Ministry of Defence of North Macedonia explained

Ministry of Defence of North Macedonia
Nativename A:Министерство за одбрана на Северна Македонија
Ministria e Mbrojtjes së Maqedonisë së Veriut
Seal:File:Logo of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia.svg
Jurisdiction:Government of North Macedonia
Employees:987 (2015)[1]
Budget:6.5 Million (MKD)[2]
Minister1 Name:Slavjanka Petrovska[3]
Minister1 Pfo:Minister of Defence
Chief1 Name:Vasko Gjurchinovski
Chief1 Position:Chief of the General Staff

The Ministry of Defence of North Macedonia (mk|Министерство за одбрана на Северна Македонија; sq| Ministria e Mbrojtjes së Maqedonisë së Veriut) is a Macedonian agency which oversees the management of the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia. The ministry mainly coordinates the defence policy of the country, corresponding with the President and the Prime Minister regularly. The MORM commands the ARM through the Chief of the General Staff (CGS).



Departmental structure

Administrative departments in the MORM help organize and deliver on the priorities of the ministry.[4] The following departments are under the command of the MORM:

List of ministers

See main article: Minister of Defence (North Macedonia).

The post of defense minister was established on January 10, 1992, with the first minister being Trajan Gocevski. The current defence minister of North Macedonia is Slavjanka Petrovska.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Извештај за следењето на примената на начелото на соодветна и правична застапеност за 2015 година. Народен правобранител на Република Македонија. 2019-02-15.
  2. Web site: Буџет на Република Македонија за 2018 година. Министерство за финансии на Република Македонија. 2019-02-15.
  3. Web site: Министерка за одбрана на Република Северна Македонија .