In number theory, Mills' constant is defined as the smallest positive real number A such that the floor function of the double exponential function
3n | |
A |
is a prime number for all positive natural numbers n. This constant is named after William Harold Mills who proved in 1947 the existence of A based on results of Guido Hoheisel and Albert Ingham on the prime gaps. Its value is unproven, but if the Riemann hypothesis is true, it is approximately 1.3063778838630806904686144926... .
The primes generated by Mills' constant are known as Mills primes; if the Riemann hypothesis is true, the sequence begins
If ai denotes the i th prime in this sequence, then ai can be calculated as the smallest prime number larger than
3 | |
a | |
i-1 |
3n | |
A |
For all a >
e34 | |
e |
As of April 2017, the 11th number in the sequence is the largest one that has been proved prime. It is
, the largest known Mills probable prime (under the Riemann hypothesis) is
By calculating the sequence of Mills primes, one can approximate Mills' constant as
A ≈
1/3n | |
a(n) |
There is nothing special about the middle exponent value of 3. It is possible to produce similar prime-generating functions for different middle exponent values. In fact, for any real number above 2.106..., it is possible to find a different constant A that will work with this middle exponent to always produce primes. Moreover, if Legendre's conjecture is true, the middle exponent can be replaced with value 2 .
Matomäki showed unconditionally (without assuming Legendre's conjecture) the existence of a (possibly large) constant A such that
2n | |
A |
Additionally, Tóth proved that the floor function in the formula could be replaced with the ceiling function, so that there exists a constant
rn | |
B |
is also prime-representing for
Without assuming the Riemann hypothesis, Elsholtz proved that
1010n | |
A |
A ≈ 1.00536773279814724017
313n | |
B |
B ≈ 3.8249998073439146171615551375