Miss Brazil World 2011 Explained

Date:August 13, 2011
Venue:Hotel do Fradei, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Winner:Juceila Bueno
Congeniality:Benazira Djoco
Photogenic:Késsia Cortez

Miss Brazil World 2011 was the 22nd edition of the Miss Brazil World pageant and 6th under MMB Productions & Events. The contest took place on August 13, 2011. Each state, the Federal District and various Insular Regions competed for the title. Kamilla Salgado of Pará crowned Juceila Bueno of Rio Grande do Sul at the end of the contest. Bueno represented Brazil at Miss World 2011. The contest was held at the Hotel do Frade in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[1] [2] [3]



Miss Brazil World 2011
  • Juceila Bueno[4]
1st Runner-Up
  • – Mariane Silvestre[5]
2nd Runner-Up
  • – Ana Cecília Cunha[6]
3rd Runner-Up
  • – Mariana Bathke
4th Runner-Up
  • – Késsia Cortez
Top 11[7]
  • – Rhaíssa Sivier
  • – Kellin Schmidt
  • – Vanessa Koetz
  • – Aline Reis
  • – Juliane Késsia
  • – Camila Serakides
Top 18
  • – Daniella Borçato
  • - Paloma Vega
  • – Paula Helwanger
  • – Mariana Albuquerque
  • – Luzielle Vasconcelos
  • – Kahuany Tufaile
  • – Stefanie Figueiredo

Regional Queens of Beauty

Miss Brazilian Islands
Miss Midwest
  • - Kellin Schmidt
Miss North
  • - Camila Serakides
Miss Northeast
  • - Mariane Silvestre
Miss South
  • - Juceila Bueno[8]
Miss Southeast
  • - Ana Cecília Cunha

Special Awards

Miss Blogger UOL
  • - Nataly Uchôa
Miss Congeniality
  • - Benazira Djoco
Miss Cordiality
  • - Daniella Borçato
Miss Elegance
Miss Photogenic
  • - Késsia Cortez
Miss Press

Challenge Events

Beauty with a Purpose

Final ResultsContestant
1st Runner-Up
  • - Juceila Bueno
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Ana Cecília Cunha
Top 5
  • - Renata Reis Mendes
  • - Camila Serakides

Beach Beauty Brazil

Final ResultsContestant
  • - Mariana Bathke
1st Runner-Up
  • - Juceila Bueno
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Priscila Winny

Best Model Brazil

Final ResultsContestant
  • - Juceila Bueno
1st Runner-Up
  • - Mariane Silvestre
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Juliane Késsia
  • - Késsia Cortez

Miss Creativity

Final ResultsContestant
  • - Luzielle Vasconcelos
1st Runner-Up
  • - Juceila Bueno
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Kahuany Tufaile
  • - Mariana Bathke

Miss Sportswoman Brazil

Final ResultsContestant
  • - Mariana Albuquerque
1st Runner-Up
  • - Kahuany Tufaile
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Renata Reis Mendes
Top 9
  • - Daniella Borçato
  • - Josilene Modesto
  • - Beatriz Sousa
  • - Rhaíssa Siviero
  • - Nataly Uchôa
  • - Thaiany Bittencourt

Miss Talent

Final ResultsContestant
  • - Camila Serakides
1st Runner-Up
  • - Késsia Cortez
2nd Runner-Up
  • - Nataly Uchôa
  • - Ana Cecília Cunha


The delegates for Miss Brazil World 2011 were:[7] [9]


Insular Regions


Did not compete

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Juceila Bueno do Rio Grande do Sul é a Miss Brasil Mundo 2011 . 2022-06-05 . pt-BR . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107130835/https://curiosando.com.br/juceila-bueno-do-rio-grande-do-sul-miss-brasil-mundo-2011/ . live .
  2. Web site: R7 . Gaúcha é a Miss Mundo Brasil 2011 . 2022-06-05 . Correio do Povo . pt-br . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107035447/https://www.correiodopovo.com.br/arteagenda/ga%C3%BAcha-%C3%A9-a-miss-mundo-brasil-2011-1.69753 . live .
  3. Web site: Redação . 2011-08-16 . Juceila Bueno é a Miss Mundo Brasil . 2022-06-05 . Revista CARAS . pt-br . 2021-01-09 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210109170030/https://caras.uol.com.br/arquivo/gaucha-juceila-bueno-e-miss-mundo-brasil.phtml . live .
  4. Web site: Candidata do Rio Grande do Sul vence o concurso Miss Mundo Brasil - Dourados Agora - Notícias de Dourados-MS . 2022-06-05 . pt-BR.
  5. Web site: Representante de SE fica em segundo lugar no Miss Mundo Brasil . 2022-06-05 . A8 Sergipe . 2021-01-08 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210108134601/https://a8se.com/noticias/brasil/representante-de-se-fica-em-segundo-lugar-no-miss-mundo-brasil/ . live .
  6. Web site: Beldade paulistana sósia de Larissa Riquelme foi 3º lugar no Miss Taekwondo . 2022-06-05 . noticias.uol.com.br . pt-br . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107112103/https://noticias.uol.com.br/tabloide/ultimas-noticias/2011/08/16/beldade-paulistana-sosia-de-larissa-riquelme-foi-3-lugar-no-miss-taekwondo.htm . live .
  7. Web site: Miss Mundo Brasil 2011 . 2022-06-05 . Concurso Nacional de Beleza . pt-BR . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107081910/http://www.concursonacionaldebeleza.com.br/histrico/2016/2/7/miss-mundo-brasil-2011 . live .
  8. Web site: EGO - NOTÍCIAS - Namorada de jogador de futebol leva o título de 'Miss Mundo Brasil 2011' . 2022-06-05 . ego.globo.com . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107155151/http://ego.globo.com/Gente/Noticias/0,,MUL1670030-9798,00-NAMORADA+DE+JOGADOR+DE+FUTEBOL+LEVA+O+TITULO+DE+MISS+MUNDO+BRASIL.html . live .
  9. Web site: Conheça algumas das candidatas a Miss Mundo Brasil 2011 . 2022-06-05 . CidadeVerde.com . en . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107161557/https://cidadeverde.com/noticias/82140/conheca-algumas-das-candidatas-a-miss-mundo-brasil-2011 . live .
  10. Web site: Família de misses do Amapá tem três irmãs detentoras de títulos de beleza . 2022-06-05 . noticias.uol.com.br . pt-br . 2021-01-09 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210109142019/https://noticias.uol.com.br/tabloide/ultimas-noticias/2011/08/09/familia-de-misses-do-amapa-tem-tres-irmas-detentoras-de-titulos-de-beleza.htm . live .
  11. Web site: EGO - NOTÍCIAS - Tá na mesa! Candidatas ao Miss Mundo 2011 mostram que são boas de garfo e faca . 2022-06-05 . ego.globo.com . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107035952/http://ego.globo.com/Gente/Noticias/0,,MUL1669981-9798,00-TA+NA+MESA+CANDIDATAS+AO+MISS+MUNDO+MOSTRAM+QUE+SAO+BOAS+DE+GARFO+E+FACA.html . live .
  12. Web site: Nordeste . Diário do . 2012-01-21 . MUSA do BLOG > Uma sereia nas águas do sertão . 2022-06-05 . Diário sertão Central . pt-BR . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107073035/http://blogs.diariodonordeste.com.br/sertaocentral/beleza/musa-do-blog-uma-sereia-nas-aguas-do-sertao/7679 . live .
  13. Web site: MS . Do G1 . 2011-08-10 . Estudante de Direito representa MS na disputa do Miss Mundo Brasil . 2022-06-05 . Mato Grosso do Sul . pt-br . 2021-01-09 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210109180058/http://g1.globo.com/mato-grosso-do-sul/noticia/2011/08/estudante-de-direito-representa-ms-na-disputa-do-miss-mundo-brasil.html . live .
  14. Web site: TEMPO . O. . 2010-07-01 . Betinense é Miss Minas Gerais Mundo O TEMPO . 2022-06-05 . www.otempo.com.br . pt-BR . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107163002/https://www.otempo.com.br/o-tempo-betim/betinense-e-miss-minas-gerais-mundo-1.18717 . live .
  15. Web site: EGO - NOTÍCIAS - Modelo africana exibe formas curiosas em concurso de beleza no Brasil . 2022-06-05 . ego.globo.com . 2021-01-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210107164841/http://ego.globo.com/Gente/Noticias/0,,MUL1669957-9798,00-MODELO+AFRICANA+EXIBE+FORMAS+CURIOSAS+EM+CONCURSO+DE+BELEZA+NO+BRASIL.html . live .
  16. Web site: MWTI . Luzielle Vasconcelos é declarada Miss Mundo Pernambuco . 2022-06-05 . Blog A Voz da Vitória . pt-BR . 2021-01-09 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210109132344/https://www.avozdavitoria.com/luzielle-vasconcelos-e-declarada-miss-mundo-pernambuco/ . live .
  17. Web site: Canindé Soares Fotojornalismo – Natal – RN – Brasil . 2022-06-05 . canindesoares.com . 2021-01-11 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210111044732/https://canindesoares.com/kessia-cortez-e-a-miss-mundo-rn-2011#:~:text=K%C3%A9ssia%20Cortez,%20de%20apenas%2019,a%20Miss%20Simpatia%20do%20concurso. . live .
  18. Web site: "Não me acho a mulher mais bonita do Brasil", diz vencedora . 2022-06-05 . www.bol.uol.com.br . pt-br.
  19. Web site: 2011-05-05 . Mariana Barthke representa Santa Catarina no Miss Mundo ND Mais . 2022-06-05 . ndmais.com.br . pt-BR . 2020-10-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20201026205948/https://ndmais.com.br/diversao/mariana-bartck-representa-santa-catarina-no-miss-mundo/ . live .