Members of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly, 1986–1989 explained

This is a list of members of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly from 1986 to 1989:

NamePartyDistrictYears in office
Labor 1974–1996
Labor 1968–1989
Labor 1983–1993
Labor 1968–1989
Liberal 1983–2005
Labor 1980–2001
Labor 1971–1988
Labor 1983–1992
Labor 1973–1988
Labor 1968–1987
Labor 1983–1989
Labor 1974–1991
Liberal 1984–1989
Liberal 1974–1996
Liberal 1982–2001
Liberal 1974–1989
Labor 1988–2001
Labor 1961–1986
Labor 1987–1993
Labor 1986–1990
Labor 1968–1989
Labor 1986–2006
Liberal 1947–1949; 1956–1993
Liberal 1987–1989
Labor 1977–2001
Liberal 1977–1990
Labor 1983–1996
Labor 1982–1994
Labor 1977–1989
National 1986–2005
Labor 1984–1986
Labor 1968–1989
Liberal 1974–1987
Labor 1986–1994
Liberal 1987–1989
Liberal 1986–1996
Liberal 1986–1989
Liberal 1977–1993
Labor 1986–2006
Liberal 1968–1991
National 1986–1987
Labor 1980–1990
Labor 1977–1993
Labor 1983–1989
Labor 1988–2013
Liberal 1965–1988
National 1986–1989
Labor 1983–1996
Labor 1983–1993
Liberal 1977–1987
National 1971–1989
Labor 1981–1996
Labor 1986–2001
Liberal 1971–1993
Labor 1971–1987
National 1986–2008
Labor 1983–1993
Liberal 1988–2001
Liberal 1975–1989
Labor 1983–1993
Labor 1986–1996
Liberal 1974–1993
National 1987–2001
Liberal 1977–1989
Labor 1977–1993


On 4 April 1986, the Labor member for Cockburn, Clive Hughes, died. Labor candidate Norm Marlborough won the resulting by-election on 7 June 1986.

On 16 April 1986, the Labor member for Victoria Park, Ron Davies, resigned to take up the role of Agent-General for Western Australia in London. Labor candidate Dr Geoff Gallop won the resulting by-election on 7 June 1986.

On 14 March 1987, the National member for Narrogin, Cambell Nalder, died. National candidate Bob Wiese won the resulting by-election on 9 May 1987.

On 18 March 1987, the Labor member for Morley-Swan, Hon Arthur Tonkin, resigned. Labor candidate Frank Donovan won the resulting by-election on 9 May 1987.

On 18 March 1987, the Labor member for Perth, Terry Burke, resigned. Labor candidate Dr Ian Alexander won the resulting by-election on 9 May 1987.

On 3 September 1987, the Liberal member for Gascoyne, Ian Laurance, resigned. Liberal candidate Dudley Maslen won the resulting by-election on 24 October 1987.

On 3 September 1987, the Liberal member for Darling Range, George Spriggs, resigned. Liberal candidate Bob Greig won the resulting by-election on 24 October 1987.

On 17 February 1988, the Labor member for Balga and Premier, Brian Burke, resigned. Labor candidate Ted Cunningham won the resulting by-election on 19 March 1988.

On 17 February 1988, the Labor member for Ascot and Deputy Premier, Mal Bryce, resigned. Labor candidate Eric Ripper won the resulting by-election on 19 March 1988.

On 25 February 1988, the Liberal member for Dale, former Court government minister Cyril Rushton, resigned. Liberal candidate Fred Tubby won the resulting by-election on 7 May 1988.
