Miguel Ángel Rojas Explained

Miguel Ángel Rojas is a Colombian conceptual artist born in Bogotá in 1946. His work includes drawing, painting, photography, installations and video and is often related to the sexuality, the marginal culture, the violence and problems involved with drug consumption and production.

Artistic career

Rojas is a photographer, painter and architect. He finished his studies in painting at the Fine arts school of the National University of Colombia and in architecture at the University Javeriana. His work has been shown individually and collectively since 1972 in Colombia, Venezuela, Australia, Puerto Rico, Cuba, EE.UU., Japan, Brazil, England and Mexico. His work has been awarded first prize in photography of the XXXII Salon of Colombian Artists in 1989; The II International Biennial of San Juan Prize 1979; León Dobrzinsky Prize 1981; Prize of the XXX Salon of Colombian Artists 1986 in Medellín with special notation of the V American Biennial of graphic arts 1988 in Cali; Prize of the Riogrande national Contest 1989."[1]


Individual exhibitions

Collective exhibitions



  1. Diccionario de Colombia.

External links