Melobesia membranacea is a small marine alga encrusting on the surface of other algae. In the division of the Rhodophyta.
This small marine algae grows lightly encrusting as a thin epiphyte on other algae growing to 5 cm in diameter and c 90 micrometre thick. Conceptacles small but raised and visible.[1]
Carposporangial and tetrasporangial conceptacles are common.[1]
Very common growing epiphytically on other algae in the littoral and sublittoral on Furcellaria, Mastocarpus stellatus, Chondrus and other algae, in the low littoral and sub-littoral.[1]
Common all around the British Isles, including the Isle of Man and the Shetland Islands.[2] Holland to Cape Verde, Mediterranean, Canada, East Coast of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.[1]