive -- numbers will not be duplicated. if -2 <= i and i <= 2 then return current + i elseif -3 <= i and i <= 3 then return current + 2 - (current + 2) % 5 + (i / 3) * 5 elseif 4 <= i then return current + 7 - (current + 7) % 10 + (i - 3) * 10 else return current + 2 - (current + 2) % 10 + (i + 3) * 10 end end
local nums =
-- Archive nums lower than the current page. for i = -1, -math.floor((noLinks - 1) / 2), -1 do local num = getNum(i, current) if num <= 1 then table.insert(nums, 1, 1) break else table.insert(nums, 1, num) end end
-- Current page. if nums[#nums] < current then table.insert(nums, current) end
-- Higher archive nums. for i = 1, math.ceil((noLinks - 1) / 2) do local num = getNum(i, current) if num <= highest then table.insert(nums, num) elseif allowRedLinks and (i <= 2 or i <= 3 and num
return numsend
function Navigator:makeArchiveLinksWikitable local args = self.args local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage local nums = self:getArchiveNums local noLinks = #nums -- Skip number processing if |prev and |next are defined. if args.prev or args.next then local archives = if args.prev then archives[#archives + 1] = mw.title.new(args.prev) end archives[#archives + 1] = self.currentTitle if args.next then archives[#archives + 1] = mw.title.new(args.next) end local table = makeTable('30em') for _, title in ipairs(archives) do if tostring(title)
-- Make the table of links. local links = local isCompact = noLinks > 7 local currentIndex for i, num in ipairs(nums) do local subpage = self.archivePrefix .. tostring(num) local display if isCompact then display = tostring(num) else display = self:message('archive-link-display', num) end local link = makeWikilink('../' .. subpage, display) if num
-- Add the arrows. -- We must do the forwards arrow first as we are adding elements to the -- links table. If we did the backwards arrow first the index for the -- current archive would be wrong. currentIndex = currentIndex or math.ceil(#links / 2) for i = currentIndex + 1, #links do if nums[i] - nums[i - 1] > 1 then table.insert(links, i, lang:getArrow('forwards')) break end end for i = currentIndex - 1, 1, -1 do if nums[i + 1] - nums[i] > 1 then table.insert(links, i + 1, lang:getArrow('backwards')) break end end
-- Output the wikitable. local width if noLinks <= 3 then width = string.format('%dem', noLinks * 10) elseif noLinks <= 7 then width = string.format('%dem', (noLinks + 3) * 5) else width = '37em' end local table = makeTable(width) for _, s in ipairs(links) do table:tag("td"):wikitext(s) end return tostring(table)end
function Navigator:__tostring local args = self.args local boxComponents -- Is |omit filled? If not, make the whole box. if args.omit
'annual' then -- The links are in the banner for annual archives for backwards -- comptatibility with . boxComponents = self:makeMessageBox else boxComponents = self:makeMessageBox .. '\n' .. self:makeArchiveLinksWikitable end -- We're omitting the banner, so we should only make the links table. elseif args.omit
'archives' then boxComponents = self:makeMessageBox end
-- Allow for demo pages to be edited freely. if not args.demospace then boxComponents = boxComponents .. ' __NONEWSECTIONLINK__ __NOEDITSECTION__ __ARCHIVEDTALK__' end
return boxComponentsend
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exports-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local p =
function p._exportClasses return end
function p._aan(args, cfg, currentTitle) cfg = cfg or mw.loadData('Module:Archive/config/sandbox') currentTitle = currentTitle or mw.title.getCurrentTitle local aan = Navigator.new(args, cfg, currentTitle) return tostring(aan)end
function p.aan(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame,) return p._aan(args)end
return p