Mir Ali Mardan Shah, Nuzrat ol-Molk (1830 – 1897) (Persian: میرعلی مردان شاه، نصرت الملک) was a Timurid prince and the head of the Timurid dynasty in Persia.[1]
A direct descendant of Tamerlane, Nuzrat ol-Mulk played a pivotal role in the political landscape of Persia. His notable military achievements included victories against the Turkmens and the Afghans, which led him to gain favor with King Naser al-Din Shah Qajar. Impressed by Nuzrat ol-Mulk's prowess and character, the King expressed a desire to welcome him into his family. Since he had no unmarried daughters, the King proposed a matrimonial alliance with his brother Rokn ed-Dowleh's daughter, an offer that was accepted.[1]
In addition, he held the position of governor of Khorasan for many years, demonstrating his lasting influence and leadership in the region.
Nuzrat ol-Mulk was the eldest son of Amir Qelich Khan of Teymuri. Nuzrat ol-Mulk married Ashraf us-Sultana Qajar.
Issue includes Amirteymour Kalali and Nosrat Saltaneh.