Melanargia occitanica, the western marbled white, is a butterfly species belonging to the family Nymphalidae.[1]
It can be found in North Africa and south western Europe.(West Morocco, South-west Europe, Portugal, Spain, South France and Italian Alps).
The length of the forewings is 25–28 mm. Seitz - M. syllius Hbst. (= occitanica Esp.) (39 d, e). At once recognized by the veins and transverse lines forming a network of brown markings on the hindwing beneath, the large ocelli with their heavy whitish violet centres standing in between the stripes. The cell of the forewing above bears a black transverse line not far from its apex.[2]
In Europe the butterflies fly in one generation from April to June.In Morocco only in May.In Europe the habitat is garrigue ; in Morocco the edges of mountain forests.
The larvae feed on various grasses- Brachypodium pinnatum, Dactylis glomerata, Lygeum spartum.