Miroslav Marcovich Explained

Miroslav Marcovich
Birth Date:1919 3, df=yes
Birth Place:Belgrade, Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Death Place:Urbana, Illinois, US

Miroslav Marcovich (March 18, 1919  - June 14, 2001) was a Serbian-American philologist and university professor.

Early life

Marcovich was born in Belgrade, Serbia. He studied at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy graduating in 1942. In 1943, he served as the assistant to Georg Ostrogorsky, an expert in Byzantine studies. He fought with the Yugoslav Partisans under Josip Broz Tito during World War II between 1944 and 1946. In 1953, he traveled to India where he began working at Visva-Bharati University.[1]


In 1955, he moved to Mérida and worked as a professor of Ancient Greek and philosophy from 1955 to 1962 at the University of the Andes, Venezuela. In 1962, he taught at the University of Bonn invited by Hans Herter. Between 1963 and 1968, he taught at the University of Cambridge. When classical scholar and paleographer Alexander Turyn—Professor at the University of Illinois—retired in 1969, Marcovich moved to Urbana, where he was the Head of the Department of Classics (1973–77), and taught there until his retirement in 1989.[1]

During those years he was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, Trinity College, Dublin, and was an Albert Einstein Visiting Fellow in Tel Aviv.[1]

Marcovich also founded the Illinois Classical Studies journal, and served as its editor for 12 years.[1]


Marcovich focused his scholarship on textual criticism of philosophical and religious texts, mainly in Greek. He edited Heraclitus' fragments twice during his time in Cambridge, in 1967 (editio maior) and 1968 (editio minor); the former, he also translated in Italian in 1968 and has been reprinted without alterations in 2017. A prolific author, he published two collections of papers on ancient philosophy and religion—in 1965 and 1988. He had an uncommon breath of interests. At the beginning of his career, he edited the Davidiad by Marko Marulić (1957) and the Latin poems by Dalmatian poet and humanist Franjo Božičević (1958), both in first edition, and translated (in Spanish) and commented the Bhagavad-Gītā, one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism (1958). In 1968, he published a critical edition of Hippolytus' "Refutation of All Heresies",[2] in which he revised the text published at the beginning of the century by Paul Wendland and for the first time welcomed unpublished conjectures by Hermann Fränkel, that certain passages in the codex unicus of Hippolytus' text are displaced.[3]

In 1985 he published a monograph on Greek tragic trimeter, and some years later two collection of studies on Greek poetry (1991) and on textual criticism of Patristic texts (1994).

Starting from his time in Cambridge, he became increasingly interested in Greek philosophy and Christianity, contributing to the Pauly-Wissowa with a monographic article on Heraclitus (1965) and editing, as mentioned before, Hippolytus' treatise "Refutation of All Heresies" (1968). He remained prolific in his late years after retirement, producing a series of critical editions, mainly of Christian authors: Prosper of Aquitaine ("De providentia Dei", 1989), Athenagoras of Athens ("Legatio pro Christianis", 1990; "De resurrectione mortuorum" [sp.], 2000), Justin the Martyr ("Cohortatio ad Graecos", "De monarchia" and "Oratio ad Graecos" [all sp.], 1990; "Apologiae pro Christianis", 1994; "Dialogus cum Tryphone", 1997), Tatian ("Oratio ad Graecos", 1995), Theophilus of Antioch ("Ad Autolycum", 1995), Origen ("Contra Celsum", 2001) and Clement of Alexandria (“Protrepticus”, 1995; "Paedagogus", 2002 [published posthumously]). At the same time, he edited and commented the Alcestis Barcinoensis (1988) and produced three Teubner editions: Theodore Prodromos' "De Rhodante et Dosiclis amoribus" (1992), Diogenes Laërtius' "Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers" (2-volumes set, 1999, which included unpublished Byzantine paraphrases;[4] Hans Gärtner edited a volume of indexes in 2002) and Eustathios Makrembolites' "De Hysmines et Hysminiae amoribus libri XI" (2001 [published posthumously]).[5]

During his lifetime, Marcovich wrote and edited more than 30 books (not including the various issues of Illinois Classical Studies) and wrote 253 articles and essays in Spanish, German, Latin, Italian, French and Serbo-Croatian.[6] At the beginning of his career, Marcovich also worked as a translator from German and Russian to Serbo-Croatian and published some textbooks (including Engels' The Evolution of Socialism).


Marcovich received a honorary doctorate degree in Humanities from the University of Illinois in 1994; two Festschriften were published as monographic issues of the journal he founded, Illinois Classical Studies:

Other honors include the Silver Cross of Mount Athos (1963), a Guggenheim Fellowship (1983), a National Endowment of the Humanities Fellowship (1990) and an Albert Einstein Visiting Fellowship by the Israel Academy of Sciences (1993).

When he passed away, scholars Howard Jacobson[7] and David Sansone published obituaries in his honor,[8] and so did Fernando Báez, adding one in the reprint of Marcovich's edition of the Bhagavad-Gītā. Marcovich wrote his own epitaph in English, which scholars translated in several languages including Ancient Greek and Latin (J. K. Newman), Hebrew (Howard Jacobson), Sahidic Coptic and Sanskrit (Gerald M. Browne) and Syriac (Sebastian Brock).[9]


Marcovich died on 14 June, 2001 at the Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, Illinois.

Selected works

Entries followed by [†] are posthumous. Marcovich's full bibliography, except for critical editions nos. 24 ad 25, are found in:

Critical editions

Entry no. 6 is an Italian translation of no. 5.

  1. Book: M. Maruli Davidiadis ll. XIV . Typis Universitatis . 1957 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Emeritae.
  2. Book: Francisci Natalis carmina . Academia Scientiarum . 1958 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Seorsum editorum liber 302 . Belgradi.
  3. Book: Bhagavad-Gītā (El Canto del Señor) . Los Andes U. P. . Versión del sánscrito con una interpretación racional . 1958 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mérida.
  4. Book: Heraclitus . Los Andes U. P. . Editio maior . 1967 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mérida.
  5. Book: Heraclitus . Los Andes U. P. . Editio minor . 1968 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mérida.
  6. Book: Eraclito . Frammenti . La Nuova Italia . 1968 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Biblioteca di studi superiori 64 . Firenze.
  7. Book: Hippolytus . Refutatio omnium haeresium . Walter de Gruyter . 1968 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 25 . Berlin.
  8. Book: Alcestis Barcinoensis. Text and Commentary . E. J. Brill . 1988 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Mnemosyne» Suppl. 103 . Leiden.
  9. Book: Prosper of Aquitaine . De providentia Dei. Text and Commentary . E. J. Brill . 1989 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Vigiliae Christianae» Suppl. 10 . Leiden.
  10. Book: Athenagoras . Legatio pro Christianis . Walter de Gruyter . 1990 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 31 . Berlin.
  11. Book: Pseudo-Iustinus . Cohortatio ad Graecos; De monarchia; Oratio ad Graecos . Walter de Gruyter . 1990 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 32 . Berlin.
  12. Book: Theodorus Prodromus . De Rhodantes et Dosiclis amoribus ll. IX . Teubner . 1992 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Bibliotheca Teubneriana . Stutgardiae et Lipsiae.
  13. Book: Iustinus Martyr . Apologiae pro Christianis . Walter de Gruyter . 1994 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 38 . Berlin.
  14. Book: Tatianus . Oratio ad Graecos . Walter de Gruyter . 1995 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 43 . Berlin.
  15. Book: Theophilus Antiochenus . Ad Autolycum . Walter de Gruyter . 1995 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 44 . Berlin.
  16. Book: Clemens Alexandrinus . Protrepticus . E. J. Brill . 1995 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Vigiliae Christianae» Suppl. 34 . Leiden.
  17. Book: Iustinus Martyr . Dialogus cum Tryphone . Walter de Gruyter . 1997 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Patristische Texte und Studien 47 . Berlin.
  18. Book: Diogenes Laërtius . Vitae philosophorum . Teubner . 1999 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Bibliotheca Teubneriana . I–II: Vitae philosophorum & Excerpta Byzantina . Stutgardiae et Lipsiae.
  19. Book: Athenagoras qui fertur . De resurrectione mortuorum . E. J. Brill . 2000 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Vigiliae Christianae» Suppl. 53 . Leiden.
  20. Book: Eustathius Macrembolita . De Hysmines et Hysminiae amoribus libri XI . Saur . 2001 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Bibliotheca Teubneriana . Munich–Leipzig.
  21. Book: Heraclitus . Academia . Reprint with Addenda . 2001 . Marcovich . Miroslav . International Pre-Platonic Studies 2 . Sankt Augustin.
  22. Book: Clemens Alexandrinus . Paedagogus . E. J. Brill . 2002 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Vigiliae Christianae» Suppl. 61 . Leiden . Van Winden . Jacobus Cornelis Maria. [†]
  23. Book: Origenes . Contra Celsum libri VIII . E. J. Brill . 2002 . Marcovich . Miroslav . «Vigiliae Christianae» Suppl. 54 . Leiden. [†]
  24. Book: Diogenes Laërtius. Vitae philosophorum . Saur . 2002 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Bibliotheca Teubneriana . III: Indices . Monachii et Lipsiae . Gärtner . Hans. [†]
  25. Book: Bhagavad-Gītā. El Canto del Señor . Los Andes U. P. . 2003 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mérida. Marcovich 2002. [†]
  26. Book: M. Maruli Delmatae Davidias . E. J. Brill . 2006 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mittellateinischen Texte und Studien 33 . Leiden. [†]
  27. Book: Eraclito . Testimonianze e frammenti . Bompiani . 2017 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Il Pensiero Occidentale . Milano . Mondolfo . Rodolfo . Taràn . Leonardo. [†]


  1. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Estudios de Filosofía Griega . Los Andes U. P. . 1965 . Mérida.
  2. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Herakleitos: Sonderausgabe der Paulyschen RE . Druckenmüller . 1968 . Stuttgart.
  3. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Filozofija Heraklita Mračnog . Nolit . 1983 . Belgrade . The Philosophy of Heraclitus the Obscure.
  4. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Three-Words Trimeter in Greek Tragedy . Anton Hain . 1984 . Beiträge zur klassische Philologie 158 . Königstein/Taunus.
  5. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Studies in Graeco-Roman Religions and Gnosticism . E. J. Brill . 1988 . Studies in Greek and Roman Religions 4 . Leiden.
  6. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Studies in Greek Poetry . Scholars Press . 1991 . «Illinois Classical Studies» Suppl. 1 . Atlanta.
  7. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Patristic Textual Criticism . Scholars Press . 1994 . «Illinois Classical Studies» Suppl. 6 . 1 . Atlanta.
  8. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Studies in Ancient Religions . University of Montenegro Press . 2002 . Niksic. [†]

Translations and textbooks

  1. Book: Engels, Friedrich . Razvitak socijalizma od utopije do nauke . Kultura . 1946 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. The Evolution of Socialism from Utopia to Science.
  2. Book: Plekhanov, Georgi . K pitanju o ulozi ličnosti u istorij . Kultura . 1946 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. The Development of the Monist View of History.
  3. Book: Bjelinski, Vissarion . O kritici . Kultura . 1947 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. The Critic.
  4. Book: Dobroljubov, Nikolaj . Književno-kritički članci . Kultura . 1947 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. Literary-critical articles. 5–127.
  5. Book: Aleksandrov, Georgy P. . Istorija zapadnoevropske filosofije . Kultura . 1948 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of Western European Philosophy.
  6. Book: Aleksandrov, Georgy P. . Istorija filosofije . Kultura . 1949–1950 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of Philosophy. I–II.
  7. Book: Akademije Nauka SSSR . Istorija engleske knjizevnosti . Naučna knjiga . 1950 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of English Literature. 121–558. I.2.
  8. Book: Mashkin, Nikolai . Istorjia starog Rima . Naučna knjiga . 1951 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of Ancient Rome. Papazoglu. F..
  9. Book: Florilegium Philosophy Graecum . Naučna knjiga . 1951 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Belgrade. Anthology of Greek Philosophy.
  10. Book: Tronsky, Joseph . Istorjia grcke knjizevnosti . Naučna knjiga . 1952 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of Greek Literature.
  11. Book: Avdijev, Vsevolod Igorevič . Istorija starog Istoka . Naučna knjiga . 1952 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of the Ancient East.
  12. Book: Udaljcova . A. D. . Istorija srednjeg veka . Naučna knjiga . 1952 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. History of the Middle Ages. I–II. Kosminskog. J. A.. Vajnštajna. O. L..
  13. Book: Aristotel . Kategorije . Kultura . 1954 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. Categories. Aristotle.
  14. Book: Heraklit . Kategorije . Kultura . 1954 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. Fragments. Heraclitus.
  15. Book: Horacije . Odabrane Pesme . Nolit . 1956 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav. Selected Odes. Horace.
  16. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Latín en seis Lecciones . s.n. . 1956 . Barcelona. Latin in Six Lessons.
  17. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Griego en seis Lecciones . Los Andes U. P. . 1958 . Mérida. Greek in Six Lessons.
  18. Book: Pequeña Antología Estética de la Literatura Latina . Los Andes U. P. . 1959 . Marcovich . Miroslav . Mérida. Little Aesthetic Anthology of Latin Literature.
  19. Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Počeci Indijske Misli . BIGZ . 1981 . Iveković . Rada . Belgrade . The Origins of Indian Thought . 223–331 and 439–451 . Bhagavad-Gītā.
  20. Book: Bhagavad-Gītā . BIGZ . 1989 . Belgrade. Marcovich. Miroslav.
  21. Book: Bhagavad-Gītā . Bagdala . 1993 . Kruševac. Marcovich. Miroslav.

Selected articles

All entries are arranged chronologically and, for each year, alphabetically.


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. 4 October 2022 . In Memoriam: Miroslav Marcovich 18 March 1919 — 14 June 2001 . Howard . Jacobson . 2002 . Illinois Classical Studies . 27-28 . v–vii . 23065443 .
  2. A II/III century Christian apologetic text, which is also a major source of fragments of ancient philosophy.
  3. See Book: Marcovich, Miroslav . Philomathes. Studies and Essays in the Humanities in Memory of Philip Merlan . Martinus Nijhoff . 1971 . Palmer . Robert B. . The Hague . 240–244 . Displacement in Hippolytos' Elenchos . Hamerton-Kelly . Robert.
  4. This edition has been praised for its critical apparatus, and also for the first edition of the Byzantine paraphrases; however, the constitution of the text has been criticized: Lapini . Walter . 2003 . Il Diogene Laerzio di Miroslav Marcovich . Méthexis . 16 . 105–114 . 10.1163/24680974-90000430 . 43738701 . JSTOR. Dorandi . Tiziano . 2000 . Diogenes Laërtius Vitae Philosophorum . Phronesis . 45 . 4 . 331–340 . 10.1163/156852800510252. 4182656 . JSTOR.
  5. See Nilsson . Ingela . 2001 . [rev. of] Eustathius Macrembolites. De Hysmines et Hysminiae Amoribus Libri XI ]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review . 08 . 35 . bmcr.brynmawr.edu.
  6. Sansone . David . 2001 . Miroslav Marcovich . . 73 . 8 . 746–748 . 40493502 . 4 October 2022.
  7. Jacobson . Howard . 2002 . Miroslav Marcovich . Scripta Classica Israelica . 21 . 337–338.
  8. Sansone . David . 2001 . Miroslav Marcovich . Gnomon . 73 . 8 . 746–748 . 40493502 . JSTOR.
  9. Marcovich . Miroslav . Newman . J. K. . Jacobson . Howard . Browne . Gerald M. . Brock . Sebastian . Parca . Maryline . Günther . Timo . Cassell . Andrew . Marcovich . Daniel . Blaylock . William C. . 2002–2003 . In Memoriam: Miroslav Marcovich 18 March 1919 — 14 June 2001 . Illinois Classical Studies . 27/28 . v-vii . 23065443 . JSTOR.
  10. The original publication's title wrongly reads "Marcovivh".