Michael Stocker Explained

Region:Western philosophy
Era:20th-century philosophy
Michael Stocker
Birth Date:1939
Death Date:2024
Institutions:Syracuse University
Main Interests:moral psychology, moral philosophy, ethical theory
Thesis Title:Supererogation
Thesis Url:https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/17516124?q&versionId=20541459
Thesis Year:1965
Doctoral Advisor:Roderick Firth, John Rawls
Notable Ideas:Dirty hands and moral immorality, schizophrenia of modern ethical theories, plural and conflicting values, ethical and moral psychological significance of friendship and emotion
Education:Harvard University (Ph.D.), Columbia College (B.A.)
Influences:Sidney Morgenbesser

Michael Adam Gerber Stocker was a 20th-century American political philosopher. He held the Irwin & Marjorie Guttag Professorship of Ethics and Political Philosophy at Syracuse University. [1] Stocker is known for his works on ethics; he authored the seminal paper, "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories".[2]


He earned his B.A. from Columbia College, where he was a student of Sidney Morgenbesser, and Ph.D. (1966) from Harvard University, where he wrote his dissertation on supererogation under the direction of John Rawls.



Select articles, book chapters (co-)authored

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Michael Stocker . PhilPeople . en.
  2. Web site: The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories - Michael Stocker - The Journal of Philosophy (Philosophy Documentation Center) . www.pdcnet.org.