Mediterraneibacter glycyrrhizinilyticum explained

Mediterraneibacter glycyrrhizinilyticus is a Gram-positive, obligate anaerobic, non-spore-forming and rod-shaped bacterium from the genus Clostridium which has been isolated from human feces in Japan.[1] [2] [3] [4]

Notes and References

  1. Parte. A.C.. Clostridium. LPSN.
  2. Parker. Charles Thomas. Wigley. Sarah. Garrity. George M. Charles Thomas. Parker. George M. Garrity. Nomenclature Abstract for Clostridium glycyrrhizinilyticum Sakuma et al. 2006.. The NamesforLife Abstracts. 2009. 10.1601/nm.10669. 2024-04-17 . en.
  3. Details: DSM-17593. en.
  4. Sakuma. K. Kitahara. M. Kibe. R. Sakamoto. M. Benno. Y. Clostridium glycyrrhizinilyticum sp. nov., a glycyrrhizin-hydrolysing bacterium isolated from human faeces.. Microbiology and Immunology. 2006. 50. 7. 481–5. 10.1111/j.1348-0421.2006.tb03818.x. 16858139. 38099757. free.