CS Minerul 1947 Ocna Dej explained

Clubname:Minerul 1947 Ocna Dej
Fullname:Club Sportiv Minerul 1947
Ocna Dej
(The Miners)
Ground:Vad / Unirea
Capacity:650 / 800
Owner:Vicențiu Știr
Manager:Dan Mugurel
League:Liga V
Position:Liga III, Seria X, 10th (withdrew)
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Club Sportiv Minerul 1947 Ocna Dej, commonly known as Minerul Ocna Dej, formerly known as Someșul Dej, is a Romanian football club based in Ocna Dejului, Cluj County, which currently competes in Liga V, the fifth tier of the Romanian football, following their relegation from the Liga III at the end of the 2023–24 season.


The club was founded in 1947 as Minerul Ocna Dej by the workers of the mining exploitation Salina Ocna Dej and played most of its history in the fifth tier and more than thirty-five seasons in the fourth league.

Minerul promoted for the first time to third division winning the Divizia D – Cluj County at the end of the 1998–99 season, but after was ranked 11th in the 1999–2000 season “The Miners” relegated after finished in 15th-place in the next season.[1] [2]

For miners followed more than twenty seasons in the fourth and fifth division. In 2016, the club was taken over by the local businessman Vicențiu Știr who founded in 2017 another club, ACS Vicențiu Dej.[3]

Vicențiu Dej promoted to 4th league after was finished 2nd in the Dej Zone of the 2017–18 season of the Liga VCluj County and was renamed as Someșul Dej before the next season.[4] [5]

After the 2019–20 season was suspended in March 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, Someșul won the Liga IV – Cluj County championship play-off in the 90th minute against Victoria Cluj and, despite finished last in the promotion group, the team led by Gheorghe Barbu promoted to Liga III benefiting from the withdraw of Voința Budeasa.[6] [7]

In the first season in Liga III, Someșul, with Alpár Mészáros as head coach, who replaced Mircea Bolba after five rounds, finished in 7th place in the Series X, 6 points ahead of CSM Satu Mare and Progresul Șomcuta Mare, thus avoiding relegation in the fourth league.[8]

Someșul began the 2021–22 season with Dănuț Șomcherechi on the bench, but the former defender from FC Argeș or Oțelul Galați in the early 2000s was sacked after qualifying the team for the Series X play-off and replaced with Tiberiu Bălan, that led the club to obtained the highest league finish as ranked 4th in the Series X play-off.[9] [10] [11]

Someșul merged in the summer of 2022, with the other club financially sustained by Vicențiu Știr, Minerul Ocna Dej, to form Minerul 1947 Ocna Dej.[12]


The Miners played its home matches at the Vad Sport Base, based in Vad, which holds 650 seats and having natural grass.


Liga IV – Cluj County

Liga VCluj County


Out on loan

Club officials

Board of directors

Owner Vicențiu Știr
Sporting Director Adrian Mathe
Team Manager Alexandru Szekely
Technical Manager Dan Roman

Current technical staff

Manager Dan Mugurel
Goalkeeping Coach Ionuț Bal

League history

SeasonTier DivisionPlaceNotesCupa României
3 Liga III (Seria X) align=center bgcolor=#FFCCCC10th (R) Withdrew
3 Liga III (Seria X) 6th
3 Liga III (Seria X) 4th
SeasonTier DivisionPlaceNotesCupa României
3 Liga III (Seria X) 7th
4 Liga IV (CJ) align=center bgcolor=gold1st (C) Promoted
4 Liga IV (CJ) align=center bgcolor=silver2nd

Notable former players

The footballers mentioned below have played at least 1 season for Minerul and also played in Liga I for another team.

Former managers

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Divizia C - Sezonul 1999-00 - Ediția 44. Divizia C - Season 1999-00 - Edition 44. 24 December 2023. romaniansoccer.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224142644/https://www.romaniansoccer.ro/divizia_c/tables/C1999-00.shtml. live.
  2. Web site: Divizia C - Sezonul 2000-01 - Ediția 45. Divizia C - Season 2000-01 - Edition 45. 24 December 2023. romaniansoccer.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224142211/https://www.romaniansoccer.ro/divizia_c/tables/C2000-01.shtml. live.
  3. Web site: Vicențiu Știr finanțează echipa de fotbal Minerul Ocna Dej. Vicențiu Stir finances the Minerul Ocna Dej football team. 13 October 2016. 24 December 2023. clujmanifest.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224141600/https://www.clujmanifest.ro/stiri/vicentiu-stir-finanteaza-echipa-de-fotbal-minerul-ocna-dej/. live.
  4. Web site: Campionatul Județean (Liga a V-a), Zona Dej, sezon 2017/2018. County Championship (5th League), Dej Zone, 2017/2018 season. 24 December 2023. frf-ajf.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224152053/https://www.frf-ajf.ro/cluj/competitii-fotbal/campionatul-judeean-liga-a-v-a-zona-dej-5980/clasament. live.
  5. Web site: Asociația "Club Sportiv Vicențiu" devine Fotbal Club Someșul Dej. The "Sport Club Vicențiu" Association becomes the Football Club Someșul Dej. 30 July 2018. 24 December 2023. dej24.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224152454/https://dej24.ro/asociatia-club-sportiv-vicentiu-devine-fotbal-club-somesul-dej/. live.
  6. Web site: Someşul Dej a câștigat Liga a IV-a în minutul 90. Victorie dramatică în returul cu Victoria Cluj. Antrenorii s-au certat și s-au împăcat. Someșul Dej won the 4th League in the 90th minute. Dramatic victory in the 2nd leg with Victoria Cluj. The coaches argued and reconciled. 26 July 2020. 24 December 2023. cjsport.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224160516/https://www.cjsport.ro/fotbal/foto-video-somesul-dej-a-castigat-liga-a-iv-a-in-minutul-90-victorie-dramatica-in-returul-cu-victoria-cluj-antrenorii-s-au-certat-si-s-au-impacat/. live.
  7. Web site: Someșul Dej a câștigat dramatic returul barajului cu "Victoria Cluj", în minutul 90, și va fi reprezentanta Clujului la turneul de promovare în Liga 3. Someșul Dej will evolve in Liga 3, even if it finished in 3rd place in the promotion dam. The Transylvanians take the place of the Voința Budeasa team, withdrawn from the championship. The draw to determine the 10-series schedule takes place on Thursday. 2 September 2020. 24 December 2023. liga2.prosport.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224161659/https://liga2.prosport.ro/liga-3/somesul-dej-va-evolua-sezonul-urmator-in-liga-3-chiar-daca-a-terminat-pe-locul-3-barajul-de-promovare-ardelenii-iau-locul-echipei-vointa-budeasa-retrasa-din-campionat-tragerea-la-sorti-pentru-stab-19146455. live.
  8. Web site: Alpar Meszaros, noul antrenor al Someșului Dej. Echipa va juca (și) la Iclod. Alpar Meszaros, the new coach of Someșul Dej. The team will (also) play at Iclod. 12 October 2020. 4 February 2024. cjsport.ro. 4 February 2024. https://web.archive.org/web/20240204090928/https://www.cjsport.ro/fotbal/alpar-meszaros-noul-antrenor-al-somesului-dej-echipa-va-juca-si-la-iclod/. live.
  9. Web site: Someșul Dej, alt club de Liga 3 care va aborda sezonul cu antrenor nou. Alegerea conducerii e Dănuț Șomcherechi, fost fundaș la FC Argeș sau Oțelul Galați la începutul anilor 2000. Someșul Dej, another League 3 club that will approach the season with a new coach. The choice of management is Dănuț Șomcherechi, former defender at FC Argeș or Oțelul Galaţi in the early 2000s. 3 August 2021. 4 February 2024. liga2.prosport.ro. 4 February 2024. https://web.archive.org/web/20240204124100/https://liga2.prosport.ro/liga-3/somesul-dej-alt-club-de-liga-3-care-va-aborda-sezonul-cu-antrenor-nou-alegerea-conducerii-e-danut-somcherechi-fost-fundas-la-fc-arges-sau-otelul-galati-la-inceputul-anilor-2000-19194289. live.
  10. Web site: Dănuț Șomcherechi, demis de la Someșul Dej după ce a dus echipa în play-off-ul Ligii 3, însă a pierdut primul meci din grupa care duce la barajele de promovare. Dănuț Șomcherechi, dismissed from Someșul Dej after taking the team to the play-offs of League 3, but lost the first match in the group that leads to the promotion dams. 5 April 2022. 4 February 2024. liga2.prosport.ro. 4 February 2024. https://web.archive.org/web/20240204124814/https://liga2.prosport.ro/liga-3/danut-somcherechi-demis-de-la-somesul-dej-dupa-ce-a-dus-echipa-in-play-off-ul-ligii-3-insa-a-pierdut-primul-meci-din-grupa-care-duce-la-barajele-de-promovare-19226003. live.
  11. Web site: Tiberiu Bălan, numit ”principal” în Liga 3! Fostul mijlocaș, prezentare cu mare fast: ”E transferul anului. Doamnelor, domnilor, Tiberiu Bălan este antrenorul echipei noastre”. Tiberiu Bălan, named "principal" in League 3! The former midfielder, presentation with great pomp: "It's the transfer of the year. Ladies and gentlemen, Tiberiu Bălan is the coach of our team". 12 April 2022. 4 February 2024. liga2.prosport.ro. 4 February 2024. https://web.archive.org/web/20240204125633/https://liga2.prosport.ro/liga-3/tiberiu-balan-numit-principal-in-liga-3-fostul-mijlocas-prezentare-cu-mare-fast-doamnelor-domnilor-e-incepand-de-astazi-antrenorul-echipei-noastre-19226981. live.
  12. Web site: Fuziune în Liga 3! Someșul Dej a dispărut, iar în locul ei a apărut altă echipă. Toate detaliile și cum arată sigla noului club. Merger in League 3! Someșu Dej disappeared, and another team appeared in her place. All the details and what the new club logo looks like. 13 June 2022. 24 December 2023. liga2.prosport.ro. 24 December 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224161659/https://liga2.prosport.ro/liga-3/somesul-dej-va-evolua-sezonul-urmator-in-liga-3-chiar-daca-a-terminat-pe-locul-3-barajul-de-promovare-ardelenii-iau-locul-echipei-vointa-budeasa-retrasa-din-campionat-tragerea-la-sorti-pentru-stab-19146455. live.