Michel Puig Explained

Michel Puig (born 1930) is a French composer. In 1953 he studied composition with René Leibowitz. In 1957 he published his Sonata for Piano and, the following year, Fantasia for Violin and Piano.[1] In 1975 he composed a chamber opera Stigmates, to a libretto by Jacques Pajak.[2] Among the composer's influences is jazz, and at the premiere of Stigmates the performers included the jazz guitarist Claude Barthélemy as well as classical musicians including Vinko Globokar.[3]

A considerable part of Puig's oeuvre is musical theatre. Sa Négresse Jésus, Op. 26, a one-act work for three actors and a small instrumental ensemble (1974) was staged by Michael Lonsdale at the Théâtre des Amandiers, Nanterre.[4] His Miroir, another one-act piece of music theatre, was premiered in Paris in 1975.[5] His Monet ou la passion de la réalité, a one-act work for solo actress accompanied by clarinet, violin and piano, was first performed at the Semaines musicales internationales d'Orléans in 1979.[6] Puig composed the music for a 1965 adaptation of Molière's The School for Wives starring François Périer,[7] and set Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark for a cast of five actresses and eight actors and an instrumental ensemble of five players, premiered at the Festival d'Avignon in 1971.[8]

Puig was for some time a teacher; his former students include Michèle Bokanowski.[9]

Notes and References

  1. La communication par le geste: actes des sessions organisées par le Centre de recherches du Sacre, a l'Arbresle, 1965$1968, Centre de Recherches du Sacre, Paris: Le Centurion, 1970, p. 41 (in French)
  2. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?fn=search&ct=search&initialSearch=true&mode=Basic&tab=local_tab&indx=1&dum=true&srt=rank&vid=BLVU1&frbg=&tb=t&vl%28freeText0%29=Michel+Puig&scp.scps=scope%3A%28BLCONTENT%29&vl%28488279563UI0%29=any&vl%28488279563UI0%29=title&vl%28488279563UI0%29=any "Stigmates"
  3. http://catalogue.cdmc.asso.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/ALOES/0041413/stigmates "Stigmates"
  4. http://catalogue.cdmc.asso.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/ALOES/0096080/sa-negresse-jesus-op-26 "Sa Négresse Jésus"
  5. http://catalogue.cdmc.asso.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/ALOES/0041401/miroir "Miroirs"
  6. http://catalogue.cdmc.asso.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/ALOES/0041407/monet-ou-la-passion-de-la-realite "Monet ou la passion de la réalité"
  7. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=moreTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=BLLSA2114958&indx=3&recIds=BLLSA2114958&recIdxs=2&elementId=2&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=3&frbg=&rfnGrpCounter=1&vl(488279563UI0)=any&dscnt=0&scp.scps=scope%3A%28BLCONTENT%29&tb=t&fctV=audio&mode=Basic&vid=BLVU1&rfnGrp=1&srt=rank&tab=local_tab&fctN=facet_rtype&dum=true&vl(freeText0)=Michel%20Puig%20&dstmp=1525592514612 "L'ecole des femmes"
  8. http://catalogue.cdmc.asso.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/ALOES/0041390/chasse-au-snark-la "La Chasse au Snark"
  9. http://www.cdmc.asso.fr/en/ressources/compositeurs/biographies/bokanowski-michele-1943 "Michèle Bokanowski"